Mine is the service technician who works in my dealership downstairs who saw me coming down the stairs last night and just said "WOAH!!" in a reeeeeally rude way at my belly....keep in mind I'm the head of human resources/payroll. Can I write him up AND dock his pay??
Mine is the service technician who works in my dealership downstairs who saw me coming down the stairs last night and just said "WOAH!!" in a reeeeeally rude way at my belly....keep in mind I'm the head of human resources/payroll. Can I write him up AND dock his pay??
I had dinner with my grandma last night (who I normally love more than anything and have a wonderful relationship with). First words out of her mouth were "you really don't look pregnant do you?" ... "I mean I see it in your face". Lol normally I think people make take that ok but I've been dealing with the insecurity of people just thinking I'm ridiculously fat and not pregnant. My belly isn't very big for 32 weeks along. But my thighs, arms and face sure have swollen up! Ugh. Why must people feel it's right to judge a pregnant woman's body openly and verbally to them????
To go on.. She spent twenty minutes telling me how she already knows I'm going to have to "supplement" with formula. It's just too hard to have to wake up and do it all myself every two hours. Let me preface by saying, I could care less how you choose to feed your baby. That being said, my husband and I really want to try to exclusively feed the baby breast milk. We'd love to be able to have her nurse when I'm home and when I go back to work- have her take pumped breast milk bottles. I know I have high expectations but we want to go into with positivity. My mom warned me that the reason why she didn't breast feed me was because my grandma had bullied her into thinking it was too hard and too "gross". Now I totally see how that was true.
Sorry for the novel. I was all worked up about all of this last night... I obviously needed to vent about it somewhere lol
My TW is the crazy ex roommate....... -_- I don't even know where to begin with this one....
Apparently it is MY responsibility to RSVP for her and her mother (who's not nearly as crazy as she is) to the shower that is being thrown THIS weekend for me and Baby. She texted me saying she was coming and to tell my sister because she didn't want to call her herself, and she wanted to know if her 1 yr old could come too. I told her that I was beyond busy to call my sister to ask (I'm in the process of making 4 dresses for next weekends local skating competition), and that she could text her if that would be easier for her, as I literally have no idea what is planned for the shower since I'm not the one throwing it. She got all in a huff about it, rambling on how she doesnt have time for this, and that her kid possibly has medical issues, blah blah blah. Look, Betch. I'm sorry your child isn't well, but you've had the friggin invitation since the LAST WEEK OF FEBRUARY!!!! You've had this whole time to call/text/email/facebook her to rsvp and ask questions. Don't get pissed at me because you can't pull your shit together in an orderly fashion. Also, if your son is sick, no, you sure as hell can't bring him around a pregnant lady. Use your brain! This chick didn't even mail in her RSVP to my wedding.... she texted me 3 days before to confirm their meals, after I had already called her husband (who was in our wedding party) to make sure they were actually coming. I told H that i just don't care for her anymore and its a shame because she is H's best friend and she's the one who set us up initially. I just don't have room in my life for the constant drama and stress she puts me through because she can't have everything her way. I know she's going to want to visit while I'm in the hospital, but I REALLY don't want her there at all (and the nurses and hospital staff will know I don't want her there), and thats bound to cause issues with DH, but seriously dude, enough of not wanting to hurt her fucking feelings.
My H and my dog until someone else annoys me today. I was up about 6 times last night to pee, readjust, with leg cramps and my psychotic unborn child moving EVERYWHERE while they both snoozed away. They also both snored all night.
Weight gain is a twatwaffle...:/ Blech..I'm dreading my doctor's appointment this Friday. Despite the fact my midwives haven't said anything bad about my weight gain, it just makes me depressed seeing the scales go higher and higher.*sigh*
GD is my twatwaffle. Follow the rules and my numbers are jacked up. Ignore the rules and my numbers are normal. Then it all switches again. Three weeks down, 10 weeks to go.
I'm feeling extra punchy and "eye rolley" today....so maybe that makes me the Twatwaffle.
For the love of tator tots, use common sense people (general "people"). If the brand new thread you're about to post sounds like what could be a normal pregnancy symptom, something 99% of other pregnant women are probably also experiencing or something your doctor might be able to answer, then it doesn't need it's own thread. Ask your doctor or ask it in the daily thread. Good old fashioned using your head and common sense goes a long way. Just putting that out there.
