We have our first "childhood education" session at the hospital tonight and MIL text me to say that she's worried about DH because he's prone to fainting at blood and what is he going to do "because they show videos in those classes". ARGH. He can close his damn eyes. I swear this is her way of trying to either a) get invited to the class and/or b) be invited into the delivery room. Because who is going to take care of her little boy while I'm pushing a baby out of my hooha?? UGH.
@HoneyBear40 Oh hell no. If you don't have a birthing plan clearly stating who you will and will not allow in during labor and following the birth I suggest you make one just to be sure that your mother-in-law doesn't try to bully some poor nurse into letting her in.
My wtf is tame. I need another blood draw before I get my rhogam shot next week and I just don't want to be inconvenienced by going to the lab. I have to adult today, so I will get it done, but I just don't want to.
I sent in my revised paperwork after my job denied my previous request to use sick time during maternity leave. This time, I have a doctor's note. My principal sent me an email saying she received it and read it. She signed off the email with "Good luck."
That doesn't give me much confidence... They'll probably try to me fight me on it again. Just let me use my sick time!
I have to go into town today for a prenatal appointment, and I can't remember ANY of the things I was going to do while I'm there. Between my pregnancy-induced memory loss and DH's TBI-induced memory loss, we are useless for remembering short-term stuff. And I know I will remember as soon as I get home.
@DominiqueU What is up with that? It's your sick time, why won't they let you use it? So stupid. My work demands that we use our holiday and vacation time first for maternity leave. You know, because having a baby is just the same as going on a fun vacation and doesn't require any recuperation at all.
July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
I wish I knew about doing a gif because my WTF calls for it. I actually have to sit down my staff this morning and explicitly tell them to get off their cellphones so our students don't get hit by buses. Sigh...
@Nerdchild oh she is, and she's a shit talker too. I believe her exact words were. "Good luck getting out that tub preggo, because I'm not helping you."
Me 28 DH 30 Married May 16th, 2015 EDD July 1st July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
@DominiqueU I don't understand why school maternity leave policies seem so mixed up. My school only offers the number of sick days/personal days we have banked as our maternity leave. I would get like 4 weeks tops and wouldn't have any days to use for any reason the rest of the year. I know it could be worse, but geez. I'm sorry your school is being difficult too. I'm trying to not have to go back so hopefully I can avoid the issue entirely.
Married 6/1/13
BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
BFP #4 4/2015 MC 7/1/15
BFP #5 10/21/15 EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow!
I have so many WTFs. This cold I have, this baby laying on my sciatic nerve, my students acting like they're tripping on acid, family members that think the world revolves around them. I'm out of fucks to give, and instead I'd like to go home and lay down. When can I do that please?
WTF to selfish jerks? My so-called friend who also happens to be my brothers girlfriend and lives with him in our guest house has barely spoken to me since I told her I was pregnant. It really hurt my feelings that she didn't seem to care and basically just acted like I had fallen off the face of the planet (while living in my house!), but lately I'd been focusing my energy elsewhere (like on growing a healthy baby and not killing anyone in the process). She texts me out of the blue last night, takes no accountability for anything that's gone on, blames me for being mean and ignoring her and saying that the tension between us has nothing to do with my baby because she would never let that come between us. It then turns into a weird ultimatum saying I have to fix this and decide how to fix our relationship.
WHAT? It's shitty enough to be a lame ass friend at a time when you know your friend needs support. It's worse to give an emotional pregnant lady a text message ultimatum at 10 at night, and think you are going to achieve anything positive.
My WTF wenesday is my mother. She insists that her baby shower for me has to be held before my MILs and is just being rude about it, why does it matter who hosts the shower first?!?!?! Is anyone else experiencing this?
Also, she offered to come down the week ( she lives 300 miles away) I am due to help out and take me to hospital just in case my husband isn't home (he is a police officer that works off hours and we only have one car). She then dropped the bombshell that she was going to fly down and would need me to pick her up at the airport and we could take a cab to the hospital! Why would you offer to drive me to the hospital, when I would have to pick you up at the airport and then have to rely on a cab to take me to the hospital? I know this is a ploy to either force her way into the delivery room (when I made it clear my husband is the only person allowed to be there) or to be the first grandparent to see the baby, again no idea why this matters.
@stellaluna14 it sounds like she isn't a friend worth having. Even if she is your brothers girlfriend. I'd either ignore it or tell her to F off. We are too old for that crap. I'm sorry you have to deal with her though.
@sboston06 The black one is worse, if I'm taking a shower she goes in between the plastic and cloth curtain and paces and talks to me. If it's the morning, when I'm getting ready for work, she has to be in the bathroom the whole time, and then needs to get in the shower after everyone is done using it to drink the water. Which to me is stupid because we bought both the cats one of those auto refill water things.
Me 28 DH 30 Married May 16th, 2015 EDD July 1st July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
my WTF may belong in the baby shower thread. My bff is planning this shower with my MIL and my mom. BFF designed the invitation and ran it by both moms before printing it. Now my MIL is bothered because it doesn't say her name, it says hosted by "the grandmas and [bff's name]" , it doesn't say my husband's name (cause she said it wasn't co-ed so I assumed it was just for me, and because the family name isn't on the invitation (cause I kept my last name and I think she may have a little problem with that). My WTF is this she says, "some of my guests won't know who you", well if they won't know who I am, why are they coming?! I'm trying to be understanding about this since I did tell the moms they could invite their friends but I wasn't thinking she was going to invite complete strangers. Maybe it's just me but that seems weird.
