I accepted to be a bridesmaid before I was pregnant. The bride is aware of my pregnancy (and was aware we were planning on getting pregnant) however the bridesmaids currently do not know about the pregnancy and my husband and I don't plan on announcing it for several more weeks. I'm currently discussing bachelorette ideas with the one bridesmaid; the ideas have very much been thrown around and one of the original plans I was completely fine with because it was only an hour and a half away, however right now the party has turned into a weekend (Fri-Sun) getaway to a location that is approximately 5-6 hours from where we live which is something the bride requested. My husband and I are both nervous about the long drive and and me being so far away from him and the in-network hospital we will be using when the time comes. Are we being overly cautious for our first time being pregnant or is this a reasonable concern?
Re: Bachelorette party and traveling at seven months...
At 7 months, I flew to the other side of the country and did a very intense work conference for 3 days. It wasn't fun, but I did it, and I didn't experience any negative side effects (no extra swelling or anything). At 9 months pregnant, I could honestly probably still do it if I had to. I also have had no complications in my pregnancy though. Also, it was work... I was able to sit down pretty frequently. I did have to be up very very late, I got basically no sleep... but everyone was very understanding.
If I didn't HAVE to do it, I wouldn't have done it.
Married: Oct 20, 2013
BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
EDD 1: May 12, 2016
DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)
BFP 2: October 07, 2019
EDD 2: June 20, 2020
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!Wait and see cause we're all different.
Just remember, just because you are a bridesmaid, doesn't mean you have to attend the bachelorette party, and if the bride has a problem with it, she's not a good friend.
Do what you are comfortable with.
The other thing I would consider is do you really want to be around a bunch of drunk people for three days? I'm going to a wedding at 31 weeks and decided to do it because I rarely see my friends. I'm willing to put up with how annoying it is to be the only sober one to see them all. I'm not sure I could handle a bachelorette party at this point.