January 2016 Moms

Slow vs medium flow nipples

Have any bottle fed babies switched from slow flow to medium flow nipples yet? If so, when did you switch? LO is still on slow flow but uses medium once a day when I put cereal into his bottle. He just takes so long to eat with the slow flow and I'm thinking medium might be better. Just haven't used it yet for regular formula with no cereal to make it thicker. 

Re: Slow vs medium flow nipples

  • I just switched to medium flow last week @ 12 weeks (he only occasionally gets bottles) the slow was taking FOREVER to do just 4 ounces. We're both much happier with mediums! 

    8 Years
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  • We still use stage 1 or slow flow nipples. When I've put rice cereal into LO's bottle, even the medium flow nipples are not fast enough.  I even went out and bought a different brand bottle, thinking maybe the level 2 nipples for the Dr. Browns were a slower flow than other brands medium or level 2 nipples.  Nope! I don't know if it's just DS's ability to get it out or what.  I even bought fast flow nipples for the Platex Ventare bottles and those still take him 40-45 minutes to finish a 5 oz bottle.

    He is 16w, and I'll probably stick with the level 1's for a little while longer.
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  • We switched to medium/level 2 around 7 weeks because he kept sucking so hard that the nipples would invert and he'd get frustrated. Occasionally he will invert a level 2 nipple but I'm not changing to a level 3 any time soon. He's 11 weeks now. 
  • AchaeAchae member
    We are ebf and don't plan on ever changing flow. They should eat slower to help aid with gas and digestion and mimic the breast flow. Otherwise I've heard once they start sucking so hard the nipple collapses you should up the flow 
  • KFrobKFrob member
    We tried the medium flow last week twice. The first time LO did great. The second time she was sleepy and ended up making a mess. The Medela ones say to switch at 4 months and since we're at 3 it might just be too soon. 
  • We're sticking to low-flow for now. Our girl is 12 weeks, and we pace feed her, so speeding up the feeding process doesn't make sense for us. She normally takes 25-ish minutes to eat 4 ounces, and while that seems like a lot, it really isn't when you think about how long a baby will nurse from the breast. 
  • I've wondered about this. LO is BF when I'm at home, and drinks pumped milk while I'm at work. She uses a slow flow nipple, but can down a 4 oz. bottle in less than 5 minutes. She has to be stopped in the middle to be burped a couple of times because she drinks so quickly. Anyone have any knowledge on the necessity of changing nipples with age? If a baby seems to be doing fine with a slow flow, do you have to change? Or can you just follow LO's cues? I've tried googling, but have seen mixed answers. Just curious. 
  • EP and just switched to the level 2 last week. DS is 15 weeks today. He wasn't finishing his bottles and it was collapsing so it was time. 
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