Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Ugh - false positives after D&C

I had my D&C 8 days ago, at 10 weeks LMP, and baby stopped growing about 3 weeks ago.  Took a pregnancy test this morning just to see if it would be negative yet, and it was VERY positive.  Like the pregnancy line was way darker than the control line.  Ugh!  I wish these hormones would start to go down.  

How long after your m/c did you finally get a negative test?  
Me: 1979 * Husband: 1976 * Little girl: 2010 * Little guy: 2013 * MMC: 2016 * Last baby: EDD 2/11/17!  

Re: Ugh - false positives after D&C

  • 6 weeks. :( 

    My doctor was also monitoring my hcg. 
  • My d&c was 2/1, so I guess over 10 weeks ago.  Last week my HCG was in high double digits (from a blood test--my RE is monitoring me).  Sorry that's probably not what you want to hear.
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
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  • I had a positive pregnancy test at 4 weeks post D&C- went to my follow up appointment 3 days later and they drew a beta level and it was 21 (it was over 125,000 when I miscarried at 9w4d- baby only grew to 7w2d). 1 week later and it was 12- my doctor wants it below 10 so I have one more lab draw next Monday. I think it just depends on how high your hcg level was to begin with and everyone's body is different but some are just slow to fall. Still no sign of ovulation either and its been almost 6 weeks since I've had my surgery...just want something to happen!! Waiting for AF is the worst....
  • I had a D&C on 3/3, was 10 weeks along, baby stopped growing at 8 weeks 5 days. I got positive HCG tests for 4 weeks post surgery, then at the end of the 4th week started my period. All tests after that were negative. From what I've read most common is between 4-6 weeks. So sorry for your loss, this journey has been mentally challenging for me, especially during the "limbo" phase when you are just waiting around. Praying for your levels to drop quickly :) 
  • Thanks, everyone.  Sounds like I probably have a few more weeks to go at least.  
    Me: 1979 * Husband: 1976 * Little girl: 2010 * Little guy: 2013 * MMC: 2016 * Last baby: EDD 2/11/17!  
  • The timing of my MMC sounds exactly like yours, @16isourluckynumber. I am 2 weeks and 5 days past D&C today. Took a hpt today and the line was still there but very faint. Almost couldn't see it. My doctor said she isn't going to do any blood work since I had the procedure and didn't miscarry naturally.

    Here's a question though...Does anyone know if you can ovulate while you still have HCG in your system? I had the twinges yesterday, and some other symptoms of ovulation, but still had that very faint positive this morning. Curious if anyone knows about that.
    Me: 31 DH: 32
    Married April 2014
    TTC since December 2015
    1st BFP: February 8, 2016; MMC at 7 weeks, 3 days; Discovered at 10 weeks; D&C March 25
    2nd BFP: June 20, 2016; CP June 22, 2016
    3rd BFP: August 13, 2016!!  Fingers crossed!!

  • The timing of my MMC sounds exactly like yours, @16isourluckynumber. I am 2 weeks and 5 days past D&C today. Took a hpt today and the line was still there but very faint. Almost couldn't see it. My doctor said she isn't going to do any blood work since I had the procedure and didn't miscarry naturally.

    Here's a question though...Does anyone know if you can ovulate while you still have HCG in your system? I had the twinges yesterday, and some other symptoms of ovulation, but still had that very faint positive this morning. Curious if anyone knows about that.
    i am obviously not a doctor but I have read a few other women's stories here where they said the doctors said yes you can ovulate even if you still have some HCG in your system and they did in fact ovulate
  • @natsfan2442 my doctor said that it's possible to have your body's natural cycle kick in before your HCG is all the way down.  I have been getting blood work almost weekly.  My HCG was 79 last week and my progesterone was elevated from the week before, signaling ovulation.  Had been feeling generally crampy, although I had pains before that felt like ovulation pains but weren't, based on blood work.
    About me:
    /loss mentioned/
    TTC#1 July 2014
    dx: MFI (morphology)
    IUI #1 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Sept. 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #2 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Halloween 2015 ~ BFN
    IUI #3 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Thanksgiving 2015 ~ BFP!!
    hb 146 bpm at 7w5d
    1/28/16 ~ began to say goodbye to our beautiful baby at 11w 
    d&c, followed by cytotec
    TTCAL April 2016
    IUI #4 w/Clomid + Ovidrel Apr. 2016 ~ BFN
    IUI #5 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ CP
    IUI#6 w/Clomid + Ovidrel ~ BFN
  • Yes @BrightenMySky  I got my period and was still turning hpts positive. The doctor and nurses didn't seem alarmed by this. I don't think I ovulated, however, prior to getting my first period post loss. 
  • I had positives until 4w2d after my d&c, the day after I got my first negative i ovulated. I'm 11dpo now and waiting for first period post d&c still with no idea of arrival 
    Me: 30     DH: 31
    Married: 11.12.11
    TTC: Nov 2015
    BFP #1: 1.22.16                 MMC: 2.29.16 ( tetrasomy 11, partial deletion 1, XXX)
    D&C: 3.2.16
    BFP #2: 4.14.16                 CP: 4.17.16
    BFP #3: 6.10.2016             CP: 6.17.2016
    RE appt: 6.27.2016- saline sono all clear
    Chromosome karyotype- Normal both me and DH
    Progenity: + carrier Tay-Sachs, Gaucher's, hemachromatosis. DH: carrier Alpha 1 anti-trypsin
    Clomid + TI Cycle #1: pending  8.15.16
    Fur mom to 2 sled masters: an Alaskan malamute and a malamute wolf hybrid 
    half marathon running, surgery loving trauma hand and reconstructive plastic surgery PA-C
    PCOS, hypothyroid, MTHFR, hx of LEEP in 2006

  • My OB is making my come back in once a week every week to track my HCG down to Zero.  As of this past Monday, it dropped from 2,182 to 105.  Fingers crossed that within a few more days when I go again it will be down to 0.  Is it weird that I am already experiencing some familiar symptoms of ovulation today?  It's probably just my body playing mind games on me, but only time will tell.  I'm only 12 days out from my MC, so I'm thinking it's way too early for that.  But, all the symptoms are there.  If it's true then I'm very lucky that things are getting back to normal so quickly.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  

    Baby #2 M/C 4/5/16
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