May 2016 Moms

TTT! 4/26

Ten Things Tuesday. Let's hear them!

I had all 10 written out and then TB went haywire and I lost it all. I'll be back later to post!

Re: TTT! 4/26

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  • @lionstigersbears with DS, I tended towards maxi dresses and deep v/surplus style neckline shirts that were easy to pull to the side to nurse. I have this shirt in a few colors and love it (and it's great for accommodating a large chest):
    These styles do show a bit of cleavage, so sometimes I'll throw a nursing scarf over, or add a snap to pull it closed a bit higher.
  • @merciel the belly button punch! ! Yes!! How do we make them stop that??
  • Merciel said:
    I put my hand down over my belly button and push back (gentle, sustained pressure, but not yielding ONE MILLIMETER) and that seems to mitigate the pain. Eventually the alien gets bored and goes back to trying to dig its Shawshank Redemption tunnel out through my ribcage, which I also don't love, but at least it's a less acute (and, frankly, less weird) pain than the belly button thing.
    Our aliens are conspiring. I too referred to the incessant burrowing on the right side of my ribcage as him Shawshanking his way out. Last night I told my husband he was coming out with a placenta and a blunted spoon.
  • GL @AliciaD39 sounds like you are getting close to meeting your LO!!! 
  • AliciaD39 said:
    I'm pulling an @Aquinna82 and doing a single one.

    1. Just had my epidural, and my life improved 1000x percent. 
    I remember this feeling! Induction can be rough, but induction with epidural is AH-mazing. So happy that you'll have your babe in your arms soon!
  • kbrands7 said:
    @lionstigersbears with DS, I tended towards maxi dresses and deep v/surplus style neckline shirts that were easy to pull to the side to nurse. I have this shirt in a few colors and love it (and it's great for accommodating a large chest):
    These styles do show a bit of cleavage, so sometimes I'll throw a nursing scarf over, or add a snap to pull it closed a bit higher.
    Thanks for the recommendation!
    Me 27 | DH 28
    DS October 2014
    #2 May 2016
  • Thanks @Jenly17 I really appreciate the encouragement!! 
  • EErin86 said:
    7. I'm sorry but I laugh whenever people start talking about eating pineapple to start labor-- I've been eating pineapple my whole pregnancy and it does nothing other than make Evie dance more. And now I want more pineapple. 
    I like the excuse to eat ALL THE PINEAPPLE EVERYDAY because it's delicious. If it happens to help start labor that's a cool bonus. :)
    Agreed! I'm kind of obsessed with pineapple- to the point that my best friend's nickname for me for YEARS has been pineapple. I think it's part of the reason I loved the show Pysch so much! 
  • yogahh said:
    babyfmama I want a Cinco de Mayo babino!

    Ahhh maybe we will both get Cinco de Mayo babes? These pics are so flippin cute
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