Secondary IF

Intro - 1st time, WTE?

 Hi all, I'm a 36 year old single mom to a two year old and ready to add another peanut to the group. I will be using frozen sperm this time. My DD was conceived in 1 month naturally so I expected my results from the RE to come back saying everything was ok. 

Well, he said the first part of my cycle looks good (fsh 6.9 and AMH 2.4) and the folicle was at at least 18, but then estrogen peaked at 140 and progesterone was only 8. He suspects I didn't ovulate at all. He prescribed clomid which I'll start tomorrow and then proceed with HCG if needed and IUI around day 14. He then wants progesterone after that and from what I understood I'll continue to take that well into the pregnancy. 

I realize ya'll are completely not doctors, but I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, or experiences that are similar or might be helpful. I just wasn't expecting to leave with a prescription for clomid today and the idea that half of my cycle might not be working right.

Re: Intro - 1st time, WTE?

  • KD01KD01 member
    I do not have any experience with that, but wanted to say welcome!
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  • pdbirdpdbird member
    edited April 2016
    Welcome! I've been on Clomid and HcG when I was prepping for IVF (totally the norm). As for the progesterone, it will create a nice little habitat for the embryo to nestle in and grow. After my FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer), I was on progesterone until I got the BFN, when the doctor told me to stop. But had it been a BFP, I would continue with progesterone through the first trimester. From my understanding, as we age our hormones start subsiding and we need a little boost.

    Best of luck to you! :)
    Me: 37 DH:41
    10/2009 - TTC#1 Stopped BCP! Let's DO this!
    1/2010 - BFP (Natural) --> 10/2010 - DS born! Yay!
    12/2010 - DH diagnosed with stage 3B testicular cancer. #cancersucks
    10/2011 - Complications with DH and lymph nodes in groin area removed. No longer able to ejaculate.
    1/2014 - TTC#2 - IUI#1. No luck. Findings: DH sperm did not survive freeze. RE recommends IVF with ICSI.
    3/2014 - IVF Cycle #1 Started BCP
    4/2014 - Lupron, Gonal-F, and Menopur
    5/7/2014 - ER day (25 eggs retrieved, 15 mature)
    5/10/2014 - 6 fertilized, 3 embryos frozen - one grade A and two Grade B. Plan was to grow out to blastocyst stage but rest of eggs arrested by day 3. Decided to freeze on day 3.
    2/9/2016 - FET #1 with Grade A (8 cell - 3 day embryo); 2/20 - Beta was <5. BFN.  :/ Waiting for period and start next FET.
    7/8/2016 - FET #2 with Grade B (8 cell - 3 day embryo), fingers crossed this one sticks. :)
    7/19 - Beta was 74. BFP!!!!; 7/21 - Beta was 182; 1st U/S on 8/2; 2nd U/S on 8/16 :)

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  • My insurance had me do 6 IUI cycles with clomid before qualifying me for IVF. The IUI is just like a pelvic exam but worse I guess. They use the speculum and make sure the cervix is positioned correctly and inject the sperm.  My advice is to relax as much as possible during the IUI. I never had soreness or bleeding afterwards, but some people do. Usually you can just go back to work or whatever. And the progesterone is just a tablet you normally take vaginally with a little applicator. It doesn't hurt or anything. I hope that helps.
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