Anyone else moving shortly before their due date? We are moving about a month ahead of when the baby is supposed to come, and since moving is one of my least favorite things anyway, this is really putting a kibosh on my excitement. I am trying not to buy/amass anything until after the move, but I am increasingly concerned that I am going to run out of time.... I guess what I am saying is the crazy preggo dreams are now about sleeping on a floor in an empty house. Sigh. Anyone else? Any STMs done this before? Advice?
Re: Moving in Third Tri
....Or I should say, DH and my family will me moving while I sit on my butt and holler directions at the people who are kindly helping us.
When I was pregnant with my first, we moved a month before I had my son, which actually ended up only being 3 weeks before since he came a week early. Wasn't so bad, it kept me occupied when I would have been getting impatient. My dad and husband did all the heavy work and I just packed and unpacked boxes.
I have to admit that it's been annoying to have to rely on my time-management-averse DH to do certain things that I don't feel comfortable doing--like moving boxes of books, but I think this is the best time possible for us. The alternative would be building a house that could take up to two years to complete, shuffling things in our crowded home to find room for a makeshift nursery, and eventually having to move into an apartment with an infant and a toddler.
Personally, I think it's better to move while pregnant than with a baby! (and only partly because you (hopefully) get out of carrying boxes)
Little boy due July 31st 2016
The process itself was stressful when the lawyers and the mortgage company all wanted last minute documents but, in the end, totally worth it. Just try to tell yourself that it's all going to be worth it and the time will fly by. Good luck!
Timing of new job seriously sucks!
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
But I agree with PPs I think id rather do this all before baby comes than with a little one underfoot.
OP I would suggest to watch the sales as many retailers allow you to buy things and put on layaway. We did this for our washer, dryer, and fridge, and had them deliver the day after we closed. I was able to get all the power, gas, water moved into my name a few days before closing even with the house being new construction. MH and BIL got a UHaul and brought over boxes and the mattress the day after closing and the first night we slept on an air mattress (not ideal but it worked and we were excited to stay the first night we could in the new home). We didn't get real furniture (bedroom set, couch, table, entertainment system) till a week after and made due with cheap fold chairs from WalMart. Remember you don't have to get everything right away!
Like PP's have said I'm sure other babies have come into more chaotic situations. I've also heard it is more stressful once baby is here because not only are you tired from just delivering, but you are sleep deprived & have to attend to the baby at that point.
I'm not so much worried about getting everything moved. I have complete confidence my husband and our friends/family can pick up boxes. It's the nesting phase I'm getting anxious about. We literally have nothing for our nursery but we don't want to buy anything yet and create more stuff to move out. I want nothing more than to have it done. And of course all the expenses that go along with that and anything else that pops up as a problem once we move in.
Which is going to make for an interesting time come delivery time, if I don't make it to my RCS date, because I have Kaiser insurance and am going to be delivering at Kaiser Westside Hospital in Hillsboro.
@PhoebeJune1984 I hear you, I am so glad I never have to venture towards the border, except when I go to the airport or ikea haha.