1. When DD was born, I started to drink my coffee with a straw. I was so afraid to tip my cup and spill hot coffee on her, so the straw became my norm. I still use a straw, and while others think it's kind of weird, I think it's probably really good for my teeth.
2. H hasn't been sleeping in bed with my lately. When I asked him about it, he said that I've been snoring like a lawnmower.
3. I've also noticed that I drool ALOT in my sleep. We can add those to the list of fun third tri symptoms. Snoring and drooling. So HAWT.
4. All of the false labor I've been having is starting to get things moving. I got checked at the OB office yesterday and I am 1cm and soft.
5. I hope that baby stays put for another few weeks. I still need to get life in check around here.
6. It's hot and humid today. A pregnant woman's nightmare.
7. My OB office recently combined with another practice. There are about 60 some doctors in the practice now, and as a patient I find this really frustrating. I've taken the time over the past several years to get to know most of the doctors. I wanted to at least have a familiar face when I go into labor, but now, I have such a slim chance.
8. I was going to keep teaching my yoga classes until I couldn't anymore. I recently decided to put an end date on the calendar and it feels really good. Honestly my ability to demonstrate the postures is so limited now anyhow!
9. It's voting day here and I just moved. I really have to figure out where my polling place is.
10. The nursing tank thread has me jonesing for more nursing tanks. I think I'll go outback to my money tree today and buy some new ones
1. Today is day one of maternity leave!!! 2. DS and I made pancakes this morning. 3. Add me to the list of "I had sex!" after a third tri dry spell. DH and I actually got a position to work that hasn't in a while since the bump has dropped so much. I've had The Lonely Island's I Just Had Sex stuck in my head ever since. 4. One week at latest until DS2 is born!!! 5. I have errands to run today: 6. Voting! 7. Going to the Verizon store to fix our data plan (wish me luck...I hate going there.) 8. Target! (This will be part practical and part reward for getting through the Verizon store.) 9. It's amazing how much better I feel with 2.5hrs more sleep than usual. 10. DS2 has been making some major alien belly moves lately. It has me worried whether he's just very squished or if I'm low on fluid. I had a little too much fluid with DS, so this is a new experience. My last appointment is tomorrow, so as long as he keeps moving today, I'll ask then.
1. Twelve days of work left before "maternity leave," aka my chosen last day before leaving my job prior to having baby #2! 2. It was so nice out the past 3 days, I finally felt like I got some spring sunshine in while tinkering around with DS in the yard. 3. We got a new car! It's a giant Suburban but I just couldn't get on board with a mini van. I love driving it! We are about to have 2 kids and have 2 85 lbs. dogs so it just makes sense for us. 4. My to do list is long but I'm making my way through which feels good. My most dreaded task was cleaning my old car for DH to start driving which I knocked out this weekend so I feel much better! 5. @Jenly17 same here on the nursing tanks. With DS I created my own dirty laundry basket for the nursing tanks, bras, and comfy clothes I wore in the early weeks so I could wash and find them again quickly. I'd really rather have more on hand this time around! 6. I'm obsessing about post-partum shirts. I like to wear my maternity pants/capris/shorts with nursing tanks to help hold them up for the first couple of months, but loose summer shirts that accommodate giant boobs and can be pulled around for nursing are challenging! Anyone find anything that seems like it will work well? 7. I'm finally starting to feel better! I'm still crazy congested (thanks allergies) but I got a CHILL stick from Honeydew Naturals and it's helping a ton. 8. I'm eating like an idiot. 9. DH decided not to go on his hiking trip when I'm 36-37 weeks. I'm bummed for him, but excited to have him around for one of the last weekends we might have with just DS! 10. Date night this Saturday...JUNGLE BOOK!
@lionstigersbears with DS, I tended towards maxi dresses and deep v/surplus style neckline shirts that were easy to pull to the side to nurse. I have this shirt in a few colors and love it (and it's great for accommodating a large chest): https://www.motherhood.com/mobile/Product.asp?Product_Id=982020549 These styles do show a bit of cleavage, so sometimes I'll throw a nursing scarf over, or add a snap to pull it closed a bit higher.
1. I'm still pregnant (yep, this is a good thing still considering I almost delivered her at 27 weeks) 2. Although I'm not going on ML until I go into labor, I've significantly decreased how much I'm working and I am trying to work from home more. 3. DH had a diaper party on Sunday and we have a TON of diapers. I know we will have to buy some eventually but holy moly. Her closet is PACKED. 4. This coming Saturday is the last free Saturday we have until our DD. This kind of makes me sad actually. 5. Our girl has been behaving herself lately and her heart rate has been in the normal range for 2 weeks. Makes me hopeful for a short NICU stay after she is born.
2. I wonder if we will be following this girl trend or have a boy???
3. dried dates are not good. I found a homemade larabar recipe I can use them in though
4. my pineapple should be ready to eat today!!!
5. DH suggested we see a movie tonight ($5 Tuesday!) I'm pretty excited about it
6. I am looking forward to yoga tomorrow, but I know it will be a challenge
7. I'm reading Juju Sundin's Birth Skills and I really think it will help during labor. I'm only halfway done with it but I really recommend it!
8. my work wardrobe is shrinking fast
9. my hand swelling always seems the worst when I wake up in the morning. Anyone else? Any solutions?
10. I attempted to make a chocolate mousse as a thank you to my coworkers for the baby shower, but it turned out super thick and weird... taste was great though. I will just tell them its a chocolate pie I'm not sure what my problem is because I have been struggling with the chocolate mousse texture a lot lately.
1. There is no end to the stupidity of people at my workplace. People really need to think before they speak and realize something might potentially offend someone or make them upset. I REALLY can't wait for my leave. 2. DH started the floor in the nursery last night. And of course realized that he'll have pretty much exactly how much wood we need for it given he doesn't make any mistakes. I basically told him he better not make any mistakes, bc I really don't want to order an entire new box of wood at this point. We would probably get it in time... it just pushes back getting anything into the room even further. 3. Stalking Etsy today. The seller said the decal for the wall is shipping today and of course no update on the status yet. Do people not realize I'm a crazy pregnant lady at this point and that if things don't get done when I'm told then I needlessly worry? 4. Appointment today which will be fun bc I feel like a different nurse takes my BP every time now. And then I have to explain my situation about how 'Yes it will be high now, but they're also taking it a second time before I leave now bc it goes down'... Bc even though my chart is right in front of them, they refuse to read it first. 5. On the plus side no GBS came back in my labs so no antibiotics at delivery. I feel like of all the tests/labs I've done, this was the one I was least worried about bc it could be managed. Of course it's the only one that came back perfect the first time. 6. I may talk with my midwife today about getting a note so I can possibly work from home until 40 weeks. I feel like it's the people at work stressing me out and it would probably help with my BP. 7. On the plus side of my appt, I had good results at my level 2 scan last week and we get to talk about them today. Makes me feel better that I know LO is healthy. 8. I find it slightly annoying that NO ONE in my family besides my mom and sister really kept up with me or was concerned with my pregnancy until recently. Now that I'm at the end and I had my short hospital visit and scans, EVERYONE is texting and calling me all the time. I think it's bc it's close to go time and people are trying to make plans, but it's irritating to me bc I feel like that's the only reason people care right now. My step mom texted yesterday to see how things are going... I pretty much just texted back the shortest most generic response bc I kinda felt like her interaction was forced. 9. My dad still doesn't know if he will be home or away on my EDD. His boss is kinda lame and can't give him a more definitive timeline. On the plus side, if he does happen to be away, he did say he would pay for my dad to come back home for a few days. 10. It's supposed to be 90 outside this weekend. Not looking forward to it at all and REALLY glad LO is coming soon. I feel really bad for anyone who has to go through the entire summer.