Mine is the service technician who works in my dealership downstairs who saw me coming down the stairs last night and just said "WOAH!!" in a reeeeeally rude way at my belly....keep in mind I'm the head of human resources/payroll. Can I write him up AND dock his pay??
^^THIS! I am also the head of HR and people say the most asinine things to me... when I tell my husband at night he's like, do they actually KNOW what your job is? He tells me to write them all up... If I had more energy perhaps I would... but I'm usually too offended and taken back by their comments to use this time as a "teachable moment".
My insurance is the TW today. They give a list of things you can do to get incentive money in your HSA. I did what they requested and now they don't know how to document it and therefore haven't given me the incentive money. I have been trying to get answers for over a month, and no one seems to know anything. Ugh. Get your act together, insurance!
Mine is traffic related- people who don't use their blinkers or don't have the lights connected to their trailers. I don't know how many wrecks almost happened while I was on my way to my doctor appointment this morning.
2 angel babies to watch over us- bfp 3/16/13, c/p 3/27/13- bfp 6/27/13, c/p confirmed 7/4/13- We will always carry you in our hearts
I'll go with weight gain also. I've been eating very clean and working out, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I'm up 6 pounds in 3 weeks! I'm hoping that it's some water weight since I was on my feet a lot this weekend and I'm still swollen, but I'm still upset by this. It puts my gain at about 40lbs in 31 weeks, just not cool.
Jury Duty I made a post about this a while back about attending jury duty during the third tri. Anyway I decided to go figuring this way I was guaranteed 3 undisturbed years of not being summoned again.
Only now for the past two days I'm not told whether or not I need to come in tto serve until 5pm the day before. This is driving me crazy since my parents have volunteered to baby sit W for me. This whole system seems so rude to me, how hard is it to figure out when someone needs to serve? Less than 16 hours of notice is ridiculous.
So I'm still waiting to see if they need me tomorrow or Thursday. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed hoping that take one look at my huge belly and send me packing.
@winniethepoohspants - I totally got my doctor to write a note for jury duty. There was no way my bladder was making it that long!
My TW is my lungs. Or maybe baby pressing on my lungs. I can't breathe! Just putting on make-up in the morning is hard. Even sitting at my desk now I feel short of breath!
Mine is kinda long, those who read it, God bless! Those who don't, thanks for letting me vent!
My TW is my aunt from TX, lets just call her "Lou". Anyways Lou is a very wealthy, very selfish, self centered woman, with an only child who can do no wrong. While my cousin was single, his parents purchased him a condo, once his wife got pregnant, they bought a new house and gave my cousin their current, fully furnished house. Not a part of the story, just an example of how she worships her son. She is also someone who has, multiple times, dropped her dogs off at the pound, because they were too old and why should she pay for them to be put down when the city will do it for free, or because she has a new house and the dogs she had for 2-7 years shed,,, can't have that. Anyways, May 2014 my cousins wife was pregnant and my grandfather told her we were not having children at our wedding, which was scheduled for the following september. At this time Lou started sending me 100's of messages on fb, telling me I was a horrible person, I must really hate her, she can't believe I was doing this to her family, If her unborn grandbaby cannot come to my wedding she wasn't either. (Keep in mind her son didn't come to my brothers wedding, even though he was suppose to be a groomsman, and he never told my brother he wasn't coming either, he just didn't show up to his wedding and his dad was his stand in.) I kept my cool, but did tell her she was being a bit childish and there was no reason for her not to come, but if that is how she felt than fine. this cont until i blocked her and then she proceeded to bombard me with text messages, until I contacted her son and he forced her to stop. About a month later I contacted her and told her I don't want to fight. All was well, but she still new it was an adults only wedding. FF to April 2015, my grandfather was in the ICU, fighting for his life, only my aunt came from TX to see him, and while I'm sitting in his room I get a text from my cousin asking if I had changed my mind about having babies at the wedding. I was pissed, I told him no and updated him on my grandfather. I did tell him there were several family members willing to watch his daughter, at the hotel, which was on site and visible from my reception. Well this started