Hey there I had an early miscarriage at the end of January and wasn't able to share until now. I was an emotional train wreck after it happened.My boyfriend who isn't one to share his feelings hasn't talked much about it unless I pry or forcefully bring it up. When I told him I was pregnant he was so excited! When we walked out of our house to leave for my fathers birthday dinner after I told him we saw our neighbor. She asked how our night was and he immediately replied "Great! We just found out Natalie's pregnant!!!" Which of course my jaw dropped because I didn't want to tell anyone until after an ultrasound. He also begged me to be able to tell his close friends until I gave in. He said he was too excited and had to tell someone. We had been trying but my friends and family didn't know that. We're unmarried so we weren't exactly announcing it wasn't an accident. I woke up spotting one morning. I got him out of bed and he calmed me down. I called my obgyn explained and she wanted me to come in immediately and seemed worried. I went into crying mode and called my mother to tell her what was going on. She came to the house and the 3 of us went to the doctors. During the ultrasound they saw nothing. My mom left the room and as I was putting my pants back on the bleeding got really bad. That's when he and I knew it wasn't going to be good news. They tested my blood anyways and confirmed that my levels were gone. After he was really good about helping around the house and hugging me a lot while I was crying on the couch. Once I had gotten out of the crying stage I asked him what he wanted to do. I had wanted to try again. I'm a Capricorn and I'm a very determined person. I wanted to focus all my energy on moving forward and trying to have a successful pregnancy. He said I think we should wait and that stuck in my like a knife to the stomach. I know he's scared of having to go through that again and seeing me like that. For me I felt lost and like he was giving up. After that he started coping with it poorly and some of our relationship issues we had moved past resurfaced. I became very sensitive. I can now cry at any baby image, pregnancy announcement, ect. I feel so determined to have a baby now and he doesn't want to. I feel like it's all I can think about now.
Has anyone had an issue with a significant other protesting trying again or even you feeling obsessed with getting pregnant again after your miscarriage?
Re: Significant other
CP 1/25/16 4.5 weeks, developed Graves' disease
Baby #2 M/C 4/5/16
Having baby fever can even affect conception, after my loss at 21 weeks I became obsessed with having another baby right away and I just wanted a child so much and I put so much pressure on myself that I wasn't getting pregnant. I know it's a extremely hard thing to go through, let him mourn your child before trying again.
Together since 2006
Married 01.17.15
Married: 4-25-2014
TTC: March 2015
BFP: 2-18-16
Confirmed MMC: 3-31-16
D&C: 4-2-16
TTCAL: May 2016
IUI: 5/13/17-Femara and Trigger, POAS 5/27/17 BFP 5/27/17