May 2016 Moms

Mila Grace

Friday I was having some false contractions at work with some mild cramping. Got home from work, relaxed and then SO and I went out to Chinese for dinner. Went home and in bed by 9pm. I woke up with period like cramps low and center, went to the bathroom and had some blood, discharge and knew it was happening. I woke up SO and we times contractions at less than 4 minutes apart for an hour. We packed the truck and headed to the hospital. We were in triage by 1:30am with strong contractions but still 2.5cm and 70%... Monitored me an hour with no change, so they made me get up and walk. I hit 4cm and I told them I wanted an epidural soon. Contractions were extremely painful. They transferred me to a labor and delivery room. I was 6cm. My water broke on the toilet. Contractions were coming quickly and still no epidural. A few hours had gone by and contractions were every 30 seconds. They tried slowing them down because my doctor was doing a c section. The nurse came back to tell me there was now no time for an epidural. I pushed for about 30 minutes, doc made it in time, cord was around her shoulder and she did not want to come out. I was cut and doc had to use forceps. Mila finally entered the world at 8:12am. By far the scariest and not going to lie... Painful thing I've been through but she is so worth it. We are in love! 

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