1. Tomorrow is a public holiday here! Hoorah! 2. We are spending said holiday in infant CPR classes - should be interesting. 3. Saw Alex again today - he is doing well and weighs about 2.75 kg 4. I don't need to have my c-section earlier because it falls on 38w3d, so date is still set for the 17th. Doc did not want to go too far over 38 weeks due to my high blood pressure. 5. I am officially on maternity leave from this Friday. This after I wasn't planning on going on early leave. Oh well, doctor's orders! 6. Had some of my mom's latest cake today - Banana, Coconut and Pecan Nut Cake with Caramel Centre. Yes, it was as heavenly as what it sounds. 7. I am sittting in a fast food chain waiting on dinner for DH and I. I am not cooking tonight! Gosh, what an unhealthy day - oh well. 8. We got the final stuff for our nursery, now all that is left is decals that goes on the walls and then we are ready. 9. Civil War this weekend. Got our tickets booked. 10. It's raining and the weather is perfect. Can't wait for the food to be done so I can go home and have DH snuggles. Happy Tuesday ladies.
1. Voting today! Hoping I can get out of work on the early side so there's not an insane line at the polls. 2. Speaking of work, I am SO checked out that I'm considering setting a last day when I had originally planned to work up until I go into labor. I really don't want to set a day, though, because my HR is super aggressive about then telling me my exact return date which I'd prefer to keep somewhat ambiguous. I guess they'll do that anyway whenever I do go out, though. Ugh, conflicted. 3. Super jealous of @Aquinna82 and @kbrands7right now. We tried DTD last weekend but positions were so limited and awkward it just didn't happen. Would love to get one (or more...) in before the baby comes! 4. I scheduled an acupuncture appointment during my 39th week (next week) to try and entice the baby to start making his exit. 5. Is it wrong that I kind of want him to come on Cinco de Mayo so we can put a sombrero on him and celebrate his birthdays with margaritas? 6. At sbux this morning the baristas made an extra misto accidentally so they gave it to me for free when I was placing my order. I think I may be tipping the caffeine scales today but how could I say no to a free drink? 7. So far all of my IRL friends who had due dates in late March-May have had their (healthy) babies just prior to 40 weeks. I want to be a part of that trend. 8. I'm down to wearing the same 5 outfits to work since nothing else fits me and I refuse to buy more maternity clothes this late in the game. Sorry, coworkers. 9. Anyone else having trouble breathing lately? I think it could be allergies plus the added pressure on my lungs (I have a feeling little fella is a tall guy since I feel head/hands in my V and feet scrunched up in my ribs). 10. I started this list an hour ago... time to do some actual focused work!
1. Voting today! Hoping I can get out of work on the early side so there's not an insane line at the polls. 2. Speaking of work, I am SO checked out that I'm considering setting a last day when I had originally planned to work up until I go into labor. I really don't want to set a day, though, because my HR is super aggressive about then telling me my exact return date which I'd prefer to keep somewhat ambiguous. I guess they'll do that anyway whenever I do go out, though. Ugh, conflicted. 3. Super jealous of @Aquinna82 and @kbrands7right now. We tried DTD last weekend but positions were so limited and awkward it just didn't happen. Would love to get one (or more...) in before the baby comes! 4. I scheduled an acupuncture appointment during my 39th week (next week) to try and entice the baby to start making his exit. 5. Is it wrong that I kind of want him to come on Cinco de Mayo so we can put a sombrero on him and celebrate his birthdays with margaritas? 6. At sbux this morning the baristas made an extra misto accidentally so they gave it to me for free when I was placing my order. I think I may be tipping the caffeine scales today but how could I say no to a free drink? 7. So far all of my IRL friends who had due dates in late March-May have had their (healthy) babies just prior to 40 weeks. I want to be a part of that trend. 8. I'm down to wearing the same 5 outfits to work since nothing else fits me and I refuse to buy more maternity clothes this late in the game. Sorry, coworkers. 9. Anyone else having trouble breathing lately? I think it could be allergies plus the added pressure on my lungs (I have a feeling little fella is a tall guy since I feel head/hands in my V and feet scrunched up in my ribs). 10. I started this list an hour ago... time to do some actual focused work!
My rcs is scheduled for the 5th and I am totally going to celebrate his birthdays going forward with margaritas! No judgement from me
1. I have severe office ADD. After this, I need to stay focused at least until lunch for a little bump break, then have a productive afternoon.
2. My husband is a nut. I've mentioned before that he works 2 weeks on/two weeks off schedules. When he's home, he likes to do all sorts of projects. Well, it's been raining for pretty much the past week and he has been trying to get someone scheduled to do stamped concrete edging at our house. Well... this company didn't get back to him after a week (and it's raining and he's bored), so he finds someone selling all of their concrete edging equipment 500 miles away... Guess who bought it? Yup, my husband. So, it looks like he will have a concrete edging side hobby/business this summer.
3. This edging side business is also in addition to our first garden. We have a six acre lot that we will build on someday, so he decided he wanted to plant this huge garden this summer (maybe like an acre??). I can just see me babywearing and pulling weeds now... HA!
4. I'm tired of the rain. I miss my long walks! I suppose I could go to the gym, but I kind of feel like a dork going to the gym to walk. Oh well.
5. I went to a dinner event on Saturday and went out with friends to see a band afterward. I felt like such a cool pregnant lady. Except for that I was wishing the band was a little quieter so I could enjoy conversation. Nothing like meeting friends out and not hearing a dang word they're saying.
6. I found a Snuza on our local Craigslist type site for $60. She said she was gifted two, but couldn't return it or something. Win!
7. @Jenly17The drool problem is real. I can't believe how much I've been drooling in my sleep lately!
8. I'm not really uncomfortable sleeping, but I just can't sleep! I was up from 3:30-5:30a.m. this morning, then fell asleep from 5:30-6:30 before getting up. Annoying, but it's probably just preparing me for baby time.
9. I called a chiropractor that does acupuncture in town. We will start right around my due date if baby doesn't come. He said he would only charge me for two sessions ($53/each). I thought that seemed like a great deal!
10. I'm so happy seeing all the May babies! They are all so adorable. Congrats, mamas!
1. I actually... like dates. I wasn't expecting that, because I don't generally care for dried fruits, but those deglet noor dates are pretty good. I'm not a huge fan of the medjools or the other soft/sticky ones (turns out Whole Foods has a good selection of weirdo dates, although they're in the refrigerated section rather than the dried fruit section for some reason), but the firmer/drier ones are all good in my book.
2. so tired. did not sleep at all last night. Sleep in general seems to be a lost cause for me lately.
3. Hooray for flexible jobs: I'm clocking out at noon and taking my work home to do after a nap.
4. I wish the tiny alien would stop punching the inside of my belly button. That HURTS.
5. The anticipation/dread of impending baby arrival has really peaked for me since I got a cervical check yesterday. I don't know why. Symptom-wise, nothing significant has changed. I don't feel any different. I know, intellectually, that dilation doesn't mean much (especially since I have a family history of slow/prolonged dilation in early labor).
But somehow I can't shake the feeling. It's like a weird combo of Christmas morning and gearing up to take the SAT: simultaneously all woohoo surprise presents!! and an oh crap this is a big test.
I need to stop looking for labor signs, my EDD is still 9 days away, I'll just sit hear eating my dates and pineapple pretending I'm doing something!
DH got food poisoning, pretty sure we know it was from some chicken... and now I'm paranoid that I could have made LO sick from eating the same chicken. I'm not feeling sick but I'm going crazy. Talk me down ladies!
Still haven't picked a name or settled on how to alert the IL's when I go into labor. They want to know every detail and won't calm down. It stresses me out big time even though I know it's just because they are excited. We usually agree on most things... but not this. Maybe after seeing me go through laboring he will just let me decide what happens.
