What are you freaking out about on this manic Monday? I have 5 weeks left and I am freaking out about all the sub notes I need to write. I have already done quite a few, but it feels like a mountain to climb!
I'm about a week away from my EDD, and the crazies are taking over, posdibly fed by the two years of infertility before getting pregnant. I've been having ridiculous (right?!) fears of something going wrong and not coming home with a baby. I think that the decrease/change in movements hasn't help...but the poor little guy must be super cramped in there. I also have a bunch of things I want to get done around the house, but I'm somewhat afraid given my fall in the stairs on Friday and general clumsiness. Ugh I just want to get this baby out!
I'm trying to knock out another dopey murder case, hopefully no later than tomorrow. This guy's got 21 pro se claims (lol/sigh), of which I have so far shot down 13 (8 to go!), and then I need to take care of his various insane motions. So that'll be fun.
This week is my busiest week at work in the financial cycle, and it's the last week the person filling in for me has to get it. No matter how many calendars, trainings, etc. I've done for him or with him, he doesn't look at any of it. So in a week with so many big turnarounds where you have to stay on top of things, having to stay on top of HIM to make sure he's doing it with the stamina I have right now should make this week pretty sucky. If I can just get through this week, then it'll all be down hill until my due date.
I'm entirely obsessed with wondering when/how/where I'll go into labor and it has turned me into a crazy person. I'm due on Friday and so I know it won't be too long now but it just feels like I have been and always will be pregnant. Forever. I'm doing everything I can to distract myself and it isn't helping. I've never felt like I have less control over my life, which I guess is good practice for parenting but still.
We asked my MIL to come in today (a week earlier than planned) due to a lot of false labor over the weekend (she is staying until baby comes to help watch the older kids since we don't have family in the area). I'm grateful she is coming in but my house is a disaster since I can't clean and DH doesn't understand my obsession with having a clean house whenever we have visitors.... He has a list of things I want done today since he is off but I doubt half of it will get done (he is a great guy but tends to get lazy when no one is around to push him). I'm fully expecting to freak out about the house when I get home from work even though I know MIL doesn't care and will understand the house being dirty.
Freaking out because OH MY GOD can this just happen already. False labor since Friday and every time it comes on I'm like "ok, is this it??" Then it wanes and it's like ok...more waiting. My back is killing me, stuff just keeps coming out of me and I am starting to think I'll be pregnant until the end of time. Oh, and I almost cried when my husband left for work because I didnt want him to leave me because I'm a crazy person.
I'm strongly considering an email to my boss and HR asking that my leave begin this week. The original plan was to work until delivery but I've been sick the last 3 days of work and I worry I'm actually doing more harm to the team because of my uncertainty then I would if they just knew I was out for the school year.
This is my last day of work before maternity leave and it is draaaaaagging so far. I really shouldn't complain, because I'm so close to meeting this LO, but I'm uncomfortable, I feel a bit under the weather today (I'm really hoping that I haven't been given the parting gift of a cold), and I'd just like to hand things off to my sub officially already.
OMG this was such a crap morning and it's not even baby related. I have about 4.5 weeks to go. My 3 year old was putting up a fight over everything. DH was being a douche. I needed to get to work early today but wasted so much time bickering. Accident and traffic back-up on my main road to work, took me an hour and 20 minutes to get there. Boss calls when I'm about 5 minutes away asking where I was... ugghhh... Today, I'm grateful that my maternity leave will give me some relief from my sh*tty commute. ~Just another Manic Monday ohhh-wooaahhh~
One friend had her baby 2 weeks ago (on time) and another friend is getting induced today (medical reasons) and I get to wait 2.5 weeks until my due date (or later... please no!), I really want to meet my baby... I'm going to eat so much pineapple
@ladysamlady I also think about the how/when/where and how convenient/inconvenient it will be
One friend had her baby 2 weeks ago (on time) and another friend is getting induced today (medical reasons) and I get to wait 2.5 weeks until my due date (or later... please no!), I really want to meet my baby... I'm going to eat so much pineapple
@ladysamlady I also think about the how/when/where and how convenient/inconvenient it will be
This weekend I ate 5lbs of pineapple and walked close to 8 miles. OWTs can kiss my pregnant butt.
