July 2016 Moms

Moving in Third Tri

Anyone else moving shortly before their due date? We are moving about a month ahead of when the baby is supposed to come, and since moving is one of my least favorite things anyway, this is really putting a kibosh on my excitement.  I am trying not to buy/amass anything until after the move, but I am increasingly concerned that I am going to run out of time.... I guess what I am saying is the crazy preggo dreams are now about sleeping on a floor in an empty house. Sigh.  Anyone else?  Any STMs done this before? Advice?

Re: Moving in Third Tri

  • We are moving at the end of this month. Moving is really difficult in general but it definitely puts a damper on the excitement. I'm worried about the dog adjusting to the new place and worried that we are making the right decision by moving. My DH is out of town for work a lot and I'm hoping I can feel comfortable in the new place before he has to head out. For the first week (once we decided to move and signed the new paperwork) I was super stressed. Now I'm just trying to imagine us in the new place with the baby and get excited about painting the nursery and getting it all set up before she comes. I know there are several people on here that are moving as well, however I also know that many people have had babies in less prepared situations and we can do it!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Ugh. Yes. I'm moving while in my third tri as well, not really looking forward to it. I'm moving in with Brooke's father all the way across town. But I'm glad we'll be under the same roof and he'll be able to help me out with her while she's a newborn! I've been slowly moving all of her stuff as it's easier to move and then will move the rest of my stuff toward the end of May. It's nice that it isn't a rushed process too.
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  • lolomommy1lolomommy1 member
    edited April 2016
    Possibly me!  My husband just flew to Oregon today for a job interview.  If he gets this job we will be moving in May.  I am so ready for this move, just wish my body was more up for it.  This will be an out of state move, so its going to be difficult, but definitely necessary in my eyes. 

    When I was pregnant with my first, we moved a month before I had my son, which actually ended up only being 3 weeks before since he came a week early. Wasn't so bad, it kept me occupied when I would have been getting impatient.  My dad and husband did all the heavy work and I just packed and unpacked boxes. 
  • I'm part of this club too.  We've put an offer in on a new house, which was accepted, but now we have to sell our current town home to make the move a reality.  Keeping the house clean has been so hard!

    I have to admit that it's been annoying to have to rely on my time-management-averse DH to do certain things that I don't feel comfortable doing--like moving boxes of books, but I think this is the best time possible for us.  The alternative would be building a house that could take up to two years to complete, shuffling things in our crowded home to find room for a makeshift nursery, and eventually having to move into an apartment with an infant and a toddler.  

    Personally, I think it's better to move while pregnant than with a baby! (and only partly because you (hopefully) get out of carrying boxes)

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • I gotta say though...the moving part doesn't worry me at all. We live in a very small apartment and are buying our first house, so I think the move itself will be relatively painless. However, the whole home-buying process has me SUPER stressed out. I am a pretty anxious and emotional person in general, so I can't even blame the hormones too much. Now being pregnant, I've started thinking of things I never cared about before (like lead paint) and all the potential costs adding up!
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • @sboston06 I feel you. We have just bought a house after months of looking. Hopefully if everything goes to plan we should settle today (fingers crossed- we have had heaps of issues with the seller's bank). My fingers are crossed your offer gets accepted.

    Little boy due July 31st 2016

  • @lolomommy1 there are a couple of us Oregonians on the board including @stellaluna14 ..Where abouts in OR?! I would be happy to make suggestions or answer questions if you end up heading our way!
  • @theshannondee That would be great actually! My husband is staying in Tualatin right now at a friend house while he's up there. We wanted to look around there and the surrounding areas. Would that be considered the outskirts of Portland? I am not really familiar with the area so any suggestions would be amazing. 
  • I am! Moving July 1 and due the 27th. It's been good that I'm not buying a ton of stuff but my nesting urge definitely isn't filled. I'm really hoping that things go smoothly but hauling our lives and three dogs halfway across the country while also being giant is making me nervous for sure.
  • I'm 28w today and we moved 2 weeks ago. I have to echo @betheliz and say moving while pregnant is better than moving with baby. While I have not completely unpacked yet, our home is functional and I have to keep reminding myself that it will eventually all get done (though my mind is screaming "this is how the people on hoarders start!). 

    The process itself was stressful when the lawyers and the mortgage company all wanted last minute documents but, in the end, totally worth it. Just try to tell yourself that it's all going to be worth it and the time will fly by. Good luck! 
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I am also on in the moving boat! Moving the end of this month. We have a 3 bedroom furnished house and have been here for 3 years so we do have a lot of stuff (aka big items), but we have a bunch of DHs friends lined up for the move. I may just wait at the new house for them to move the stuff and me to direct it where to go, oh and to offer pizza and beer to our lovely helpers. 
  • I'm moving right at 30 weeks, and all the way across the country. Going to mean driving a truck while towing through  1300 miles of fun! Even better, DH leaves in three days so I am stuck with most of the packing, though we do have a few others coming out to help load truck at least. I can't nest and packing makes me so sore, but no other choice. I'm worried I'm going to be literally in tears over pain for most of the trip itself-as I have a nerve pinched in my ribcage that hurts anytime I'm sitting. Add the stress of changing doctors/hospitals and losing insurance for six weeks.