I have my 36 week appointment this afternoon. They are doing an ultrasound to determine weight, positioning, etc. I really hope this LO has turned head down!
I think he might be head down because most of the movements I've been feeling are what feel like kicks in my upper abdomen area.
I'm so glad DH was able to rearrange his work schedule to make it to the appointment today. I love seeing the excitement on his face when he sees and hears our LO!
WTF, BRU!? I tried to order a glider and ottoman online last night, and when I got all the way through it told me that the glider was no longer available so it had been deleted from the order but the ottoman had been ordered. I don't want the damn ottoman without the matching glider! I'm going to have to call and cancel the order today, but I'm procrastinating because I hate getting stuck on the phone with service reps!
My EDD is in less than 4 weeks, and my house is still a post-renovation disaster! DH and I are going to make a list this evening and try to tackle at least a few cleaning/reorganization tasks per night to try to get things under control before LO gets here.
Because of #5, I really hope I get the burst of nesting energy everyone talks about soon!
Tomorrow is Administrative Professionals Day. I'm so glad my co-worker took the lead on getting cards and gift cards for our staff because I totally forgot and would have felt terrible if I had shown up tomorrow empty-handed.
I am booked solid with meetings and seminars from 8:00-5:00 on Thursday. I'm already dreading sitting in a chair for that long (and having to interrupt the meeting every half hour to go pee).
Depending on how Thursday goes, I'm probably going to work from home on Friday. Normally, I try to make a point of getting up and walking around every hour, so I can only imagine how sore I'm going to be after sitting for hours.
I feel bad for even saying it, but I really wish I hadn't agreed to take on this pro bono case recently. I mean, I'm glad that I'm able to help someone in need, but it's a lot of extra work on top of my actual job, and I'm already spread pretty thin these days. I should be able to wrap it up this week, so hopefully I can focus on tying up other loose ends before my ML starts.
1. The only appointment I have for work today is at 4pm, so I'm being lazy until then and then taking it easy when I get home too. 2. This weekend was my best friend's daughter's 1st birthday so we made the 3 hour drive up to celebrate with them for the weekend. I definitely overdid it helping set up and tear down because my feet were super swollen and I was having a lot of what I assume were Braxton Hicks. I'm relieved to be done with major obligations until this baby comes. 3. I'm SO OVER people constantly asking me how I'm feeling. I'm growing a human...use your imagination and shut up. My MIL asks me all the time and I know it's because she genuinely cares, but I can't deal with it anymore. 4. We got our maternity pics back last night. I love them. Some of them are super cheesy of us with our eyes closed, which I'm not totally a fan of, but most of them turned our really great. I'm going to post a couple on the maternity pics thread. 5. I feel so behind with my pregnancy. Everyone is either already delivering, scheduled for c-section/induction, or getting really close. And I'm due May 28th and feel like I'll go into June. 6. I ordered some stuff from Amazon last Thursday and again last night...the stuff I ordered last night already arrived this morning and I'm still waiting on the order from Thursday. 7. This weekend will be busy again, but it's local at least. Saturday I'm going to a mom to mom sale (although I don't really need anything) then I'm helping out at our local pageant/scholarship program, then husband and I are doing a bulk shopping trip on Sunday to get all household needs for a few months and to get stuff for freezer meals. 8. My goal is to not do anything on the weekends the entire month of May until baby comes except relax and get odds & ends done around the house. 9. Husband has been really great lately. He told me Saturday night that as soon as we got home on Sunday I needed to take it easy and he's just been so thoughtful lately. The concerns I had about how helpful he'd be after the baby comes are gone and I know he'll be a great dad. 10. Happy Tuesday everyone!
1. Tomorrow I have my pre-op appt. 6 days until my repeat c section!
2. The only thing I'm nervous about is laying on my back. This pregnancy I've almost passed out during a growth ultrasound, NST, being monitored. I get really nauseous and sweaty. I can't lay flat on my back. I remember throwing up on the operating table with my first.
3. Last week of work! Leaving early a couple of days.
4. DD and DH were coming up with ideas for our last day as a family of 3. DD wants to go to SkyZone. Hubby mentioned taking DD golfing. What the heck...their suggestions are things I can't do!
5. A part of me would like to go into labor on my own. I was induced with my first and I'm having a repeat c section. Not that I want to attempt a VBAC, but just going into labor on my own and having to go to the hospital not on my scheduled day.
6. But the planner in me likes having a scheduled day.
7. My exMIL is really excited for us to have the baby. We have a good relationship. We're all really close. I'm fortunate to have good ILs as well as good exILs. Makes life a lot easier especially with a divorced/ blended family.
8. My ear has been bothering me when I sleep on it. As if I need more troubles while trying to sleep.
I put my hand down over my belly button and push back (gentle, sustained pressure, but not yielding ONE MILLIMETER) and that seems to mitigate the pain. Eventually the alien gets bored and goes back to trying to dig its Shawshank Redemption tunnel out through my ribcage, which I also don't love, but at least it's a less acute (and, frankly, less weird) pain than the belly button thing.
I put my hand down over my belly button and push back (gentle, sustained pressure, but not yielding ONE MILLIMETER) and that seems to mitigate the pain. Eventually the alien gets bored and goes back to trying to dig its Shawshank Redemption tunnel out through my ribcage, which I also don't love, but at least it's a less acute (and, frankly, less weird) pain than the belly button thing.
Our aliens are conspiring. I too referred to the incessant burrowing on the right side of my ribcage as him Shawshanking his way out. Last night I told my husband he was coming out with a placenta and a blunted spoon.
1. I'm really irritated it takes so long for the Target Red Card charges to show up through my bank. Seriously. I want to know if I have any more spending money this week so I can place my $40 order to sewing stuff.
2. I had storytimes this morning ( 6 -or 8) more to go before I go on Maternity leave. The programs themselves were great, but after my 2nd one 3 moms stuck around and started trash talking pitties and sharing mis-information about how they are horrible, aggressive breeds that should be put down. I have two and they are teddy bears. I tried to gently correct them but they were having none of it- so now I just want to go home and cuddle my pups. They aren't horrible aggressive dogs... unless you hate having your face licked by puppies :-p
3. I'm pretty much through my to-do list for work and I still have two and a half weeks before I go on maternity leave- but at the same time my department head isn't really giving me anything to do so yea.
4. We've ordered the last of our "must haves" before Evie arrives- my FIL is flying in a week after Evie comes and is going to take us shopping too- that will all just be fun stuff I think.
5. I've actually been reading! YAY!
6. I took in two of my hubby's dress shirts this weekend- I'm super proud of myself. I also hemmed a pair of maternity pants my friend gave me finally- which worked out because yesterday they were the only comfortable thing.
7. I'm sorry but I laugh whenever people start talking about eating pineapple to start labor-- I've been eating pineapple my whole pregnancy and it does nothing other than make Evie dance more. And now I want more pineapple.
8. I have the focus of a gnat today I think. I keep staring off into space.
9. I read a really cute graphic novel for kids yesterday called Princeless all about a princess who is tired of waiting to get rescued so "rescues" herself (the dragon guarding her is adorable and I want one), and decides to rescue her sisters as well. I will admit it gets super preachy at points but it's also super feminist and just plain cute if you can get over it's shortcomings.
10. I'm going to stop by home depot today on my way home to get the 2 shelf supports that I need to put the shelf next to our changing table downstairs. That shelf will be where we put our teeny tiny "diaper" pail (it's just a small trash can) -- mostly because if there is a trash can my big dog thinks it's a lunch pail and just ew.
