Sorry to clutter up the board with this, but thought it might be a good reminder
I had a scare yesterday afternoon- all of a sudden my vision went blurry and was filled with moving lights, and LO stopped moving as much as s/he usually does. It got worse over about half an hour until I couldn't see enough to walk around or dial on my phone. Everything is ok, but it turns out I was pretty dehydrated.
Now that it's getting warmer, please be sure to drink plenty of water and get your electrolytes! It wasn't even that hot here and I was drinking a good amount of water already, but I still became dehydrated. And don't ignore any warning signs- I had been having some mild BH all this week, which I knew can be caused by dehydration, but I shrugged it off since I figured I drank enough already.
Also, pedialyte is the friggin' bomb. I've been sipping on it all morning and feel a million times better than I did drinking water alone. Also fantastic for hangovers (or so I've heard.....).
Re: PSA: Stay hydrated!
I am rarely thirsty, but I chugged two bottles of G2 last night. I definitely feel like my body is needing a little something extra right now to hydrate! Glad you're feeling better!
@thethornbird, great reminder. Hope you are feeling better
And gatorade was always my hangover go it!
im about to get YOKED then, since I drink 4-5 liters a day bwahahaha
Happy Hydrating!
Mama to Three Girls:
Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!