up my aunt again and she started attacking me all over telling me I knew her family had plans to go to my wedding and this would be my grandfathers time to see the baby and on and on about how horrible I am. FF to my wedding, instead of coming to my wedding, they booked a trip to Playa Del Carmen, knowing this is where my honeymoon was booked, the baby got very ill in MX and I received several calls and messages from them the night before my wedding, which I did not answer, I was at my rehearsal dinner. My aunt sent me an insane amount of money as a gift and wrote in the card she wished I allowed her family to come. Her and my uncle came to visit in Jan and wanted to take us out for dinner, I declined since I had to go to LI for a week for training, they never apologized to me and quite frankly they aren't very nice people. And that is that. Today, I'm connected to my moms fb, I post pics for her when she asks me to and what not, because she doesn't know how, I get bombarded, well my mom gets bombarded with messages from Lou stating how horrible I am, I did this on purpose so my grandfather wouldn't get to see his great grandchild and so on. All I can say is I've never met my cousins wife, if they wanted my grandfather to see the baby, they could have came to CT for a week, skipped out on my wedding, or took up my other aunts offer to babysit. Also, my aunt and uncle could have came to my wedding without my cousin. Also, they have attended 5 weddings together, since the grandbaby was born, which were adult only, including other out of state weddings for family, and all went and had no issues. Yet I am a monster for wanting my 7 pm, outdoor, party wedding with lots of alcohol and loud music, to be adults only.
Ok, I'm done. I just can't believe she is now sending my mom messages stating that i owe her an apology and I've manipulated everything so my grandfather can't see the grandbaby. Really, that's why I even arranged a baby sitter for them. Ugh.
edited to add, sorry about some of the crappy grammar and the "grandbaby" is their word, not mine. I realize it's annoying
@mar101483 That is insane. So sorry your aunt is beyond childish. My best friend is having a similar situation for her upcoming wedding in August. The only kids that are invited are the 2 that are IN the wedding and her little cousins. She has already lined up child care in one of the meeting rooms on site at their hotel, complete with a buffet kids meal, video games/entertainment, etc. She just wants her actual reception to be as child free as possible, purely because her fiances family is HUGE!!! (we are talking upwards of 200 guests from his side alone...) She invited my sister and her family, but my sister and best friend have already discussed, and they will not be attending because my sister will be watching my daughter since I'm one of the bridesmaids.
I just cannot believe the audacity of some people these days. So sorry you're STILL dealing with her
@sdLindenbergI am forced to believe she must be a very unhappy person, to keep this up. I just wish she would stop bothering my mother. My aunt and I use to be very close, but over the years she has attacked several of us. When my 21 y/o cousin was 16, she sent her fb messages stating my cousins mom was a horrible person for letting her get a tattoo and cont to attack her, even after my cousin calmly told her "if you feel this way, you should be contacting my mother not me". Also, she was upset that I had her aunts "adopted" grandchildren at my wedding, when they "aren't even real family". I was horrified when she stated that, I told her that was a really horrible thing to say, also my cousins, who are my family, maybe not blood related, but mean the same to me, are aged 16, 17 and 20. Ugh I hate her
@sdLindenberg seriously, with your crazy/rude ex-roommate?!?!?! It would have taken her less time to do the RSVP herself than to argue with you about it. Ugh, what a betch,
@RNMegan0711 my MIL tried to shame me about BFing last time around. She was horrified that I'd do something "so gross" and "so weird". My goal was 1 year. I BFed and pumped for 13 months. Don't let her get you down. You do you.
June 2016 April Siggy Challenge: Reasons my kid is crying
@sdLindenbergshe sounds like a TW for sure! If she can't even rsvp with the person hosting the shower, perhaps she just shouldn't come. @parsonspersonI couldn't agree with you more. She would do well on a 15 day PEC in a psych hospital.
I'm trying.... Lol. I have NO desire to allow her to form any sort of bond with my child, let alone be part of the birth. I really feel badly for her son, if he really is in fact going through some medical stuff, but seriously, he was fine a week ago when we all went to lunch. You SHOULD have rsvp'd to the shower then.... I don't care enough about her to try and make our "friendship" work anymore, not even for DH's sake. Its shitty that he's in the middle, but I don't need her stress anymore.