1. I feel like crap today. Super fatigued and just all around yuck.
2. I had a baby shower this weekend, and we got a lot of nice things. Now I'm overwhelmed with organizing it all.
3. Apparently my butt/hips have hit a growth spurt over the past week. The pair of underwear I'm wearing is so uncomfortable that I am going to Target at lunch to buy a new pair. As a side note, there's a Cartwheel coupon for 15% Hanes underwear.
4. My weight gain slowed significantly once I hit the third tri, until now. I've gained 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks.
5. DH is excited about the baby, but he could not care less about baby things/clothes/the nursery. It's frustrating when I get so excited about these things, and he just doesn't share it. I know it has to do with me being the pregnant one, and therefore more emotionally connected to the baby, but ugh. I've had 2 "meltdowns" this pregnancy, and they have both been related to this issue.
6. The next 3 weekends are going to be super busy, and it stresses me out. The nursery isn't done, clothes haven't been washed, freezer meals haven't been made, my house need to be cleaned. When am I going to have time to get this stuff done?!
7. While I am usually a last-minute gift shopper, I have already found the perfect gifts for both my mom and MIL for Mother's Day.
Married: May 2012 DS1: May 2016 DS2: Jan 2019 Baby #3 EDD: 6/18/24
1. I feel like everyone is having their babies early except for me and all signs indicate that I will be late. 2. I stopped drinking lattes when I got pregnant but have felt so sorry for myself lately that I've gone back to them and it feels so right. I'm not having them with four shots like I used to, but they're still delightful. 3. I am very hormonal and emotional in my 39th week. After another cervical check with zero dilation today I took the day off work and came home and cried. I'm losing the mental game big time. 4. I'm afraid of induction and c-section but feel jealous of those who have an end date on the calendar.
1. I decided to work from home today because all the 'important' staff are on a retreat and as a graphic designer, mostly all of my work is computer based.
2. Thursday is my last day of work! Hallelujah.
3. I will have a baby by next Thursday! (Being induced on Cinco De Mayo if she's not here before then) I will also be celebrating with a sombrero and margarita (obviously at a later date).
4. About to eat corndogs because I can.
5. My parent's close on their old house on May 3. They close on their new house May 6. My sister comes into town May 5. And oh, yeah, I'm having a baby May 5. SO BUSY.
6. With the contractions I had last week, I thought baby girl would have been here by now, but she's going to be stubborn, just like her daddy.
7. I got up like 7 times to pee last night. So much for 'sleeping before the baby gets here'.
8. I bought the sweetest gift to give to my husband the day our daughter is born. It's a keychain that says "I love you daddy!" and it's got a heart cut out in the middle. And the heart doubles as a necklace with baby girls' first initial. So it's something they can always have to be connected. I can't wait to give it to him in the hospital.
9. Don't think I've worn my own clothes in like a month. Several friends gave me maternity clothes to borrow which is great, but i'm more a t-shirt girl...so i've basically hijacked all my husband's shirts.
1. I feel like everyone is having their babies early except for me and all signs indicate that I will be late. 2. I stopped drinking lattes when I got pregnant but have felt so sorry for myself lately that I've gone back to them and it feels so right. I'm not having them with four shots like I used to, but they're still delightful. 3. I am very hormonal and emotional in my 39th week. After another cervical check with zero dilation today I took the day off work and came home and cried. I'm losing the mental game big time. 4. I'm afraid of induction and c-section but feel jealous of those who have an end date on the calendar.
That's all I got.
Edited because words.
1. Girl, drink your lattes and get your cry on- it's tough work being 39-40wks pregnant.
2. It sounds really difficult at the end of pregnancy, but try to focus on the quality time that you and H and (your pup!) spend together. Distract yourself with a date night, or a date day and keep yourself busy. I remember when I was getting antsy at the end of my first pregnancy, someone told me: "enjoy it, they're more portable this way!" So silly, but so true. Big creepy internet hugs!
1. I don't want to wake up and pee at night anymore ><
2. DH and I have 100 small projects inc getting the nursery together.
3. In the past two weeks I have had our U/S tech at my work do a practice one on me! (We don't deliver babies here its a small hospital) and yesterday the ER staff wanted to practice with the fetal monitor so I volunteered to use my belly. Heard baby girls heart beat!
4. I still have 5 weeks of work left....12hr shifts are kicking my butt.
5. I can't believe I have 5 weeks left of being thus uncomfortable....
6 I really need to find a comfortable pair of shoes.
@lionstigersbears with DS, I tended towards maxi dresses and deep v/surplus style neckline shirts that were easy to pull to the side to nurse. I have this shirt in a few colors and love it (and it's great for accommodating a large chest): https://www.motherhood.com/mobile/Product.asp?Product_Id=982020549 These styles do show a bit of cleavage, so sometimes I'll throw a nursing scarf over, or add a snap to pull it closed a bit higher.
1) It's my last week of work, and it's oddly bittersweet. I'm going to miss my co-workers. But my goodness I can't wait to have a few weeks of whatever rest I can find.
2) It's a good thing it's my last week, because like some of you ladies, I'm running out of clothes and shoes that I can wear to work.
3) We've got our last prenatal class tomorrow, and I think they really helped DH realize what I'm going through. In the last week, he's given me more foot rubs than the rest of my pregnancy combined.
4) My mom is traumatized by how swollen my feet are. They're not actually that bad, I've seen way worse, but she never had any swelling with her pregnancies so they're bad to her. The upside of this is that she's offered to give me a pedicure complete with bubbling foot massager tub thing this week!
5) I ordered a closet organizer for baby's room and it arrived yesterday. I had so much fun sorting clothes and putting things away.
6) I'm obsessed with ice cream sandwiches this week.
7) I absolutely love seeing all the beautiful babies in our birth announcement thread. I can't believe how many there are now!
8) Two different people have told me this week that they don't think I'll make it to my due date. As much as my rational side knows that they can't know that from just looking at me, a small part of me is still freaking out in case they're right. I'm not quite ready!
1. I got about 6 hours of sleep last night so I feel pretty good today! 2. At my appointment this morning (36+2), there was no progression at all yet: 0% effaced, 0 dilation, and he estimated a -3 station. I know things can change quickly, but I am really hoping this baby stays in until at least the due date or later so it will be easier on my mom to drop everything and come! 3. I also lost 2 pounds since my last appointment - totally unexpected based on my recent food choices. 4. My BFF is visiting from Texas this weekend! We are going to paint some wooden animals for the nursery, hit up some estate sales, and hopefully go to the Pirates game on Saturday night! 5. I have cleaned out and organized a lot of the rooms/closets in the house, but have finally decided to move a few things to the "post-baby/whenever it happens" to-do list. Mainly the one spare closet that has a lot of mine and DH's keepsake type stuff from the beginning of time! Do I really need every card that's ever been given to me? And every movie stub/brochure/program from any place I've ever gone?? 6. Only 7 more work days after today. I have a lot to do, but it's manageable since I don't plan to take on any new tasks. 7. I finished cleaning the walls and feather dusting everything last night. Tonight I plan to wipe down all surfaces, then tomorrow will be floors. Our house will be the cleanest it's been in awhile! 8. I can't wait to see DH as a dad; I love seeing how excited he is about this baby. 9. As great as he is, DH still needs to get his TDAP shot. I have been politely reminding him for weeks, but we're about to get to the "nagging" stage. 10. I think I will head home after my next meeting and alternate between work and cleaning... sitting all day has not been good for my ankles!
@ Jenly17
60 doctors in your practice?? That's insane. Do more than one take call at the same time?
2. Same here - going to go vote after the twins wake up from nap. Not looking forward to preggo comments today.
3. I think my patience is thin because it is so humid! Not terribly hot, but the stickiness is enough.
4. My daughter's speech therapist had to cancel this week's session but was able to fit us in today - I was glad for the adult interaction - needed it!
