TTC after 35

Chemical pg mentioned

Hey ladies,
Started a heavy bleed just now. 
Thanks for all the support and enthusiasm. 
It just wasn't my time.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: Chemical pg mentioned

  •  :'( so so sorry. That sucks! *hugs*
  • gah, so sorry @thistle8677 that really sucks.

    Me: 37
    DH: 36
    Married: 08-25-07
    DS: 11-20-09

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

    Name change alert: Formerly Lisswastaken

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  • so sorry!  hugs!
    **child mentioned**
    Me(38)PCOS/Hypothyroid   DH(43)Low T/ED
    MMC at 10 weeks 03/2011 DD born 01/2012   TTC #2 since 04/2014
    BFP 8/26/2016

  • I am so sorry to hear this, @thistle8677

    i am am glad that you have the ball rolling on the fertility coverage and I hope they can help you get to the bottom of what is happening as soon as possible. 

    I'll be thinking of you--and rooting for you, as always. 
  • I'm so very sorry to hear this.  I'm so glad you can at least start with the RE and see what's really going on and find out what options you have!  It's good that you have such a positive attitude toward all of this.
    Me: 41
    Husband: 40
    TTC#1 since 9/2014
    Unexplained Infertility - Trying naturally
  • Lu19Lu19 member
    So sorry @thistle8677, that sucks. Rooting for you big time! your positive attitude is inspiring, and so glad you are on path to receiving some answers and options. hugs 
  • I am so sorry at thistle8677. :( .Thinking of you and hoping for all the best for you with the upcoming RE appointments. 
    Me (42) w/ partner for 16+ years
    TTC #1: 11/2012 - 9/2013; 6/2014 - present
    Follistim + TI (3x): All BFNs
    Follistim + IUI (1x): BFN 
    IVF #1: 17 retrieved,15 fertilized, Day 3: 15, Day 5/6: 3 biopsied
    Result; 1 frozen blast (inconclusive PGS results)
    IVF #2; ER: 6/22 16 retrieved, 6/25: 5 transferred (CP), 2 frozen
    FET 9/17: BFN
    Current FET -- Transferred 2 day-3 embryos - BFN

  • I'm so sorry @thistle8677 :( so glad you will now have coverage (pretty amazing!), but (big time!) boo to the CP this month. 
    Me: 39 SO: 36

    Dx: low progesterone, possible DOR - officially "unexplained"

    TTC#1 since November 2015
    9/16/2016 IUI#1 - BFN
    10/12/2016 IUI#2 - BFN
    1/21/2017 Clomid/IUI#3 - BFN
    March 2017 IVF: BFP! (beta#1 191, beta#2 378!) - it's a boy! DS born 12/6/2017

    TTC #2 since July 2018
    May 2019 IVF #2: BFP! (beta#1 346, beta#2 646) - vanishing twin at 8 weeks. Baby B still going strong - due 2/8/20!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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