High-Risk Pregnancy

Pregnant with Inguinal Hernia

Does anyone here happen to have a hernia as well? Mine is inguinal (lower groin) and occurred pre-pregnancy. It was supposed to be repaired, but we found out we were expecting the day before. 
I'm petrified of the whole process of pregnancy and labour making it worse (mine is large to begin with but my surgeon assures me it will get larger...) I would love to find another mama to connect with going through something similar...so I don't feel so alone with this. 

I'm planning a water birth with Midwife since I haven't been classified as high risk (*so far*). I'm approx. 5w6d. I will, however, have to schedule repair for 6 weeks postpartum...which is also terrifying since I'll have an almost 4 year old, newborn,  and 10 lb weight lifting restriction. Just looking for a "village" to lean on through this. I hope this is an appropriate board to post on. Love to everyone here coping with complications.
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