Upcoming Doctors Appointments: this morning. My doctor said I'm really boring
Rants/Raves: I'm hot and tired. I want to clean and sew but naptime comes around and I find myself just watching old episodes of The Good Wife. *sigh* Rave - I'm getting maternity pictures done on Saturday and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get my hair, nails and toes done before them.
GTKY: Your house is on fire. All the animals and people are safe and you have time to grab one item. What do you get? My brain says my computer mainly for the photos but my stomach says a sandwich!
Rants: I NEED SLEEP!!! Raves: I got my teenager to make me some cake!!! OH YEAH!!! Symptoms: Same as always. Hips, pelvic, and back pain. Plus headaches.
Next appointment in 2 weeks.
GTKY: Kids photo albums. I want to preserve all the memories of when they were babies.
GTKY: My photos are mostly saved on a cloud somewhere. So I think I'd save a snack. (Gestational diabetes.) Or my phone! Yup. Definitely. Or can I just say my entire hand bag? I'd hate to lose my wallet and have to go to the DMV, call my credit cards, etc. And then not have any money to fill the car up with gas or get a hotel!
Upcoming Doctors Appointments: Next Wednesday, same old thing.
Rants/Raves: Rant: My body is falling apart and I can't stop eating ice cream... wah!! Rave: DS2 is sleeping really well in his big boy bed (knock on wood!) and everyone has been happier, waking up on time and actually getting myself looking half decent for work each day. It's been nice!
GTKY: Your house is on fire. All the animals and people are safe and you have time to grab one item. What do you get? I'll have to say computer for the pictures of my boys because I have like 5 different clouds, but they confuse me and I don't trust them! But, then I started thinking of the My Little Ponies my son is obsessed with and other things they are attached to and now this question is making me emotional because I want to save it all for my babies!!
Re: * Tuesday Ticker Change *
Upcoming Doctors Appointments: this morning. My doctor said I'm really boring
Rants/Raves: I'm hot and tired. I want to clean and sew but naptime comes around and I find myself just watching old episodes of The Good Wife. *sigh* Rave - I'm getting maternity pictures done on Saturday and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get my hair, nails and toes done before them.
GTKY: Your house is on fire. All the animals and people are safe and you have time to grab one item. What do you get? My brain says my computer mainly for the photos but my stomach says a sandwich!
Rants: I NEED SLEEP!!!
Raves: I got my teenager to make me some cake!!! OH YEAH!!!
Symptoms: Same as always. Hips, pelvic, and back pain. Plus headaches.
Next appointment in 2 weeks.
GTKY: Kids photo albums. I want to preserve all the memories of when they were babies.
GTKY: My photos are mostly saved on a cloud somewhere. So I think I'd save a snack. (Gestational diabetes.) Or my phone! Yup. Definitely. Or can I just say my entire hand bag? I'd hate to lose my wallet and have to go to the DMV, call my credit cards, etc. And then not have any money to fill the car up with gas or get a hotel!
Weeks / Fruit, Vegetable, Other: 31 weeks, asparagus
Upcoming Doctors Appointments: Next Wednesday, same old thing.
Rant: My body is falling apart and I can't stop eating ice cream... wah!!
Rave: DS2 is sleeping really well in his big boy bed (knock on wood!) and everyone has been happier, waking up on time and actually getting myself looking half decent for work each day. It's been nice!
GTKY: Your house is on fire. All the animals and people are safe and you have time to grab one item. What do you get?
I'll have to say computer for the pictures of my boys because I have like 5 different clouds, but they confuse me and I don't trust them!
But, then I started thinking of the My Little Ponies my son is obsessed with and other things they are attached to and now this question is making me emotional because I want to save it all for my babies!!
DS2 5-18-2014
DD1 EDD 6-21-2016