I have another twatwaffle. My husband's squadron's XO's wife (still with me?) threw a hissy fit about someone she doesn't know (the friend hosting my baby shower) having her home address to send her invite to a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, if you google her husband's name and the city we live in and her address comes up for all of the internet to see.
I found out today she hasn't even bothered to RSVP to the shower. So I'm putting her down as a hard NO because there's no way I'm reaching out to her to see if she is coming or not. Frankly I only invited her because I invited every other wife from my husband's work. She also likes to complain about not having family friendly work events and then doesn't show up to the ones we do have, and whine when she gets turned away for trying to bring her baby into a bar.
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
Thought I didn't have one today... should've known it was just too early... because now I have 2.
1) The woman in the cafe while I was waiting for my lunch who told me that another one of her associates is also pregnant but she's all belly and she's having a boy - therefore I'm definitely having a girl. Idk why this bothers me so much... I WANT a girl (I know I'll love a little boy equally as much!) but if we're being honest yes I'd prefer a girl first... so I should be happy when people tell me they think thats what i'm having... except I'm not because I know they are saying it because of the old wives tale of how you carry and if you carry all over its a girl/if your face changes/gains weight... well I just take that every time someone says it an internalize it as I am looking like crap and like I've put on too much weight. I hate people.
2) My husbands boss initially told him he gets 2 weeks Paternity leave as part of corporate policy. Well he emailed HR today to see what paperwork he'd have to complete etc. and they told him they have no paternity leave he has to use his PTO. NOT COOL. So now we have to figure out how much time he can take and if we can afford for him to take a week or 2 of NJFLA (unpaid leave) to be home with us... so frustrating!
A bird just pooped on my head. Fucking Tweety. If I had my shotgun! We are talking NYC, scourge of the skyscraper, hyper-infested rodent with wings, pigeon poo people!! 1,000 gold coins for whomever brings me Tweety the Twatwaffle's head.
A bird just pooped on my head. Fucking Tweety. If I had my shotgun! We are talking NYC, scourge of the skyscraper, hyper-infested rodent with wings, pigeon poo people!! 1,000 gold coins for whomever brings me Tweety the Twatwaffle's head.
I hate birds and this is just one of the reasons. Sorry for the gross pigeon poo. May the rest of his little pigeon life be miserable!
A bird just pooped on my head. Fucking Tweety. If I had my shotgun! We are talking NYC, scourge of the skyscraper, hyper-infested rodent with wings, pigeon poo people!! 1,000 gold coins for whomever brings me Tweety the Twatwaffle's head.
I hate birds and this is just one of the reasons. Sorry for the gross pigeon poo. May the rest of his little pigeon life be miserable!
Wasn't it you that got smacked in the face by an actual fucking flying pigeon?
A bird just pooped on my head. Fucking Tweety. If I had my shotgun! We are talking NYC, scourge of the skyscraper, hyper-infested rodent with wings, pigeon poo people!! 1,000 gold coins for whomever brings me Tweety the Twatwaffle's head.
It's a sign of a good luck when a bird poops on you where I come from. Just as a tiny consolation...
Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday 4/12
We posted at literally the exact same time...I'll turn mine into a GIF party
To go on.. She spent twenty minutes telling me how she already knows I'm going to have to "supplement" with formula. It's just too hard to have to wake up and do it all myself every two hours. Let me preface by saying, I could care less how you choose to feed your baby. That being said, my husband and I really want to try to exclusively feed the baby breast milk. We'd love to be able to have her nurse when I'm home and when I go back to work- have her take pumped breast milk bottles. I know I have high expectations but we want to go into with positivity. My mom warned me that the reason why she didn't breast feed me was because my grandma had bullied her into thinking it was too hard and too "gross". Now I totally see how that was true.
