Im 34wks tomorrow and havent experienced any braxton hicks. Dont get me wrong, maybe its a blessing. My doc asks every appt but i feel like i would know if i was having them? Anyone else not have any yet?
I keep getting told id know if i was having them... Bit maybe im not noticing them at all and just think the baby is moving instead?
Not true. I never felt one during my first pregnancy. I went in for an appointment and my MW went to measure my uterus and said she couldn't because I was having one. We had to wait for it to end before she could measure. I got them during my second and am now during my third. When it comes to real ctx you will know but not bh.
So jelly, I've had them since I was 21 weeks and they're so intense now that I had to cut down to 3 days a week at work and work from home the rest of the time. The early ones just feel like a sit up, your abs tighten for a second and then relax.
I also am being told to work from home because activity seems to induce them to occur. It feels like I've been working out my stomach for hours, I'm so sore. Mine have gone between being regular and irregular, so I've been having to do a lot of paying attention to them. While typing this, I've had two.
With my first I only had only had one the entire pregnancy, and that was after a long day of running through airports and working late. It's normal not to feel them with your first.
None for me either, and as a FTM I've also thought that I'm somehow missing them. My MW doesn't seem to be worried, so I try to let it go. (That said, there is a little voice in my FTM head that says, "what if it doesn't work and you never have contractions and you're pregnant forever!?".)
It can be pretty disconcerting to have them. I've been having them since week 20 and at least one night they got so frequent I ended up going to labor and delivery to get checked. Your stomach literally turns in to a hard ball for about 15-30 seconds. I agree with PPs, it feels like you are doing crunches. Mine seem to come on more frequently in the evenings after a long day at work. But as the pregnancy continues I'm noticing them more and more during the day and morning now.
That being said, most the information out there says some women never feel them and some will feel them with some pregnancies but not with others.
I didn't have any during my last pregnancy. This time, I maybe felt a couple during a period where I seemed to just be having a lot of uterine weirdness but I'm honestly not sure. I just am glad to not have that on top of all the other pregnancy discomforts which I most certainly do have.
I might not always know I'm having them but since I've been getting them a lot more the past few weeks I find I'm always randomly pressing on my tummy to see if I'm having one or not. I usually only feel them when they happen while I'm standing up or from sitting to standing up. I swear I had one in the shower this morning that lasted a solid two minutes. But they never hurt, it just feels really hard and tight. And then I got massive lightning crotch so that's always fun...
I don't think you should worry at all if you are not noticing them. They could be happening and you may not just realize it too.
Me - 33, DH - 33 Married - May 2014 DH - Low Count/Motility/Morph - Varicocele vein x 2 - surgery (8/11) - success! BFP - 10/10/15, EDD - 6/20/16 - It's a BOY! Baby #1 - 6/29/16 - Lucas Christopher, 10 lbs 3 oz, 22.25 inches Baby #2 - TTC May 2017 BFP - 9/10/17, EDD - 5/26/18 - It's a GIRL! - RCS May 22nd
My first pregnancy I was having them but always thought it was the baby balling up in a weird position. My whole stomach gets rock hard and uncomfortable then relaxes I wouldn't say it hurts just not real pleasant. This time around I know they are contractions but still don't bother me much. Everyone's sensitivity and pain tolerance is so different you could be missing them.
with my first, I only noticed one about two weeks before I had DD. now with my second, I have them all day long, probably for a good month now. I don't notice them when I'm active.
The only reason I knew I was having them early in this pregnancy is that I had one during my 12-week scan and the US tech told me that was what was happening. So it's totally possible I had them throughout my first pregnancy and just never knew that was what that feeling was. Don't feel badly if you don't know what everything is supposed to feel like. Sometimes it seems like you should be able to recognize everything for exactly what it is, but especially if it's your first, there's no way for you to really know some of these things.
Same here, I am 31w-2d and I haven't felt anything yet or at least nothing that feels like I'm doing crunches. My Dr has never asked if I am feeling anything either, he just asks if I feel the baby moving.
My first pregnancy I was having them but always thought it was the baby balling up in a weird position. My whole stomach gets rock hard and uncomfortable then relaxes I wouldn't say it hurts just not real pleasant. This time around I know they are contractions but still don't bother me much. Everyone's sensitivity and pain tolerance is so different you could be missing them.
I'm a FTM and at first when I felt them I thought the baby was in a weird position. Now I know they are BH, but they never hurt, just uncomfortable at times.
I always get nervous if I have a lot of them, because I think the packet of information says more than 4-6 contractions in an hour and you should call, but it seems silly when they don't hurt. I don't think I've had more than 4 in an hour anyway, but always think about it.
I had no idea I was having BHs until a few days ago. I don't really feel them at all except when I'm "playing" with the baby and realize my belly is suddenly hard as a rock. I wouldn't have known it was happening if I hadn't been paying attention.
I didn't realize what was happening when I first started having them. I just thought the baby was moving and pushing out. It's basically, for me, just my bottom half of my bump getting super hard for a moments and then I have to pee
I didn't have them with the first and I've had what I think were a few with this pregnancy but nothing serious. When I was in active labor with my first, I had back labor and even with a contraction monitor on my belly shortly before I was pushing, they couldn't get any of them to pick up, it was all in my back. I wouldn't be surprised to have the same thing happen this time. Everyone is different but I assure you, even without the contraction monitor telling me, I knew the difference between "real" labor and sporadic contractions.
My mom didn't even know she was in active labor, she said she couldn't feel the contractions. She had some kind of monitor and that's what told her doctor she was having contractions!
With my first, I didn't start feeling them until I was 40 and a 1/2 weeks. There's nothing to worry about. Even subsequent labors may not cause you to feel them much earlier. They're probably still happening, you just don't feel them.
Me: 32, DH: 35
Married to DH: 11-13-10 DS #1: EDD: 9/25/12, Born 10-9-12
Re: No braxton hicks?
That being said, most the information out there says some women never feel them and some will feel them with some pregnancies but not with others.
I might not always know I'm having them but since I've been getting them a lot more the past few weeks I find I'm always randomly pressing on my tummy to see if I'm having one or not. I usually only feel them when they happen while I'm standing up or from sitting to standing up. I swear I had one in the shower this morning that lasted a solid two minutes. But they never hurt, it just feels really hard and tight. And then I got massive lightning crotch so that's always fun...
I don't think you should worry at all if you are not noticing them. They could be happening and you may not just realize it too.
Me - 33, DH - 33
Married - May 2014
DH - Low Count/Motility/Morph - Varicocele vein x 2 - surgery (8/11) - success!
BFP - 10/10/15, EDD - 6/20/16 - It's a BOY!
Baby #1 - 6/29/16 - Lucas Christopher, 10 lbs 3 oz, 22.25 inches
Baby #2 - TTC May 2017
BFP - 9/10/17, EDD - 5/26/18 - It's a GIRL! - RCS May 22nd
My Chart
Hope it helps you not stress a bit
I always get nervous if I have a lot of them, because I think the packet of information says more than 4-6 contractions in an hour and you should call, but it seems silly when they don't hurt. I don't think I've had more than 4 in an hour anyway, but always think about it.
DS #1: EDD: 9/25/12, Born 10-9-12