Pregnant after a Loss

13 weeks along+influenza type a+tamiflu?

took my hubby to the doc today and he tested positive for type a influenza, NOT the stomach flu but the virus that's a respitory virus and deep in lungs. Now I have been prescribed tamiflu which is type c classified drug for pregnancy and apparently the risks of not taking this outweigh the risks of taking the medicine if you do contract influenza (which I'm already thinking I have since I'm starting to get hubbys same symptoms). I've had to take a leap of faith after two miscarriages and one successful pregnancy and take the tamiflu. It's a once a day pill for ten days. I just am a bit worried but did anyone take tamiflu and their baby was ok? I just want some reassurance, I don't really care about the next few miserable days of sickness ahead but rather knowing baby will be ok. I guess the plus in all this is he or she's vital orgAns and spine is fully formed so that's good.

help, would love to hear some good vibes or uplifting tales or tips about if you ladies have had influenza type a after pregnancy loss too
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Re: 13 weeks along+influenza type a+tamiflu?

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    I wouldn't take Tamiflu when not pregnant, and definitely wouldn't when pregnant. It only shortens your symptoms by a day on average, and the side effects can be just as bad as the flu, not to mention it is usually pretty expensive . Ultimately, it is a virus and you have to ride it out.

    It is a crappy drug that is truely used to  make money with very little benefit to the patient.  I work pharmaceutical research, and usually will defend the big pharna companies, but i will never touch tamiflu. Just my opinion.
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    Ok, well I've already decided I'm taking it so it's a bit late to stop unfortunately. I understand your points though. Thanks
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    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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