May 2016 Moms

Wednesday/Thursday Ticker Change 4/13 & 4/14

Getting us started early this week! 

How many weeks/fruit?
Appointment update?
Questions for the group?
What meal do you want after delivery?

Re: Wednesday/Thursday Ticker Change 4/13 & 4/14

  • How many weeks/fruit? 37 on the 14th! 

    Starting to feel like I might be pregnant forever... new this week: very swollen feet. 

    Appointment update?
     GBS negative yah! 0 dilation so far, I know it doesn't mean much but a sign that the end is near would be great. I would like to go into labor without intervention so I hope things start to happen in the coming weeks. 

    Questions for the group?
    Still have not felt a BH contraction, I thought maybe I did because I felt winded sitting and my belly was hard, but it seams to be hard almost all day.  Maybe some don't feel them till real labor, or I just need to be patient... Anyone have antidotes of not feeling BH?

    What meal do you want after delivery? 
    There's a deli I love by the hospital I'm sure I will be having someone get me waffles and other things 
  • How many weeks/fruit? 35/mini lop rabbit on Ovia!

    Symptoms/raves/rants? The only comfortable place to sit nowadays is in bed. I can't wait until my glider comes in because the one I picked is damn cushy and quite frankly my ass is going to stay parked there as much as possible until the end of this pregnancy. 

    Appointment update? 4/22, then will be going every week after that. 

    Questions for the group? Still nope. 

    What meal do you want after delivery? There's this pub about fifteen minutes away from the hospital I'm planning to deliver at that makes an amazing deli sandwich and has the best root beer ever on tap. You bet I'm going to send DH over there to get me that meal. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

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  • How many weeks/fruit?  36 tomorrow

    Symptoms/raves/rants? Apparently I snore a lot. I had to give up my modified regular person yoga class, the pace was too fast and it made me want to throw up. I'm starting to get impatient. I'm super glad that in feeling great otherwise

    Appointment update? Next one on Friday. Dr will do GBS test but I don't think a cervix check? That might start the week after.

    Questions for the group?
    No questions but... I also haven't really felt any BH contractions. Sometimes my belly feels extra hard to the touch but I can't tell that anything is different otherwise

    What meal do you want after delivery? I haven't checked the daytime options, but if I deliver in the middle of the night there is a pizza place open until 3 am and Hardee's is 24/7. I can definitely see myself eating pizza and an Oreo milk shake
  • How many weeks/fruit? 34 Squash
    Symptoms/raves/rants? So.Much.Soreness.
    Appointment update? I have another one tomorrow, but I am weekly at this point so nothing really new to report.
    Questions for the group? Nada
    What meal do you want after delivery? I haven't thought about this one really. I haven't had to avoid anything because I already don't eat raw fish and I'm not staying away from deli meat. Probably just a nice big cheeseburger!
    TTC#1 January 2013, BFP 7/4/13 MC 8/7/13 D&C 8/22/13
    BFP 5/20/14 CP 5/26/14
    BFP 12/6/14 DD Born an Angel on 7/17/15 at 35 weeks
    An Angel in The Book of Life
    Wrote Down Our Baby's Birth
    And Whispered as She Closed the Book
    Too Beautiful for Earth...
    TTC#2 August 2015 BFP 9/10/15 EDD 5/26/16

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • kbrands7kbrands7 member
    edited April 2016
    How many weeks/fruit? 37w tomorrow 
    Symptoms/raves/rants? False labor is in full swing: hours each day of mild contractions/more severe BH that eventually dissipate, only to return the next day. Heartburn, general I'm going to burst feeling, loss of mucus plug...all sorts of fun stuff this week. DS had been really cute with talking about his baby brother, and DH has mostly stepped it up around the house now that it's sinking in that this baby could be here within the next couple weeks. 
    Appointment update? I had an appointment yesterday; baby is settled low, nearly 2cm dilated, 90%sure he's head down with very little room to move, but I have an u/s tomorrow afternoon to confirm it. Fx he's head down! ETA: Nope, not head down...engaged breech. Looks like a RCS for me.
    Questions for the group? None
    What meal do you want after delivery? A big sandwich either from Dibellas or Primantis and maybe a milkshake too.

  • How many weeks/fruit? 35
    Symptoms/raves/rants? Same as always... sore hips after walking a bunch.  However, if I don't walk enough I have terrible restless leg at night.  The soreness is less annoying than the restless legs, so I'll take it.
    Appointment update? Weekly appointments start next Thurs.  GBS and my first check.
    Questions for the group? None today.
    What meal do you want after delivery?  Hmm... I'm not sure.  I'd like a half a beer or something in the days following delivery.  Pizza is always good.  I guess we'll see what I feel like that day.
  • How many weeks/fruit? 37 weeks; papaya?
    Symptoms/raves/rants? BH come and go. No symptoms. I've never really had sleep interrupted by bathroom trips until this week. 
    Appointment update? tomorrow. Weekly visits have started. GBS swap last Friday. Dr said I was closed.
    Questions for the group? none today.
    What meal do you want after delivery? Not sure. I know I would love to have sushi and wine. Mac and cheese sounds good right now, but all food sounds good. Lately, I feel like I want to eat, but there is no room. I'm ready to have room to indulge in a good meal!
    JCrew Blog

    Big brother was born August 24, 2011.
    Little brother was born October 1, 2012.
    Brother #3 due 5/4/16; born 5/2/16.

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