June 2016 Moms

☆☆☆Wednesday ticker change ☆☆☆

How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 

Rants/raves? Randoms? 

Upcoming appointments or doctor news? 

GTKY- If you were and animal what would you be and why? 

babysizercom pregnancy ticker

Re: ☆☆☆Wednesday ticker change ☆☆☆

  • crdocrdo member
    How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 
    29 weeks! Umm, acorn squash or something?

    Rants/raves? Randoms? 
    At a midwife appt!

    Rant: Stupid app keeps telling me I don't have permission. For the 1000th time, yes I freaking do.

    Upcoming appointments or doctor news? 
    In the appts every 2 weeks window, so they're going to make time start to feel like it's flying by faster, I'm sure.

    GTKY- If you were an animal what would you be and why? 
    Hmm...tiger? They're fierce, strong, and don't take shit. (Maybe I'm in a bit of a mood today...)
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  • crdocrdo member
    How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 32 weeks! Also a squash? Florida Pomelo?

    Rants/raves? Randoms? Rants: I have a crazy few days at work ahead of me.  Just trying to take it one task at a time... Randoms: I am even more distracted at work now with TB and FB. Oops.

    Upcoming appointments or doctor news? OB appointment tomorrow.

    GTKY- If you were and animal what would you be and why? I would be a dog because dogs are playful, annoying, and loyal.  That's pretty much me.


    YES!!  :#
  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 33. A ferret. 

    Rants/raves? Randoms? Kind of annoyed with my midwives. Each of the last few different midwives have told me something different. One bumped my appointments to even numbered week 30 so I could start having appointments every 2 weeks. The one I saw at 30 said she wanted me in at 34 because they don't do 2 week appointments anymore. I hope this last one isn't on call when I'm laboring in the hospital. 

    Upcoming appointments or doctor news? I have an appointment next week and then maybe I'll see them every week after that? Who knows with these people. I've been low risk and all my numbers have been perfect (despite failing the one hour glucose and then almost failing the 3 hour) so I'm not stressing about it. 

    GTKY- If you were an animal what would you be and why?  I would be my cat. He's ridiculously spoiled and lives an amazing carefree life indoors with supervised outside visits. I don't think I could handle being a wild animal. 
  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 33 weeks 1 day, size of a celery stalk according to TB

    Rants/raves? Randoms? Baby moving up a storm.

    Upcoming appointments or doctor news? Doctor's appointment on Friday.

    GTKY- If you were and animal what would you be and why? I'd be a cat, they get to sleep all day, they're spoiled rotten and they have everything catered to their every whim.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • crdocrdo member
    Read the GTKY as "what animal would you like to be?" Vs. "What animal would you be?" (You know, like the post actually says.). I'd probably be a cat. Introvert, gets fed regularly, etc. Yep. Sounds good.

    @MamaNicoleof3: I do love animals and I have 3, but some days I don't like them very much. Ha.
  • I should probably participate in my own post....

    How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 

    29 weeks, he is half the size of a cheesecake factory cheesecake

    Rants/raves? Randoms? 
    Meh, not much going on here. I'm feeling a LOT of BH and my stomach is sore most of the time now. Things like bending over are getting harder by the day.

    Upcoming appointments or doctor news? 
    I have an appointment the 20th with a new OB that is 2 hours away and VBAC friendly. I also have one on the 27th who is 30 min away and vbac friendly but the hospital he delivers at is not. I have been told that he tells his patients that if they come to the hospital already in labor he will let them labor within reason and not force a section immediately. I'm going to ask him about it at the appointment and see what he says. All in all finding a new doctor is lame.

    GTKY- If you were an animal what would you be and why? 
    I think I would be a Wolf because they are bad ass smart and amazing creatures. Not ass holes, but strong enough to protect themselves. 

    babysizercom pregnancy ticker

  • 31 weeks! Asparagus.

     Feeling great except not sleeping well AT ALL. :(

    Doctor visits every two weeks. Not too exciting so far. Measure baby. "Looks good." Takes heartbeat. "Sounds good." Send me on my way.

    I'm totally a hippopotamus right now. Huge and I just want to soak all day.
    BabyFetus Ticker

  • @fishwife799 now I want a WHOLE Cheesecake Factory cheesecake
  • How many weeks are you? How big is baby? 33 weeks! The size of a junior tennis racket.

    Rants/raves? Randoms? Ugh! Heartburn! Indigestion! Water gives me indigestion every morning, and then I feel like I'm burping up stomach acid on my drive to work. Rave: 3 more weeks left in the semester and I'm on maternity leave (unpaid) for 6 months!

    Upcoming appointments or doctor news? Next appointment is next Friday.

    GTKY- If you were and animal what would you be and why?  Honeybadger. Because they do not give a f*ck.

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