Hi Ladies,
My name is Josie and I have two boys, 6 yrs old and almost 4 yrs old and we have been a part of MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of Aurora North since my little one was about one month old. I was living in Colorado for three years before I found this awesome group and I wish I had known about it sooner!
I've made great friends (my boys have too) and I have loved volunteering my time to this club. My boys and I would have a blast going on playdates/field trips when I was a stay at home mom (I still help out even though I am working full time). My boys are school aged now and I am "aging out" as they say they but I wanted to help spread the word about this wonderful nonprofit organization one last time!
The website is: www.momsclubofauroranorth.com or www.facebook.com/momsclubofauroranorth.
Thanks for your time and have a great week!