I'm about a week away from my EDD, and the crazies are taking over, posdibly fed by the two years of infertility before getting pregnant. I've been having ridiculous (right?!) fears of something going wrong and not coming home with a baby. I think that the decrease/change in movements hasn't help...but the poor little guy must be super cramped in there. I also have a bunch of things I want to get done around the house, but I'm somewhat afraid given my fall in the stairs on Friday and general clumsiness. Ugh I just want to get this baby out!
I fully understand! I'm in the same boat. LO's schedule has changed so much that sometimes I forget and it freaks me out. The crazy dreams about something happening to baby hit hard as well. Can we bubble wrap ourselves until labor starts?!
This week is my busiest week at work in the financial cycle, and it's the last week the person filling in for me has to get it. No matter how many calendars, trainings, etc. I've done for him or with him, he doesn't look at any of it. So in a week with so many big turnarounds where you have to stay on top of things, having to stay on top of HIM to make sure he's doing it with the stamina I have right now should make this week pretty sucky. If I can just get through this week, then it'll all be down hill until my due date.
I feel you on this! The person I'm training is painfully difficult to work with. I provided VERY detailed SOPs, but he claims that he needs pictures of EVERYTHING!!! And even when I take the extra time to do that for him, even for 2-3 step processes (literally clicking 2-3 buttons), he is concerned that he can't figure it out. Anyone else in my department could pick this up in a small fraction of the time, even without any documentation provided (my manager doesn't ever provide SOPs when she trains on new tasks, so it's sort of a requirement to be able to learn without).
He is a contract employee though, and while he is only taking on a small fraction of my tasks temporarily while I'm out, his full time job offer will depend in part on how well he does on this. The sucky thing is that he pins it back to me, which pisses me off because I'm known for my strong documentation and training skills.
I'm 3w2d from me EDD and still have a ton of cleaning and packing and organizing to do! SO and I talked about when I should take maternity leave, I fully intended on going until I was in labour, but I have so much to do and have been exhausted lately on top of having sporadic contractions for the last week. I want to stop working a week before me EDD but he doesn't agree which bummed me out on top of that my boss is back today from his vacation and I have a TON to go over with him not to mention explaining that he is still scheduling me too many hours for what I can handle at this point especially with my commute... It's going to be a long day
I am being being induced next Thursday unless baby decides to get here before that. This is my last week week of work. So just lots of anxiety about settling everything up in case she decides to do what she wants!
I'm freaking out about trying to check things off the to do list around the house, etc....and keeping the house clean with a toddler...and then being so sore I can't do anything. It's such a vicious cycle. My brain feels like it's on overdrive with things to do and it's practically paralyzing! I know I know, it's normal....
I have 13 days of work left before I put myself on early, unlimited, unpaid maternity leave. For anyone who remembers my agonizing about whether to keep working after baby or not I pulled the plug and it's countdown to a test drive of SAHM life! I'm SO excited (and terrified) but wrapping things up is definitely contributing to the crazy.
My sister-boss (haha is that a thing) said I must start taking things slower at work, but I've got about a million things to do!! I don't want to just drop her, but the work is definitely not slowing down. I work from home luckily, so that is a large plus in my life!!
I'm 39+1 today, due on Sunday. I'm all about baby cooking for as long as he/she needs to, I just wish I knew when he/she's coming! This 'any time now' nonsense is driving me insane.
@LadySamLady I have 5 weeks and I am already obsessing about the when and how it will happen! That is part of the frustration of my sub plans. I'm getting notes for all of May (just in case) but I could be doing all this work for nothing. But if I go early I will be thankful for all this work. Anyone have a crystal ball?? Haha!!
Another thing that's getting to me - my c-section is in 3 weeks 1 day, but if doc is not happy with my blood pressure (which is very stubbornly staying high when I'm outside the hospital), he will get baby earlier. Which makes 2 weeks 1 day until my date. We are mostly ready, but geeslaaik, that is soon!
I'm freaking out because my girl is STILL transverse. Seriously, how is that even possible at this point? Since she will have to be in the NICU for a minimum of 3 days to get her SVT under control, if I have a c-section, I won't get to see her after our 1-2 hours of bonding time for around 12 hours. If I have a vaginal birth, I can see her again in a couple of hours. Please get yourself in the right position!
