Baby Names

Is Drew a nn?

Do you think Drew is a nn?  My husband's name is Andrew, so I like Drew as a boys name, but I don't want an Andrew Jr.

When you see the name, do you automatically wonder what if thats his "full" name?

Re: Is Drew a nn?

  • I automatically assume his name is Andrew and Drew is a nn.
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  • A family friend's name is Andrew and they named their son Drew (full name).  I also know a friend who named their baby girl Drew (full name)... like Drew Barrymore.  If I didn't know these people IRL, I would think Drew is a nickname.

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  • I would think his full name is Andrew.
  • Dh's name is Andrew and I wanted to name a future boy Drew.  DH veto'd it b/c he thought everyone would think it was Andrew Jr. and didn't want that.
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  • I know Andrew's who go by Drew and people with Drew as their full name. If I met a "Drew" on the street I would probably assume that was their full name.
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  • Yes, I think it's a nn.
  • If I meet a guy named Drew, I assume it is a nn. ?A girl named Drew, I would assume is her full name.
  • I know a Drew that is not an Andrew, so I don't always assume.
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  • I would only assume it was a nn if I knew they might be named after someone named Andrew, like in your case. 

    However, most of the time I would just consider that their full name.  I love the name Drew!

  • i know a few drew's that are not nn - i'm sure they get a lot of questions but the name is just drew.
  • I would assume the fully name was Andrew,
  • I know a guy who's name is Drew, so I don't assume it must be a nn.?

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  • I assume Drew is a nn. ?All the Drews I've known have been nn's for Andrew.
  • Go for it! I really like it! Drew Carey was just Drew...

  • I like the name Drew for the son of an Andrew because I don't like junior names either.
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  • I think the name Drew can stand on its own.
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    Twin boys born & lost on 8/16/11 at 18w1d due to PPROM & preterm labor.
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    Dh seeing new MFI uro & Dh starting meds- June 2012.
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  • Boy named Drew = I'd assume it was a nn for Andrew

    Girl named Drew = I'd assume it was her full name

  • As a teacher, this is the first time that I have had an Andrew and his parents call him Drew. Usually the nn for Andrew is Andy.

    I have heard of Drew for a girl, however it was spelled Dru.

  • I think all the Drews I have know were officially Andrews, but I'd totally ?consider it a full name. ?I have a few friends that have traditional nn as first full names. ?They do get asked fairly frequently "What's it short for?", but they don't seem to care. ?I wouldn't worry about it - go for it! I thin it's a great alternative to the junior situation.?
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