    Timing of new job seriously sucks!
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

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  • @lolomommy1 yep that's on the west side and a suburb of the Portland metro area. I think it will be crucial that you guys look at areas to live on the same side of the river as where you will work. Portland traffic is worse than LA because our roads haven't been updated for that level of traffic so crossing the river would be brutal. Beaverton and Tigard-Tualatin both are good school districts and there are some cute neighborhoods over there. Housing is at a premium so if you're looking to buy assume in most cases you're either offering full or above asking. Feel free to PM me!
  • @theshannondee @lolomommy1 agreed on traffic, it's worse now than it has ever been and I've lived here almost my entire life! But it's doable, and at least most things aren't terribly spread out, at least within the city. Message me as well if you have questions! 
  • @theshannondee  @Stellalluna I appreciate the help! Too bad about the traffic, I was hoping to get away from some of it, it's madness here!  Although I appreciate the tip, looks like we will be looking on the west side.  We aren't buying yet, we want to make sure we like the area first, so right now we are looking for rentals and its such a relief, you get so much more for your money as far as renting goes!  Im excited.  Ill let you know if any questions pop up.  
  • We've been building since last May and are hoping to move in next month sometime... We've always rented furnished places so we need to find furniture too. Excited to have a month or so to hopefully settle before baby comes... But really wish I could be getting ready now! I've definitely held off buying and preparing too much baby stuff since we'd have to move it all. And I seriously wish I could already make and stalk up on freezer meals for when baby comes... I'm worried I won't have the energy by the time we actually move in and settle. 
    But I agree with PPs I think id rather do this all before baby comes than with a little one underfoot. 
  • We're in the process of moving; we closed 2 weeks ago. About 25% of the stuff is still at our old apt (we have till the end of the month) and I really just want to set everything on fire over three and rebuy whatever else we need. So over everything.

    OP I would suggest to watch the sales as many retailers allow you to buy things and put on layaway. We did this for our washer, dryer, and fridge, and had them deliver the day after we closed. I was able to get all the power, gas, water moved into my name a few days before closing even with the house being new construction. MH and BIL got a UHaul and brought over boxes and the mattress the day after closing and the first night we slept on an air mattress (not ideal but it worked and we were excited to stay the first night we could in the new home). We didn't get real furniture (bedroom set, couch, table, entertainment system) till a week after and made due with cheap fold chairs from WalMart. Remember you don't have to get everything right away! 
  • I moved this last weekend. We had started accumulating a few things which we just immediately packed or left in the box. Some things we needed we also put on favourite lists online so as soon as we are ready we can just go ahead. Moving sucks when pregnant but really when is it ever fun?  We are just taking our time with unpacking and going over to the old place this week to clean it
  • We had our offer accepted on Monday and will have keys in hand May 27th (I'll be 31w 2d).

    Like PP's have said I'm sure other babies have come into more chaotic situations. I've also heard it is more stressful once baby is here because not only are you tired from just delivering, but you are sleep deprived & have to attend to the baby at that point.

    I'm not so much worried about getting everything moved. I have complete confidence my husband and our friends/family can pick up boxes. It's the nesting phase I'm getting anxious about. We literally have nothing for our nursery but we don't want to buy anything yet and create more stuff to move out. I want nothing more than to have it done. And of course all the expenses that go along with that and anything else that pops up as a problem once we move in.
  • Just found out we are closing on April 27th and that new tenants are moving into our rental on April 30th! Thank god a lot of our big furniture is getting donated or being given away, but the 27th is only 2 weeks away, holy packing!
  • Husband got the jon, so its final.  Moving Mid may...time to get shit together!  Im feeling less stressed and more motivated, because the sooner this is over, the sooner I can start getting the nursery together. 
  • We will be moving across the state in August. Our lease isn't up until then and I want to stay on our insurance until(hopefully) my 6 week check up. DS is in school, so I don't want to love before then and baby could come in June so August it is. It's going to be stressful moving with 2 kids and a newborn.
  • @theshannondee  @Stellalluna I appreciate the help! Too bad about the traffic, I was hoping to get away from some of it, it's madness here!  Although I appreciate the tip, looks like we will be looking on the west side.  We aren't buying yet, we want to make sure we like the area first, so right now we are looking for rentals and its such a relief, you get so much more for your money as far as renting goes!  Im excited.  Ill let you know if any questions pop up.  
    OR traffic is annoying. I also agree with trying to find something in the area where you will be working, so you have less of a commute. After awhile, you will come to find that you know certain days/times that you don't want to venture out. I am on the OR/WA border and MH and I plan our outings according to traffic because we have to cross the bridge and that area is a nightmare. Like, I will only cross the bridge into OR after 9am, and do whatever it is I have to do, and get back across before noon. Today, my husband has to go to the Adidas Employee store, so he will have to do the same. Once noon hits, the traffic up here hits, and even though the Adidas Employee store is only a few miles from the border, he could get stuck in an hour (or more) of traffic around noon....and it will continue that way until around 7pm. Needless to say, we get into OR on a mission......get in, get out, get back across the border! 

    Which is going to make for an interesting time come delivery time, if I don't make it to my RCS date, because I have Kaiser insurance and am going to be delivering at Kaiser Westside Hospital in Hillsboro. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @PhoebeJune1984   My husbands aunt and uncle live in Vancouver and I remember the craziness of getting over the bridge when we went over to get to Mt.Hood.  It's a nightmare.  My husbands new job is in Tigard and so we are looking in the surrounding area for a neighborhood that is safe with a good school district and had a good feel to it.  Also, going to have to figure out which hospitals are good in the area.  I was looking online and it seems like most of them offer birthing tubs, which is amazing.  There were none in orange county (where im from) that offer water births.  So thats a major plus if it is true!
  • @lolomommy1 I'm delivering at Good Sam hospital specifically because they offer water births. It's on the west side and I'm on the east but it doesn't usually take me more than 20 mins to get there. I recommend checking it out! 

    @PhoebeJune1984 I hear you, I am so glad I never have to venture towards the border, except when I go to the airport or ikea haha. 
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