We got water in our house from the recent flooding in Houston. I'm wondering how long it's going to be before the new carpet gets installed and freaking out that the landlord will try to make us move all our furniture out (it was all ok, just the carpet was damaged) ourselves. Also, they had someone dig "trenches" in the yard to move the water away from the house which has resulted in a muddy mess. We either have to put our dogs on leashes and take them on a short walk or clean their feet off every time they go out back. So my home just feels very chaotic and dirty. Will I have a new baby before this all gets taken care of??? I still have about 3.5 weeks until my EDD so hopefully everything will work out.
While I'm relieved (i was originally supposed to be induced THIS Thursday, NOT READY!), I'm panicking because 1) I put my husband in charge of the car seat and the plan was to have him schedule an appointment with the fire department so they can install it for us. Guess whats still in an unopened box in the basement? 2) Last Wednesday at my weekly appointment, my baby had gone from being in the perfect position to frank breech. I was shocked. I've been seeing a chiropractor every day since, hoping he can help. I'm really worried, because if she doesn't flip, then its an automatic c-section, and I really, really do not want to do that. and 3) Holy crap, I'm going to have a BABY soon! Its all I've ever wanted my whole life and I'm SCARED!
All the little, mundane tasks I need to get done at work before leave. I have 3w3d until DD, so I should have time to wrap them up, but they are so boring.
On the bright side, other than some organizing in the guest bedroom, I am 100% ready at home! I packed my bag this weekend.
DH leaves town on a business trip (to Vegas, really? So jealous) and I'm stuck here, working full time and taking care of our not-quite-two toddler. His sister is living on our couch (and driving me crazy) but I'm hoping that for once I can get her to help. She literally does nothing but sit around on her phone unless I specifically ask her to do something. He gets back really late Thursday night (probably around midnight). I'm so tired as is (his parents and nephew, also almost two, were in town for the weekend and are leaving today). I just want SIL to move the eff out and have my house back and have DH around telling me to sit (even though it drives me crazy when he does that) and I want to not be at work. Stupid Monday.
Honestly, I'm thinking about going to my mom's for the next few days to not have to be around SIL and have help with DD etc. But DD doesn't sleep there and its 20-30 min from daycare which is two blocks from my house.
LOL - Said back-up/employee took a sick day during the busiest week of the month for our job duties. Of course. If this guy survives my 12 weeks of leave, I'll be shocked.
I'm freaking out because my girl is STILL transverse. Seriously, how is that even possible at this point? Since she will have to be in the NICU for a minimum of 3 days to get her SVT under control, if I have a c-section, I won't get to see her after our 1-2 hours of bonding time for around 12 hours. If I have a vaginal birth, I can see her again in a couple of hours. Please get yourself in the right position!
Have you checked out the website spinning babies? Some really simple things like cat-cow stretches can encourage her to move. Sorry if this is a repeat, I haven't kept up with bump happenings as much as I'd like
LOL - Said back-up/employee took a sick day during the busiest week of the month for our job duties. Of course. If this guy survives my 12 weeks of leave, I'll be shocked.
Sounds like a great way to get a permanent job offer! (insert eye roll) He sounds really annoying! Sorry you're having to deal with that added stress while preparing for maternity leave!
It's the home-stretch with work this week. I'm trying to tell myself to just keep swimming. On the plus side, I made an appt to get a pedicure tomorrow during my lunch break, and between a doc appt in the mid-morning and surprising my hubby at his work shower in the afternoon, I'm basically taking all of Wednesday off. I will probably come into the office on Thursday, which will be my last day physically in the office. Please just let this week go by fairly quickly!!
Our LO is on day four of a five day countdown for coming home from the NICU which means if she has no more incidents she will be coming home Wednesday night. I'm still recovering from surgery and being sick. Since she has been in NICU since the day she was born (4/15) and we have been over there every day, and the fact that she was six weeks early and we were not even remotely prepared. We have a lot of baby stuff, just none of it was organized and the house still needed cleaning, etc. DH went back to work today and is working until she gets to come home so he can spend some time at home with her. I'm here by myself and now I"m freaking out about everything that needs to be done, when really I should be according to my doctor resting as much as I can and recovering while she is still at the hospital. So I'm trying to figure out how we can get everything ready and see her everyday at the same time. Know what I mean?
