November 2016 Moms

Ramzi Theory

Has anyone checked out the Ramzi theory? 

"Ramzi’s method is using placenta/chorionic villi location as a marker for fetal gender detection at 6 weeks gestation was found to be highly reliable. This method correctly predicts the fetus gender in 97.2% of males and 97.5% of females early in the first trimester."

For those that had early ultrasounds and now a confirmed gender, how does the theory pan out?

TTC since 10.07~Diagnosed with PCOS 08.08~4 rounds of clomid=BFN~Took a break from meds... Surprise BFP 03.29.09~ Natural m/c 04.06.09~50mg clomid & progesterone 06.09=BFN

Adoption made our wish come true 12.21.11~JEC 11.10.10

Surprise BFP on 03.26.16! EDD 11.28.16

Re: Ramzi Theory

  • I think you have to have the right angle for that method to "work" and it didn't even occur to me to ask the tech about this at my ultrasound. It's hard to care if it's a girl or a boy at an early ultrasound where you're just trying to make sure there's a heartbeat and it's not ectopic.
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  • Well, if you wait until the A/S (or genetic testing if you're having that done), you'll know if it worked for you, lol.

    I've never heard of anyone IRL using this method. And haven't seen an U/S picture labeled with the top, right, and left sides of the uterus necessary to make this determination. I would imagine an ultrasound tech would roll their eyes at you if you asked for such a picture.
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  • I was wondering about this too just for S&G. Ramzi says girl, but I won't know for sure for a few days.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • By this theory, I'm having a girl. We'll see when I get my VisibiliT test results back this week.

    MMC 01/26/12 

    MC 12/25/12, D&C 01/05/13

    BFP 03/05/13, EDD 11/12/13. HB 175 @ 9w2d. Its a Girl!

    <3Madeline Lorraine H. <3 Born 11/12/13 @9:10pm, 7lb6oz

    DX with EA/TEF Type C & Tracheomalaysia
    MC @ 13wks 01/15/15 

    DX Septate Uterus - surgery recommended

    BFP 3/18/16, EDD 11/13/16 It's a boy!
    <3 Clint Kiszonas H. <3 Born 11/21/16 @10:38pm, 9lb11oz

    BFP 1/11/18, EDD 9/21/18 
  • Ramzi requires a very precise ultrasound angle, it doesn't just work for any image. Well it does, but it's 50/50 unless y get the exact right angle (which is highly unlikely).
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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  • The very first U/S the baby was on the "boy side", 4 days later it moved to the other side. lol. Have another U/S tomorrow and we'll see where it's at now. My Doctor actually did my ultrasounds and she said that the gestational sac is 3D, the ultrasound takes pictures in 2D, so there's many variables. (unrelated to the Ramzi theory, i'm sure she'd roll her eyes if I asked lol). 
    Met DH - 9/2003
    Dating - 9/18/2012
    Married - 8/16/2014
    NTNP - 7/2014-5/2015 
    TTC #1 - 5/2015 (CP October @ 4w2d)
    *PCOS/Hypothyroid/Ectopic Kidney/High DHEA-S*
    HSG - All clear, ectopic kidney didn't affect uterus (yay!)
    CT Adrenal Scan - no tumors! :D
    SA - sperm count excellent, 2% Morphology
    March/April IUI scheduled -  surprise BFP w/ help of Progesterone - 3/18/2016
    Beta #1 @ 11dpo - 45.7 #2 @ 14dpo - 163 #3 @ 18dpo - 997 #4 @ 21dpo - 3799 :D
    EDD 12/1 based on O, 11/28 per Ob/Gyn (but he's wrong lol).

    *TEAM BLUE!*

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  • Im lurking from Dec 16 (mainly because I have yet to carry a baby to term yet and I am right on the edge of Nov/Dec)
    But my doctor likes to look at this just because she thinks it fun - and is interested in doing her own very non scientific study on it. She did it with my last baby 2 years ago and was correct about a boy, and for this time has guessed a girl. She says she just talks about it with her patients that she knows are chill about it and keeps track in her mind about how correct it is.

    Married to DH 10.29.11

    DD born 1.26.13
    DS born 6.12.14
    #3 due 12.6.16

  • Nope because apparently the theory doesn't work with those of us with bicornuate uteruses. 
     TinyAlligator born @ 36w, 3lb2oz, IUGR 
      BabyFlamingo due 11/30/16  

  • This theory said mine is a girl. So did Chinse gender chart, the 'heart rate during ultrasound' theory and my self-professed psychic aunt, who specifically asked my dead grandfather on my behalf :-) So, we'll see :-)
  • sweetlyuntiedsweetlyuntied member
    edited April 2016
    There aren't many doctors or ultrasound techs who will acknowledge the theory as being accurate. I have a retroverted uterus and have needed vaginal ultrasounds for my early scans in both pregnancies, so I have no personal experience.

    ETA: even if they do actually think it's legit, I've found that techs/doctors will rarely acknowledge it as being a real thing. I think folks are really hesitant to acknowledge a practice that isn't yet (or may never be) accepted into the standard of care. 

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  • As a side note, there are two things that tend to generate funding for medical research:
    1) the potential to save lives/improve patient outcomes
    2) the potential to make money

    The Ramzi method accomplishes neither of those things. So it's unlikely that it'll be studied to the extent that it could actually be considered to be evidence based.

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    BabyFruit Ticker
  • As a side note, there are two things that tend to generate funding for medical research:
    1) the potential to save lives/improve patient outcomes
    2) the potential to make money

    The Ramzi method accomplishes neither of those things. So it's unlikely that it'll be studied to the extent that it could actually be considered to be evidence based.
    Maybe not, but it could totally be fodder for an ambitious undergrad or med student who wants a publication on their CV. I could totally see several people I know doing something like that, studying obscure things out of interest. 

    Son, K, 9 | Daughter, C, 5 | Daughter, M, expected November 7, 2016
  • @KilgraveMadeMeDoIt true. Or maybe @mattanda2011 's doc will publish her findings someday.

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  • If we went by Ramzi theory US pics our first 3 children should have been boys, but are girls. We will see about #4. I'm secretly holding out for a son, but ultimately just want a healthy baby.
  • I'm going to add.. I just had my u/s today. I ovulated on the left side and baby implanted on the left side. So I think this is more the reason behind which side. I could be wrong though, and it could totally be my ute shape.
     TinyAlligator born @ 36w, 3lb2oz, IUGR 
      BabyFlamingo due 11/30/16  

  • The various voodoo all says boy for me.  As does a friend of mine who claims to be a witch.  
    It would be fun to actually do a correlation study on this stuff with an enormous sample. I hope somebody does it and publishes! I'll put a whole lot more faith in the NIPT I'm doing next week, however.
    Age:  39 and holding
    Unexplained infertility
    NTNP: 10 years! 
    TTC: Since 2014
    5 IUI:  BFN
    IVF 1:  MC
    IVF 2:  BFP!  DD 11/20/16

  • mamabear0813mamabear0813 member
    edited April 2016
    I actually asked my doc at my US yesterday! LOL This one is the right side of my body, so boy. I have a feeling it is a girl , just my gut (and my acne, though that is another wives tale). I will have to look up old pictures of U/S for my other two to see if it was "right". 

    EDITED: Right side is boy, not girl. Whoops

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