May 2016 Moms

GD Weekly Check-In

How are you feeling?


Recipes/Food Ideas?

GTKY: What simple daily tasks have become too much/ridiculously hysterical now that you're nearing the end of your pregnancy?

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Re: GD Weekly Check-In

  • How are you feeling? I'm ok, diet wise. I'm totally exhausted with daily life and chasing a toddler, and I'm on labor watch because I am highly likely to have another preterm birth. 36 weeks today! Hoping to make it to 37, then this lady can make her exit if she wants.

    Rants/Raves/Confessions/Updates: Numbers have been consistently good. Which is great because I'm not monitoring my diet and carb balance as strictly as I should be. 

    Food ideas: I have nothing. In fact, even without the diet restrictions I am struggling to think of what to make for dinner anymore. My brain and body are pretty much giving up putting in any more effort than is minimally necessary to survive. Also, I'm very tired of eggs and chicken. 

    GTKY: What simple daily tasks have become too much/ridiculously hysterical now that you're nearing the end of your pregnancy? Everything. Like, even taking a shower leaves me feeling worn down rather than refreshed. Just waddling across the house feels like an Olympic sport. And all shoes must be slip ons! It's tragic really, because I've gained less this pregnancy and am smaller overall than I was with DS, but still daily life is exhausting!

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  • How are you feeling?  I'm feeling fine.  Just worn out and ready for baby to be here!

    Rants/Raves/Confessions/Updates?  My numbers are still good.  In fact, my doctor didn't even look at my book last week.  If he does that again, I'm asking him if I can drop down to reduced testing.  I'm not pricking my finger here for nothing, Doc!

    Recipes/Food Ideas?  @mello13 I am sick of eggs too!  Actually, I'm just sick of egg casseroles and scrambled eggs.  I would looooove a good runny egg.  I am also running out of meal ideas.  I just no longer have the energy or interest. 

    GTKY: What simple daily tasks have become too much/ridiculously hysterical now that you're nearing the end of your pregnancy? Bending over is not happening.  Going from a seated/laying position to a standing position is so painful.  It takes me like five minutes to get out of bed.
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  • @AnastasiaBeaverhausen09  Yes, getting out of bed/off the couch/anything requires a strategy! There's always grunting and sharp rib pains. I'd like to be able to sleep again.

    Re: food, I decided to make steak roll-ups tonight because they are packed with protein, NOT eggs or chicken, and easy to put in the crockpot. 

    I am looking forward to the end of the pregnancy, for sure!

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  • Late to the party but here i go!

    How are you feeling? Mostly tired all the timeeee...i am still working 2 jobs so it isnt much fun on my end.

    Rants/Raves/Confessions/Updates? This week my dr told me to stop monitoring my sugars because i've been good so far...i just have to make sure i stick to my diet until i give birth...i am 37 weeks and 5 days so hopefully baby will make his debut soon!

    Recipes/Food Ideas? None really...but i am so sick of even looking at eggs!! I'll still eat them but gosh i dont want to...

    GTKY: What simple daily tasks have become too much/ridiculously hysterical now that you're nearing the end of your pregnancy? Moving in general...the waddle is something i excel at now...i hate having to use the washroom in the middle of the night because getting out of bed is such a task...and getting comfortable again in bed is a pain!
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