I have to testify today at one of my former client's contested hearings about why he was expelled from the drug court program. I'm not too concerned about it - all I have to do is present the facts on how/why he was in violation. However, on my subpoena (that I just received on Friday for a Monday hearing after I had to ask the prosecutor if I was being subpoenaed) my name is my maiden name AND spelled wrong (get your shit together prosecutors office...) so I'm not sure how that will affect things, especially since this hearing is in front of a super strict judge. Also, because I'm grumpy today I'm all on edge that my former client's defense attorney is going to accuse me of not doing my job because of my pregnancy for some reason and although I'm sure I won't lose my shit on the stand, I will be so pissed. Here's hoping I'm just overthinking things and it really won't turn out that way.
I'm entirely obsessed with wondering when/how/where I'll go into labor and it has turned me into a crazy person. I'm due on Friday and so I know it won't be too long now but it just feels like I have been and always will be pregnant. Forever. I'm doing everything I can to distract myself and it isn't helping. I've never felt like I have less control over my life, which I guess is good practice for parenting but still.
This! my EDD is in 10 days and all I can think about is when/how labor will start, if there will be any signs etc. I'm more obsessed about this part than the actual labor at the hospital. I just want to have one BH contraction so it feels like I won't be pregnant forever! I have a pineapple on my counter to cut up when I hit 39w in a few days. Maybe feeling like I have some control will help.
I keep trying to tell myself not to obsess and to focus on getting tasks done. But of course my IL's keep making their own predictions and "researching" when babies arrive - don't add fuel to my crazy fire! Also
DH really wants to tell them when I start having BH early labor signs etc. but based on how excitable they are now I kinda want to keep them in the dark till it's a few hours before delivery. I know their just excited for us but it stresses me out, and he doesn't understand why. I gave in the last time we talked about it but it's still making me nervous. Anyone else in this situation?
@nerdymama15 - Can you make a list and prioritize those things that *have* to be done by the time she comes home? For example, if she's sleeping in a bassinet in your room, then put that at the top of the list to prep and don't even worry about getting the crib and bedding ready until you're recovered. Don't even try to make it a goal to get "everything" ready. Just the bare essentials, and eventually, you'll be up and back on your feet in the next several weeks to start tackling some other things.
As for cleaning, can you call a maid service to come and do it for you? Yes it will cost money, but it'll give you the piece of mind and one less thing to worry about.
I'm the opposite of freaking out. In fact, I should probably start freaking out so that I can finally finish up my long to-do list. I'm convinced that his baby will go overdue like my first, so I'm in no hurry.
I am having a REALLY hard time adulting at work today. I didn't fall asleep until 1:30 this morning because of a wicked combo of DH snoring, my body hating me, one dog snoring, another dog loudly dreaming and a small cat nap that I took earlier in the day. I got a total of 3 hours sleep and that is not enough for my goofy ass to function properly.
I'm freaking out because my girl is STILL transverse. Seriously, how is that even possible at this point? Since she will have to be in the NICU for a minimum of 3 days to get her SVT under control, if I have a c-section, I won't get to see her after our 1-2 hours of bonding time for around 12 hours. If I have a vaginal birth, I can see her again in a couple of hours. Please get yourself in the right position!
Have you checked out the website spinning babies? Some really simple things like cat-cow stretches can encourage her to move. Sorry if this is a repeat, I haven't kept up with bump happenings as much as I'd like
I'm going to start it tomorrow. I have an OB appointment and just want to check with him that it's ok. With everything else that has happened, I really don't want to risk anything! And I made an appointment with a chiropractor who specializes in the Webster technique for next Saturday. At this point, I'll stand on my head if it will work!
@nerdymama15 - I would second getting someone to come and clean your home. Honestly, it sucks to spend that money but it's so worth it to have something taken off your list (we've hired someone to come every other week for at least the next 2 months). While I'm not there yet, I know our LO will have to spend at least 3 days in the NICU and it's really stressing me out and while we didn't have to deliver her at 27 weeks, we almost did. So while I'm definitely not in your shoes, I get it. It's all very stressful. I would make a list of 3-4 things that HAVE to get done each day or by when she gets home and do what you can. Maybe make sure you know where the diapers/wipes are and have 10-20 outfits cleaned and folded so you have them ready. But make sure to relax as well, you won't have that opportunity when LO is home!
I'm freaking out because the nursery isn't finished yet. I really just want DH to put up the last few things on the walls that need to go up and help me put together a few items. I'm also freaking out because my ottoman is here but not my glider and omg where is it I just want one place in this house that feels comfortable to sit in okay?