5. I read the "how dilated" thread, but I kinda don't relate because I want to hold off on Actual Labor - I am a RCS in two weeks, and I don't want to deliver before that date, ideally.
I am with you on my aversion to the verizon store. I'd rather have a vag exam.
7. Time for a nap.
8. Sill eating way too much!
9. Congrats to everyone who has already had their beautiful babies!!
10. 35.3weeks and still pregnant!!
Mama to Three Girls: Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!
7. I'm sorry but I laugh whenever people start talking about eating pineapple to start labor-- I've been eating pineapple my whole pregnancy and it does nothing other than make Evie dance more. And now I want more pineapple.
I like the excuse to eat ALL THE PINEAPPLE EVERYDAY because it's delicious. If it happens to help start labor that's a cool bonus.
If all goes as planned, only 7 more days left to
work. And only 5 of those with my boss!
We started to alert my overseas team and
internal contacts about transitioning my workload to another manager. So as of
next week, I should just be cleaning up and not taking on any new issues or
We are going to BJs this weekend to stock up on
paper goods, frozen meals and baby wipes.
Also going to Home Depot to get a new propane
tank for the grill and plants for the balcony.
Then we are putting in the car seat. It has been
sitting in our living room since Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to get it outta
My cat is the cutest thing. We moved one of her
cat beds into the nursery, as I figured when I am doing nighttime feedings she
is going to want to come in, and I wanted her to have her own spot. She has
started sitting in front of the nursery door when it is closed. Ill open it and
let her in, and she goes straight for her bed. Hope I am not jinxing myself,
but she hasn’t tried to get into the crib at all. Just happy she has a “habit”
now for when she is allowed in the baby’s room.
Sometimes we find her in said car seat though!
My ass is hurting. My hips are hurting. My back
is hurting. I think it is all from sitting in my office chair all day. Even with
hourly walks around the office, it still isn’t helping. 7 more days, 7 more
Going home to download Lemonade now that it is
on Itunes! And maybe some Prince. Purple Rain has been on repeat in my head
since last week.
I am off from work tomorrow- busy day! Allergy
shots, daycare registration, weekly dr appt and scan/NST. And we should be able
to talk to my dr about getting an induction date on the calendar. Tomorrow at
this time, I hope to have an idea on when this lil lady will be making her debut!
7. I'm sorry but I laugh whenever people start talking about eating pineapple to start labor-- I've been eating pineapple my whole pregnancy and it does nothing other than make Evie dance more. And now I want more pineapple.
I like the excuse to eat ALL THE PINEAPPLE EVERYDAY because it's delicious. If it happens to help start labor that's a cool bonus.
Agreed! I'm kind of obsessed with pineapple- to the point that my best friend's nickname for me for YEARS has been pineapple. I think it's part of the reason I loved the show Pysch so much!
1. Turns out DH gets FMLA after all. He started the job he's currently working in July of last year, but we forgot that he originally contracted in May. All I have to do is go a week and a day late.
2. This is a conundrum, because I don't want to go a week and a day late (not that I'll have much choice either way...baby will get here whenever she's ready, barring any unforeseen medical circumstances). Either way, he's taking off about three weeks unpaid, and he's discussed things with his boss - DH is pretty sure that taking three weeks is going to be okay regardless of whether or not he has FMLA. So it might not matter in the long run.
3. Figured out what the "weird" feeling I've been having that I mentioned on the symptoms board a few days ago is...basically it's hunger. I've reached a point where I can't have much more than a single serving of something before I'm full. Then an hour later I'm hungry again, but because my stomach is so squished it rarely actually feels like hunger. And if I wait too long to eat, I have a tendency towards anger/anxiety/etc. I've started making sure I have enough food around to snack on at all times and it's making a world of difference already.
4. My mom is here today and she made chicken enchiladas and I swear they were the best enchiladas I've ever had.
5. LO either really loves them or really hates them...she is moving like crazy right now!
6. I'm not sleeping at night again. Dammit.
7. I had only two of those enchiladas, but methinks I ate too much. They were soooooo good though.
8. Sun's out now, but the local weather guy is predicting some pretty bad storms tonight. I love rain, but hate storms!
9. On that note, for those of you who are also in the area that will be affected (in my case, North Texas, but I have no idea how far it's supposed to spread), stay safe tonight!
10. It's been long enough since I started writing this post that I'm hungry again...
Re: TTT! 4/26
2. H hasn't been sleeping in bed with my lately. When I asked him about it, he said that I've been snoring like a lawnmower.
3. I've also noticed that I drool ALOT in my sleep. We can add those to the list of fun third tri symptoms. Snoring and drooling. So HAWT.
4. All of the false labor I've been having is starting to get things moving. I got checked at the OB office yesterday and I am 1cm and soft.
5. I hope that baby stays put for another few weeks. I still need to get life in check around here.
6. It's hot and humid today. A pregnant woman's nightmare.
7. My OB office recently combined with another practice. There are about 60 some doctors in the practice now, and as a patient I find this really frustrating. I've taken the time over the past several years to get to know most of the doctors. I wanted to at least have a familiar face when I go into labor, but now, I have such a slim chance.
8. I was going to keep teaching my yoga classes until I couldn't anymore. I recently decided to put an end date on the calendar and it feels really good. Honestly my ability to demonstrate the postures is so limited now anyhow!
9. It's voting day here and I just moved. I really have to figure out where my polling place is.
10. The nursing tank thread has me jonesing for more nursing tanks. I think I'll go outback to my money tree today and buy some new ones
2-10. Dont need 'em. Just read #1 9 more times.
2. DS and I made pancakes this morning.
3. Add me to the list of "I had sex!" after a third tri dry spell. DH and I actually got a position to work that hasn't in a while since the bump has dropped so much. I've had The Lonely Island's I Just Had Sex stuck in my head ever since.
4. One week at latest until DS2 is born!!!
5. I have errands to run today:
6. Voting!
7. Going to the Verizon store to fix our data plan (wish me luck...I hate going there.)
8. Target! (This will be part practical and part reward for getting through the Verizon store.)
9. It's amazing how much better I feel with 2.5hrs more sleep than usual.
10. DS2 has been making some major alien belly moves lately. It has me worried whether he's just very squished or if I'm low on fluid. I had a little too much fluid with DS, so this is a new experience. My last appointment is tomorrow, so as long as he keeps moving today, I'll ask then.
2. It was so nice out the past 3 days, I finally felt like I got some spring sunshine in while tinkering around with DS in the yard.
3. We got a new car! It's a giant Suburban but I just couldn't get on board with a mini van. I love driving it! We are about to have 2 kids and have 2 85 lbs. dogs so it just makes sense for us.
4. My to do list is long but I'm making my way through which feels good. My most dreaded task was cleaning my old car for DH to start driving which I knocked out this weekend so I feel much better!
5. @Jenly17 same here on the nursing tanks. With DS I created my own dirty laundry basket for the nursing tanks, bras, and comfy clothes I wore in the early weeks so I could wash and find them again quickly. I'd really rather have more on hand this time around!
6. I'm obsessing about post-partum shirts. I like to wear my maternity pants/capris/shorts with nursing tanks to help hold them up for the first couple of months, but loose summer shirts that accommodate giant boobs and can be pulled around for nursing are challenging! Anyone find anything that seems like it will work well?
7. I'm finally starting to feel better! I'm still crazy congested (thanks allergies) but I got a CHILL stick from Honeydew Naturals and it's helping a ton.
8. I'm eating like an idiot.
9. DH decided not to go on his hiking trip when I'm 36-37 weeks. I'm bummed for him, but excited to have him around for one of the last weekends we might have with just DS!
10. Date night this Saturday...JUNGLE BOOK!
These styles do show a bit of cleavage, so sometimes I'll throw a nursing scarf over, or add a snap to pull it closed a bit higher.