Sorry for the novel. I was all worked up about all of this last night... I obviously needed to vent about it somewhere lol
Apparently it is MY responsibility to RSVP for her and her mother (who's not nearly as crazy as she is) to the shower that is being thrown THIS weekend for me and Baby. She texted me saying she was coming and to tell my sister because she didn't want to call her herself, and she wanted to know if her 1 yr old could come too. I told her that I was beyond busy to call my sister to ask (I'm in the process of making 4 dresses for next weekends local skating competition), and that she could text her if that would be easier for her, as I literally have no idea what is planned for the shower since I'm not the one throwing it. She got all in a huff about it, rambling on how she doesnt have time for this, and that her kid possibly has medical issues, blah blah blah. Look, Betch. I'm sorry your child isn't well, but you've had the friggin invitation since the LAST WEEK OF FEBRUARY!!!! You've had this whole time to call/text/email/facebook her to rsvp and ask questions. Don't get pissed at me because you can't pull your shit together in an orderly fashion. Also, if your son is sick, no, you sure as hell can't bring him around a pregnant lady. Use your brain!
This chick didn't even mail in her RSVP to my wedding.... she texted me 3 days before to confirm their meals, after I had already called her husband (who was in our wedding party) to make sure they were actually coming. I told H that i just don't care for her anymore and its a shame because she is H's best friend and she's the one who set us up initially. I just don't have room in my life for the constant drama and stress she puts me through because she can't have everything her way. I know she's going to want to visit while I'm in the hospital, but I REALLY don't want her there at all (and the nurses and hospital staff will know I don't want her there), and thats bound to cause issues with DH, but seriously dude, enough of not wanting to hurt her fucking feelings.
Sorry for the long rant lol.
I wanted to smother them.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
For the love of tator tots, use common sense people (general "people"). If the brand new thread you're about to post sounds like what could be a normal pregnancy symptom, something 99% of other pregnant women are probably also experiencing or something your doctor might be able to answer, then it doesn't need it's own thread. Ask your doctor or ask it in the daily thread. Good old fashioned using your head and common sense goes a long way. Just putting that out there.
2 angel babies to watch over us- bfp 3/16/13, c/p 3/27/13- bfp 6/27/13, c/p confirmed 7/4/13- We will always carry you in our hearts
Mommy to our princess warrior- 3/4/09
I made a post about this a while back about attending jury duty during the third tri. Anyway I decided to go figuring this way I was guaranteed 3 undisturbed years of not being summoned again.
Only now for the past two days I'm not told whether or not I need to come in tto serve until 5pm the day before. This is driving me crazy since my parents have volunteered to baby sit W for me. This whole system seems so rude to me, how hard is it to figure out when someone needs to serve? Less than 16 hours of notice is ridiculous.
So I'm still waiting to see if they need me tomorrow or Thursday. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed hoping that take one look at my huge belly and send me packing.
Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!
My TW is my lungs.
Or maybe baby pressing on my lungs.
I can't breathe!
Just putting on make-up in the morning is hard. Even sitting at my desk now I feel short of breath!
My TW is my aunt from TX, lets just call her "Lou". Anyways Lou is a very wealthy, very selfish, self centered woman, with an only child who can do no wrong. While my cousin was single, his parents purchased him a condo, once his wife got pregnant, they bought a new house and gave my cousin their current, fully furnished house. Not a part of the story, just an example of how she worships her son. She is also someone who has, multiple times, dropped her dogs off at the pound, because they were too old and why should she pay for them to be put down when the city will do it for free, or because she has a new house and the dogs she had for 2-7 years shed,,, can't have that.
Anyways, May 2014 my cousins wife was pregnant and my grandfather told her we were not having children at our wedding, which was scheduled for the following september. At this time Lou started sending me 100's of messages on fb, telling me I was a horrible person, I must really hate her, she can't believe I was doing this to her family, If her unborn grandbaby cannot come to my wedding she wasn't either. (Keep in mind her son didn't come to my brothers wedding, even though he was suppose to be a groomsman, and he never told my brother he wasn't coming either, he just didn't show up to his wedding and his dad was his stand in.) I kept my cool, but did tell her she was being a bit childish and there was no reason for her not to come, but if that is how she felt than fine. this cont until i blocked her and then she proceeded to bombard me with text messages, until I contacted her son and he forced her to stop. About a month later I contacted her and told her I don't want to fight. All was well, but she still new it was an adults only wedding. FF to April 2015, my grandfather was in the ICU, fighting for his life, only my aunt came from TX to see him, and while I'm sitting in his room I get a text from my cousin asking if I had changed my mind about having babies at the wedding. I was pissed, I told him no and updated him on my grandfather. I did tell him there were several family members willing to watch his daughter, at the hotel, which was on site and visible from my reception. Well this started up my aunt again and she started attacking me all over telling me I knew her family had plans to go to my wedding and this would be my grandfathers time to see the baby and on and on about how horrible I am.