Re: Manic Monday 4-25
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!DD: 05/14/16
One friend had her baby 2 weeks ago (on time) and another friend is getting induced today (medical reasons) and I get to wait 2.5 weeks until my due date (or later... please no!), I really want to meet my baby... I'm going to eat so much pineapple
@ladysamlady I also think about the how/when/where and how convenient/inconvenient it will be
This weekend I ate 5lbs of pineapple and walked close to 8 miles. OWTs can kiss my pregnant butt.
He is a contract employee though, and while he is only taking on a small fraction of my tasks temporarily while I'm out, his full time job offer will depend in part on how well he does on this. The sucky thing is that he pins it back to me, which pisses me off because I'm known for my strong documentation and training skills.
I don't have the energy nor patience for this!
5.5.16 | 8.14.17 | 1.30.19
I have 13 days of work left before I put myself on early, unlimited, unpaid maternity leave. For anyone who remembers my agonizing about whether to keep working after baby or not I pulled the plug and it's countdown to a test drive of SAHM life! I'm SO excited (and terrified) but wrapping things up is definitely contributing to the crazy.
Not everyone can breastfeed - Mammary Hypoplasia/Insufficient Glandular Tissue Awareness
While I'm relieved (i was originally supposed to be induced THIS Thursday, NOT READY!), I'm panicking because 1) I put my husband in charge of the car seat and the plan was to have him schedule an appointment with the fire department so they can install it for us. Guess whats still in an unopened box in the basement? 2) Last Wednesday at my weekly appointment, my baby had gone from being in the perfect position to frank breech. I was shocked. I've been seeing a chiropractor every day since, hoping he can help. I'm really worried, because if she doesn't flip, then its an automatic c-section, and I really, really do not want to do that. and 3) Holy crap, I'm going to have a BABY soon! Its all I've ever wanted my whole life and I'm SCARED!
On the bright side, other than some organizing in the guest bedroom, I am 100% ready at home! I packed my bag this weekend.
DH leaves town on a business trip (to Vegas, really? So jealous) and I'm stuck here, working full time and taking care of our not-quite-two toddler. His sister is living on our couch (and driving me crazy) but I'm hoping that for once I can get her to help. She literally does nothing but sit around on her phone unless I specifically ask her to do something. He gets back really late Thursday night (probably around midnight). I'm so tired as is (his parents and nephew, also almost two, were in town for the weekend and are leaving today). I just want SIL to move the eff out and have my house back and have DH around telling me to sit (even though it drives me crazy when he does that) and I want to not be at work. Stupid Monday.
Honestly, I'm thinking about going to my mom's for the next few days to not have to be around SIL and have help with DD etc. But DD doesn't sleep there and its 20-30 min from daycare which is two blocks from my house.
BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016
First Pregnancy
Second Pregnancy
- BFP: 09/11/2015
- EDD: 05/25/2016
Baby Born04/15/2016
I keep trying to tell myself not to obsess and to focus on getting tasks done. But of course my IL's keep making their own predictions and "researching" when babies arrive - don't add fuel to my crazy fire! Also
DH really wants to tell them when I start having BH early labor signs etc. but based on how excitable they are now I kinda want to keep them in the dark till it's a few hours before delivery. I know their just excited for us but it stresses me out, and he doesn't understand why. I gave in the last time we talked about it but it's still making me nervous. Anyone else in this situation?
As for cleaning, can you call a maid service to come and do it for you? Yes it will cost money, but it'll give you the piece of mind and one less thing to worry about.
@nerdymama15 - I would second getting someone to come and clean your home. Honestly, it sucks to spend that money but it's so worth it to have something taken off your list (we've hired someone to come every other week for at least the next 2 months). While I'm not there yet, I know our LO will have to spend at least 3 days in the NICU and it's really stressing me out and while we didn't have to deliver her at 27 weeks, we almost did. So while I'm definitely not in your shoes, I get it. It's all very stressful. I would make a list of 3-4 things that HAVE to get done each day or by when she gets home and do what you can. Maybe make sure you know where the diapers/wipes are and have 10-20 outfits cleaned and folded so you have them ready. But make sure to relax as well, you won't have that opportunity when LO is home!
5.5.16 | 8.14.17 | 1.30.19