2. Although I'm not going on ML until I go into labor, I've significantly decreased how much I'm working and I am trying to work from home more.
3. DH had a diaper party on Sunday and we have a TON of diapers. I know we will have to buy some eventually but holy moly. Her closet is PACKED.
4. This coming Saturday is the last free Saturday we have until our DD. This kind of makes me sad actually.
5. Our girl has been behaving herself lately and her heart rate has been in the normal range for 2 weeks. Makes me hopeful for a short NICU stay after she is born.
I'm tired of thinking so I'm stopping at 5
1. my friend had a baby girl last night!!!!!!!
2. I wonder if we will be following this girl trend or have a boy???
3. dried dates are not good. I found a homemade larabar recipe I can use them in though
4. my pineapple should be ready to eat today!!!
5. DH suggested we see a movie tonight ($5 Tuesday!) I'm pretty excited about it
6. I am looking forward to yoga tomorrow, but I know it will be a challenge
7. I'm reading Juju Sundin's Birth Skills and I really think it will help during labor. I'm only halfway done with it but I really recommend it!
8. my work wardrobe is shrinking fast
9. my hand swelling always seems the worst when I wake up in the morning. Anyone else? Any solutions?
10. I attempted to make a chocolate mousse as a thank you to my coworkers for the baby shower, but it turned out super thick and weird... taste was great though. I will just tell them its a chocolate pie
I'm not sure what my problem is because I have been struggling with the chocolate mousse texture a lot lately.
2. DH started the floor in the nursery last night. And of course realized that he'll have pretty much exactly how much wood we need for it given he doesn't make any mistakes. I basically told him he better not make any mistakes, bc I really don't want to order an entire new box of wood at this point. We would probably get it in time... it just pushes back getting anything into the room even further.
3. Stalking Etsy today. The seller said the decal for the wall is shipping today and of course no update on the status yet. Do people not realize I'm a crazy pregnant lady at this point and that if things don't get done when I'm told then I needlessly worry?
4. Appointment today which will be fun bc I feel like a different nurse takes my BP every time now. And then I have to explain my situation about how 'Yes it will be high now, but they're also taking it a second time before I leave now bc it goes down'... Bc even though my chart is right in front of them, they refuse to read it first.
5. On the plus side no GBS came back in my labs so no antibiotics at delivery. I feel like of all the tests/labs I've done, this was the one I was least worried about bc it could be managed. Of course it's the only one that came back perfect the first time.
6. I may talk with my midwife today about getting a note so I can possibly work from home until 40 weeks. I feel like it's the people at work stressing me out and it would probably help with my BP.
7. On the plus side of my appt, I had good results at my level 2 scan last week and we get to talk about them today. Makes me feel better that I know LO is healthy.
8. I find it slightly annoying that NO ONE in my family besides my mom and sister really kept up with me or was concerned with my pregnancy until recently. Now that I'm at the end and I had my short hospital visit and scans, EVERYONE is texting and calling me all the time. I think it's bc it's close to go time and people are trying to make plans, but it's irritating to me bc I feel like that's the only reason people care right now. My step mom texted yesterday to see how things are going... I pretty much just texted back the shortest most generic response bc I kinda felt like her interaction was forced.
9. My dad still doesn't know if he will be home or away on my EDD. His boss is kinda lame and can't give him a more definitive timeline. On the plus side, if he does happen to be away, he did say he would pay for my dad to come back home for a few days.
10. It's supposed to be 90 outside this weekend. Not looking forward to it at all and REALLY glad LO is coming soon. I feel really bad for anyone who has to go through the entire summer.
2. We are spending said holiday in infant CPR classes - should be interesting.
3. Saw Alex again today - he is doing well and weighs about 2.75 kg
4. I don't need to have my c-section earlier because it falls on 38w3d, so date is still set for the 17th. Doc did not want to go too far over 38 weeks due to my high blood pressure.
5. I am officially on maternity leave from this Friday. This after I wasn't planning on going on early leave. Oh well, doctor's orders!
6. Had some of my mom's latest cake today - Banana, Coconut and Pecan Nut Cake with Caramel Centre. Yes, it was as heavenly as what it sounds.
7. I am sittting in a fast food chain waiting on dinner for DH and I. I am not cooking tonight! Gosh, what an unhealthy day - oh well.
8. We got the final stuff for our nursery, now all that is left is decals that goes on the walls and then we are ready.
9. Civil War this weekend. Got our tickets booked.
10. It's raining and the weather is perfect. Can't wait for the food to be done so I can go home and have DH snuggles. Happy Tuesday ladies.
2. Speaking of work, I am SO checked out that I'm considering setting a last day when I had originally planned to work up until I go into labor. I really don't want to set a day, though, because my HR is super aggressive about then telling me my exact return date which I'd prefer to keep somewhat ambiguous. I guess they'll do that anyway whenever I do go out, though. Ugh, conflicted.
3. Super jealous of @Aquinna82 and @kbrands7right now. We tried DTD last weekend but positions were so limited and awkward it just didn't happen. Would love to get one (or more...) in before the baby comes!
4. I scheduled an acupuncture appointment during my 39th week (next week) to try and entice the baby to start making his exit.
5. Is it wrong that I kind of want him to come on Cinco de Mayo so we can put a sombrero on him and celebrate his birthdays with margaritas?
6. At sbux this morning the baristas made an extra misto accidentally so they gave it to me for free when I was placing my order. I think I may be tipping the caffeine scales today but how could I say no to a free drink?
7. So far all of my IRL friends who had due dates in late March-May have had their (healthy) babies just prior to 40 weeks. I want to be a part of that trend.
8. I'm down to wearing the same 5 outfits to work since nothing else fits me and I refuse to buy more maternity clothes this late in the game. Sorry, coworkers.
9. Anyone else having trouble breathing lately? I think it could be allergies plus the added pressure on my lungs (I have a feeling little fella is a tall guy since I feel head/hands in my V and feet scrunched up in my ribs).
10. I started this list an hour ago... time to do some actual focused work!
2. My husband is a nut. I've mentioned before that he works 2 weeks on/two weeks off schedules. When he's home, he likes to do all sorts of projects. Well, it's been raining for pretty much the past week and he has been trying to get someone scheduled to do stamped concrete edging at our house. Well... this company didn't get back to him after a week (and it's raining and he's bored), so he finds someone selling all of their concrete edging equipment 500 miles away... Guess who bought it? Yup, my husband. So, it looks like he will have a concrete edging side hobby/business this summer.
3. This edging side business is also in addition to our first garden. We have a six acre lot that we will build on someday, so he decided he wanted to plant this huge garden this summer (maybe like an acre??). I can just see me babywearing and pulling weeds now... HA!
4. I'm tired of the rain. I miss my long walks! I suppose I could go to the gym, but I kind of feel like a dork going to the gym to walk. Oh well.
5. I went to a dinner event on Saturday and went out with friends to see a band afterward. I felt like such a cool pregnant lady. Except for that I was wishing the band was a little quieter so I could enjoy conversation. Nothing like meeting friends out and not hearing a dang word they're saying.
6. I found a Snuza on our local Craigslist type site for $60. She said she was gifted two, but couldn't return it or something. Win!
7. @Jenly17 The drool problem is real. I can't believe how much I've been drooling in my sleep lately!
8. I'm not really uncomfortable sleeping, but I just can't sleep! I was up from 3:30-5:30a.m. this morning, then fell asleep from 5:30-6:30 before getting up. Annoying, but it's probably just preparing me for baby time.
9. I called a chiropractor that does acupuncture in town. We will start right around my due date if baby doesn't come. He said he would only charge me for two sessions ($53/each). I thought that seemed like a great deal!
10. I'm so happy seeing all the May babies! They are all so adorable. Congrats, mamas!
2. so tired. did not sleep at all last night. Sleep in general seems to be a lost cause for me lately.