FF to my wedding, instead of coming to my wedding, they booked a trip to Playa Del Carmen, knowing this is where my honeymoon was booked, the baby got very ill in MX and I received several calls and messages from them the night before my wedding, which I did not answer, I was at my rehearsal dinner. My aunt sent me an insane amount of money as a gift and wrote in the card she wished I allowed her family to come.
Her and my uncle came to visit in Jan and wanted to take us out for dinner, I declined since I had to go to LI for a week for training, they never apologized to me and quite frankly they aren't very nice people. And that is that. Today, I'm connected to my moms fb, I post pics for her when she asks me to and what not, because she doesn't know how, I get bombarded, well my mom gets bombarded with messages from Lou stating how horrible I am, I did this on purpose so my grandfather wouldn't get to see his great grandchild and so on. All I can say is I've never met my cousins wife, if they wanted my grandfather to see the baby, they could have came to CT for a week, skipped out on my wedding, or took up my other aunts offer to babysit. Also, my aunt and uncle could have came to my wedding without my cousin. Also, they have attended 5 weddings together, since the grandbaby was born, which were adult only, including other out of state weddings for family, and all went and had no issues. Yet I am a monster for wanting my 7 pm, outdoor, party wedding with lots of alcohol and loud music, to be adults only.
Ok, I'm done. I just can't believe she is now sending my mom messages stating that i owe her an apology and I've manipulated everything so my grandfather can't see the grandbaby. Really, that's why I even arranged a baby sitter for them. Ugh.
edited to add, sorry about some of the crappy grammar and the "grandbaby" is their word, not mine. I realize it's annoying
I just cannot believe the audacity of some people these days. So sorry you're STILL dealing with her
Also, she was upset that I had her aunts "adopted" grandchildren at my wedding, when they "aren't even real family". I was horrified when she stated that, I told her that was a really horrible thing to say, also my cousins, who are my family, maybe not blood related, but mean the same to me, are aged 16, 17 and 20. Ugh I hate her
@parsonsperson I couldn't agree with you more. She would do well on a 15 day PEC in a psych hospital.
I have another twatwaffle. My husband's squadron's XO's wife (still with me?) threw a hissy fit about someone she doesn't know (the friend hosting my baby shower) having her home address to send her invite to a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, if you google her husband's name and the city we live in and her address comes up for all of the internet to see.
I found out today she hasn't even bothered to RSVP to the shower. So I'm putting her down as a hard NO because there's no way I'm reaching out to her to see if she is coming or not. Frankly I only invited her because I invited every other wife from my husband's work. She also likes to complain about not having family friendly work events and then doesn't show up to the ones we do have, and whine when she gets turned away for trying to bring her baby into a bar.
1) The woman in the cafe while I was waiting for my lunch who told me that another one of her associates is also pregnant but she's all belly and she's having a boy - therefore I'm definitely having a girl. Idk why this bothers me so much... I WANT a girl (I know I'll love a little boy equally as much!) but if we're being honest yes I'd prefer a girl first... so I should be happy when people tell me they think thats what i'm having... except I'm not because I know they are saying it because of the old wives tale of how you carry and if you carry all over its a girl/if your face changes/gains weight... well I just take that every time someone says it an internalize it as I am looking like crap and like I've put on too much weight. I hate people.
2) My husbands boss initially told him he gets 2 weeks Paternity leave as part of corporate policy. Well he emailed HR today to see what paperwork he'd have to complete etc. and they told him they have no paternity leave he has to use his PTO. NOT COOL. So now we have to figure out how much time he can take and if we can afford for him to take a week or 2 of NJFLA (unpaid leave) to be home with us... so frustrating!
Wasn't it you that got smacked in the face by an actual fucking flying pigeon?