3. Hooray for flexible jobs: I'm clocking out at noon and taking my work home to do after a nap.
4. I wish the tiny alien would stop punching the inside of my belly button. That HURTS.
5. The anticipation/dread of impending baby arrival has really peaked for me since I got a cervical check yesterday. I don't know why. Symptom-wise, nothing significant has changed. I don't feel any different. I know, intellectually, that dilation doesn't mean much (especially since I have a family history of slow/prolonged dilation in early labor).
But somehow I can't shake the feeling. It's like a weird combo of Christmas morning and gearing up to take the SAT: simultaneously all woohoo surprise presents!! and an oh crap this is a big test.
That's it, I only have five.
1. The only appointment I have for work today is at 4pm, so I'm being lazy until then and then taking it easy when I get home too.
2. This weekend was my best friend's daughter's 1st birthday so we made the 3 hour drive up to celebrate with them for the weekend. I definitely overdid it helping set up and tear down because my feet were super swollen and I was having a lot of what I assume were Braxton Hicks. I'm relieved to be done with major obligations until this baby comes.
3. I'm SO OVER people constantly asking me how I'm feeling. I'm growing a human...use your imagination and shut up. My MIL asks me all the time and I know it's because she genuinely cares, but I can't deal with it anymore.
4. We got our maternity pics back last night. I love them. Some of them are super cheesy of us with our eyes closed, which I'm not totally a fan of, but most of them turned our really great. I'm going to post a couple on the maternity pics thread.
5. I feel so behind with my pregnancy. Everyone is either already delivering, scheduled for c-section/induction, or getting really close. And I'm due May 28th and feel like I'll go into June.
6. I ordered some stuff from Amazon last Thursday and again last night...the stuff I ordered last night already arrived this morning and I'm still waiting on the order from Thursday.
7. This weekend will be busy again, but it's local at least. Saturday I'm going to a mom to mom sale (although I don't really need anything) then I'm helping out at our local pageant/scholarship program, then husband and I are doing a bulk shopping trip on Sunday to get all household needs for a few months and to get stuff for freezer meals.
8. My goal is to not do anything on the weekends the entire month of May until baby comes except relax and get odds & ends done around the house.
9. Husband has been really great lately. He told me Saturday night that as soon as we got home on Sunday I needed to take it easy and he's just been so thoughtful lately. The concerns I had about how helpful he'd be after the baby comes are gone and I know he'll be a great dad.
10. Happy Tuesday everyone!
2. The only thing I'm nervous about is laying on my back. This pregnancy I've almost passed out during a growth ultrasound, NST, being monitored. I get really nauseous and sweaty. I can't lay flat on my back. I remember throwing up on the operating table with my first.
3. Last week of work! Leaving early a couple of days.
4. DD and DH were coming up with ideas for our last day as a family of 3. DD wants to go to SkyZone. Hubby mentioned taking DD golfing. What the heck...their suggestions are things I can't do!
5. A part of me would like to go into labor on my own. I was induced with my first and I'm having a repeat c section. Not that I want to attempt a VBAC, but just going into labor on my own and having to go to the hospital not on my scheduled day.
6. But the planner in me likes having a scheduled day.
7. My exMIL is really excited for us to have the baby. We have a good relationship. We're all really close. I'm fortunate to have good ILs as well as good exILs. Makes life a lot easier especially with a divorced/ blended family.
8. My ear has been bothering me when I sleep on it. As if I need more troubles while trying to sleep.
9. Can't wait to have my body back.
2. I had storytimes this morning ( 6 -or 8) more to go before I go on Maternity leave. The programs themselves were great, but after my 2nd one 3 moms stuck around and started trash talking pitties and sharing mis-information about how they are horrible, aggressive breeds that should be put down. I have two and they are teddy bears. I tried to gently correct them but they were having none of it- so now I just want to go home and cuddle my pups. They aren't horrible aggressive dogs... unless you hate having your face licked by puppies :-p
3. I'm pretty much through my to-do list for work and I still have two and a half weeks before I go on maternity leave- but at the same time my department head isn't really giving me anything to do so yea.
4. We've ordered the last of our "must haves" before Evie arrives- my FIL is flying in a week after Evie comes and is going to take us shopping too- that will all just be fun stuff I think.
5. I've actually been reading! YAY!
6. I took in two of my hubby's dress shirts this weekend- I'm super proud of myself. I also hemmed a pair of maternity pants my friend gave me finally- which worked out because yesterday they were the only comfortable thing.
7. I'm sorry but I laugh whenever people start talking about eating pineapple to start labor-- I've been eating pineapple my whole pregnancy and it does nothing other than make Evie dance more. And now I want more pineapple.
8. I have the focus of a gnat today I think. I keep staring off into space.
9. I read a really cute graphic novel for kids yesterday called Princeless all about a princess who is tired of waiting to get rescued so "rescues" herself (the dragon guarding her is adorable and I want one), and decides to rescue her sisters as well. I will admit it gets super preachy at points but it's also super feminist and just plain cute if you can get over it's shortcomings.
10. I'm going to stop by home depot today on my way home to get the 2 shelf supports that I need to put the shelf next to our changing table downstairs. That shelf will be where we put our teeny tiny "diaper" pail (it's just a small trash can) -- mostly because if there is a trash can my big dog thinks it's a lunch pail and just ew.
2. I had a baby shower this weekend, and we got a lot of nice things. Now I'm overwhelmed with organizing it all.
3. Apparently my butt/hips have hit a growth spurt over the past week. The pair of underwear I'm wearing is so uncomfortable that I am going to Target at lunch to buy a new pair. As a side note, there's a Cartwheel coupon for 15% Hanes underwear.
4. My weight gain slowed significantly once I hit the third tri, until now. I've gained 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks.
5. DH is excited about the baby, but he could not care less about baby things/clothes/the nursery. It's frustrating when I get so excited about these things, and he just doesn't share it. I know it has to do with me being the pregnant one, and therefore more emotionally connected to the baby, but ugh. I've had 2 "meltdowns" this pregnancy, and they have both been related to this issue.
6. The next 3 weekends are going to be super busy, and it stresses me out. The nursery isn't done, clothes haven't been washed, freezer meals haven't been made, my house need to be cleaned. When am I going to have time to get this stuff done?!
7. While I am usually a last-minute gift shopper, I have already found the perfect gifts for both my mom and MIL for Mother's Day.
DS1: May 2016
DS2: Jan 2019
Baby #3 EDD: 6/18/24
2. I stopped drinking lattes when I got pregnant but have felt so sorry for myself lately that I've gone back to them and it feels so right. I'm not having them with four shots like I used to, but they're still delightful.
3. I am very hormonal and emotional in my 39th week. After another cervical check with zero dilation today I took the day off work and came home and cried. I'm losing the mental game big time.
4. I'm afraid of induction and c-section but feel
jealous of those who have an end date on the calendar.
That's all I got.
Edited because words.
2. Thursday is my last day of work! Hallelujah.
3. I will have a baby by next Thursday! (Being induced on Cinco De Mayo if she's not here before then) I will also be celebrating with a sombrero and margarita (obviously at a later date).
4. About to eat corndogs because I can.
5. My parent's close on their old house on May 3. They close on their new house May 6. My sister comes into town May 5. And oh, yeah, I'm having a baby May 5. SO BUSY.
6. With the contractions I had last week, I thought baby girl would have been here by now, but she's going to be stubborn, just like her daddy.
7. I got up like 7 times to pee last night. So much for 'sleeping before the baby gets here'.
8. I bought the sweetest gift to give to my husband the day our daughter is born. It's a keychain that says "I love you daddy!" and it's got a heart cut out in the middle. And the heart doubles as a necklace with baby girls' first initial. So it's something they can always have to be connected. I can't wait to give it to him in the hospital.
9. Don't think I've worn my own clothes in like a month. Several friends gave me maternity clothes to borrow which is great, but i'm more a t-shirt girl...so i've basically hijacked all my husband's shirts.
10. Last doctor appointment is Thursday!
5.5.16 | 8.14.17 | 1.30.19
1. Just had my epidural, and my life improved 1000x percent.
1. Girl, drink your lattes and get your cry on- it's tough work being 39-40wks pregnant.
2. It sounds really difficult at the end of pregnancy, but try to focus on the quality time that you and H and (your pup!) spend together. Distract yourself with a date night, or a date day and keep yourself busy. I remember when I was getting antsy at the end of my first pregnancy, someone told me: "enjoy it, they're more portable this way!" So silly, but so true. Big creepy internet hugs!
2. DH and I have 100 small projects inc getting the nursery together.
3. In the past two weeks I have had our U/S tech at my work do a practice one on me! (We don't deliver babies here its a small hospital) and yesterday the ER staff wanted to practice with the fetal monitor so I volunteered to use my belly. Heard baby girls heart beat!
4. I still have 5 weeks of work left....12hr shifts are kicking my butt.
5. I can't believe I have 5 weeks left of being thus uncomfortable....
6 I really need to find a comfortable pair of shoes.
7. That's all I have for now.
1) It's my last week of work, and it's oddly bittersweet. I'm going to miss my co-workers. But my goodness I can't wait to have a few weeks of whatever rest I can find.
2) It's a good thing it's my last week, because like some of you ladies, I'm running out of clothes and shoes that I can wear to work.
3) We've got our last prenatal class tomorrow, and I think they really helped DH realize what I'm going through. In the last week, he's given me more foot rubs than the rest of my pregnancy combined.
4) My mom is traumatized by how swollen my feet are. They're not actually that bad, I've seen way worse, but she never had any swelling with her pregnancies so they're bad to her. The upside of this is that she's offered to give me a pedicure complete with bubbling foot massager tub thing this week!
5) I ordered a closet organizer for baby's room and it arrived yesterday. I had so much fun sorting clothes and putting things away.
6) I'm obsessed with ice cream sandwiches this week.
7) I absolutely love seeing all the beautiful babies in our birth announcement thread. I can't believe how many there are now!
8) Two different people have told me this week that they don't think I'll make it to my due date. As much as my rational side knows that they can't know that from just looking at me, a small part of me is still freaking out in case they're right. I'm not quite ready!
BFP #1: 9/12/2015
DD: 6/1/2016
BFP #2: 1/16/2018 MC 2/2/2018
2. At my appointment this morning (36+2), there was no progression at all yet: 0% effaced, 0 dilation, and he estimated a -3 station. I know things can change quickly, but I am really hoping this baby stays in until at least the due date or later so it will be easier on my mom to drop everything and come!
3. I also lost 2 pounds since my last appointment - totally unexpected based on my recent food choices.
4. My BFF is visiting from Texas this weekend! We are going to paint some wooden animals for the nursery, hit up some estate sales, and hopefully go to the Pirates game on Saturday night!
5. I have cleaned out and organized a lot of the rooms/closets in the house, but have finally decided to move a few things to the "post-baby/whenever it happens" to-do list. Mainly the one spare closet that has a lot of mine and DH's keepsake type stuff from the beginning of time! Do I really need every card that's ever been given to me? And every movie stub/brochure/program from any place I've ever gone??
6. Only 7 more work days after today. I have a lot to do, but it's manageable since I don't plan to take on any new tasks.
7. I finished cleaning the walls and feather dusting everything last night. Tonight I plan to wipe down all surfaces, then tomorrow will be floors. Our house will be the cleanest it's been in awhile!
8. I can't wait to see DH as a dad; I love seeing how excited he is about this baby.
9. As great as he is, DH still needs to get his TDAP shot. I have been politely reminding him for weeks, but we're about to get to the "nagging" stage.
10. I think I will head home after my next meeting and alternate between work and cleaning... sitting all day has not been good for my ankles!
2. Same here - going to go vote after the twins wake up from nap. Not looking forward to preggo comments today.
3. I think my patience is thin because it is so humid! Not terribly hot, but the stickiness is enough.
4. My daughter's speech therapist had to cancel this week's session but was able to fit us in today - I was glad for the adult interaction - needed it!
5. I read the "how dilated" thread, but I kinda don't relate because I want to hold off on Actual Labor - I am a RCS in two weeks, and I don't want to deliver before that date, ideally.
kbrands7 I am with you on my aversion to the verizon store. I'd rather have a vag exam.
7. Time for a nap.
8. Sill eating way too much!
9. Congrats to everyone who has already had their beautiful babies!!
10. 35.3weeks and still pregnant!!
Mama to Three Girls:
Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!
1) If all goes as planned, only 7 more days left to work. And only 5 of those with my boss!
2) We started to alert my overseas team and internal contacts about transitioning my workload to another manager. So as of next week, I should just be cleaning up and not taking on any new issues or projects.
3) We are going to BJs this weekend to stock up on paper goods, frozen meals and baby wipes.
4) Also going to Home Depot to get a new propane tank for the grill and plants for the balcony.
5) Then we are putting in the car seat. It has been sitting in our living room since Thanksgiving. I can’t wait to get it outta there!
6) My cat is the cutest thing. We moved one of her cat beds into the nursery, as I figured when I am doing nighttime feedings she is going to want to come in, and I wanted her to have her own spot. She has started sitting in front of the nursery door when it is closed. Ill open it and let her in, and she goes straight for her bed. Hope I am not jinxing myself, but she hasn’t tried to get into the crib at all. Just happy she has a “habit” now for when she is allowed in the baby’s room.
7) Sometimes we find her in said car seat though!
8) My ass is hurting. My hips are hurting. My back is hurting. I think it is all from sitting in my office chair all day. Even with hourly walks around the office, it still isn’t helping. 7 more days, 7 more days…
9) Going home to download Lemonade now that it is on Itunes! And maybe some Prince. Purple Rain has been on repeat in my head since last week.
10) I am off from work tomorrow- busy day! Allergy shots, daycare registration, weekly dr appt and scan/NST. And we should be able to talk to my dr about getting an induction date on the calendar. Tomorrow at this time, I hope to have an idea on when this lil lady will be making her debut!
2. This is a conundrum, because I don't want to go a week and a day late (not that I'll have much choice either way...baby will get here whenever she's ready, barring any unforeseen medical circumstances). Either way, he's taking off about three weeks unpaid, and he's discussed things with his boss - DH is pretty sure that taking three weeks is going to be okay regardless of whether or not he has FMLA. So it might not matter in the long run.
3. Figured out what the "weird" feeling I've been having that I mentioned on the symptoms board a few days ago is...basically it's hunger. I've reached a point where I can't have much more than a single serving of something before I'm full. Then an hour later I'm hungry again, but because my stomach is so squished it rarely actually feels like hunger. And if I wait too long to eat, I have a tendency towards anger/anxiety/etc. I've started making sure I have enough food around to snack on at all times and it's making a world of difference already.
4. My mom is here today and she made chicken enchiladas and I swear they were the best enchiladas I've ever had.
5. LO either really loves them or really hates them...she is moving like crazy right now!
6. I'm not sleeping at night again. Dammit.
7. I had only two of those enchiladas, but methinks I ate too much. They were soooooo good though.
8. Sun's out now, but the local weather guy is predicting some pretty bad storms tonight. I love rain, but hate storms!
9. On that note, for those of you who are also in the area that will be affected (in my case, North Texas, but I have no idea how far it's supposed to spread), stay safe tonight!
10. It's been long enough since I started writing this post that I'm hungry again...