WTF to my body, that has been hypoglycemic my whole life and now failed my 1 hour GD test (by what seems to be a decent amount). And ALSO my hemoglobin/hematocrit levels that are too low. TF body...we have been having as close to a "textbook" perfect pregnancy as possible, now this shit. Any mommas fail their 1 hour and pass their 3 hour? I go for my 3 hour on Monday and am concerned...
@oneliloaktree13 My lab mix tries to sneak into the bathtub with me. More than once I have walked away from a freshly filled tub and come back to find it 'occupied'.
My WTF may also be an UO... But I'm annoyed so here goes.
Im a nanny (as one of my jobs). I have been with the same family for 4 years, started when the big sister was 18 months. Now the little sister is 2.5. I have her potty trained, fully. But the parents REFUSE to take away her pacifier. And I quote "but it's so cute!" "But she's our last baby." She's mature enough to be potty trained, she's mature enough to not need a pacifier. WTF.
She doesn't have it at all when I'm here and doesn't even ask. She only asks them for it because she knows they give it to her. I've seen it first hand, the second they walk in the door she asks. So WTF to this kiddo too! She's a smarty.
I know I'm not her parent, but I just don't understand.
@Nerdchild Yeah, I don't want that ha, I have managed to adopt two dogs that hate water, will let me bathe them but straight up refuse to get in there unless they are placed. I had high hopes for Hugo, but he's just disappointing.
Me 28 DH 30 Married May 16th, 2015 EDD July 1st July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
WTF to the psychos that have replaced my 2 year old class this week. They have been hellions and I am getting back pain from the constant up and down so I can pry them off one another or stop them from climbing shelves or remove them from a center because they are throwing freaking toys everywhere!! I just want to sit and do art with them calmly!
Also, one of my cats will sit between the plastic shower curtain and cloth one with me while I'm in the shower. She just chills til I'm done then jumps in to drink the water from the tub lol. Cats are weird creatures.
WTF to dog farts... I've been a farting machine this whole pregnancy but come on.
They are DEADLY.
I thought this was actually about actual dog farts, because my dog is horrible right now. He stretches out leaving the couch and if you're in the line of fire....dead.
Me 28 DH 30 Married May 16th, 2015 EDD July 1st July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
WTF to dog farts... I've been a farting machine this whole pregnancy but come on.
They are DEADLY.
I thought this was actually about actual dog farts, because my dog is horrible right now. He stretches out leaving the couch and if you're in the line of fire....dead.
It was..was that not what she meant? Ha, I'm lost.
WTF to dog farts... I've been a farting machine this whole pregnancy but come on.
They are DEADLY.
I thought this was actually about actual dog farts, because my dog is horrible right now. He stretches out leaving the couch and if you're in the line of fire....dead.
It was..was that not what she meant? Ha, I'm lost.
OH crap, I thought she was comparing her own farts to the dog on the amount level. For whatever reason I didn't read the come on part Ooooor I just chose not to.
Me 28 DH 30 Married May 16th, 2015 EDD July 1st July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
@erin7264 my DH has TBI too, so I understand what it's like. I'm so used to being the one on top of everything, and my baby brain is making it so hard. Is it a military related injury?
My wtf goes to the VA. DH has been through enough, take care of your disabled veterans already! I drove him 2 hours to an appointment that never should have needed to happen if they had their shit together.
@jenkeale his were as well. He does pretty good for the most part, and is good about putting important objects like his keys/phone in the exact same place so he knows where to look next time. He's also got partial hearing loss in one ear, so I'm used to repeating myself a lot because he either forgot or couldn't hear me in the first place.
WTF to my nose. Out of nowhere it's like a leaky faucet. It was so bad that I actually thought I woke up to a bloody nose in the middle of the night last night...nope. Just snot.
@erin7264 I SO know the struggle! My DH is deaf in one ear as well, so I've become a repeater and a yeller. I bet people in public think I'm such a bitch to him because I have to raise my voice when there's background noise.
Re: WTF Wednesday 4-6-16
We have our first "childhood education" session at the hospital tonight and MIL text me to say that she's worried about DH because he's prone to fainting at blood and what is he going to do "because they show videos in those classes". ARGH. He can close his damn eyes. I swear this is her way of trying to either a) get invited to the class and/or b) be invited into the delivery room. Because who is going to take care of her little boy while I'm pushing a baby out of my hooha?? UGH.
My wtf is tame. I need another blood draw before I get my rhogam shot next week and I just don't want to be inconvenienced by going to the lab. I have to adult today, so I will get it done, but I just don't want to.
That doesn't give me much confidence... They'll probably try to me fight me on it again. Just let me use my sick time!
I have to go into town today for a prenatal appointment, and I can't remember ANY of the things I was going to do while I'm there. Between my pregnancy-induced memory loss and DH's TBI-induced memory loss, we are useless for remembering short-term stuff. And I know I will remember as soon as I get home.
Married May 16th, 2015
EDD July 1st
July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
Married May 16th, 2015
EDD July 1st
July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
Married May 16th, 2015
EDD July 1st
July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
No WTF yet for me today. The day is still young though.
WHAT? It's shitty enough to be a lame ass friend at a time when you know your friend needs support. It's worse to give an emotional pregnant lady a text message ultimatum at 10 at night, and think you are going to achieve anything positive.
I am done with everyone today. All of em.
Also, she offered to come down the week ( she lives 300 miles away) I am due to help out and take me to hospital just in case my husband isn't home (he is a police officer that works off hours and we only have one car). She then dropped the bombshell that she was going to fly down and would need me to pick her up at the airport and we could take a cab to the hospital! Why would you offer to drive me to the hospital, when I would have to pick you up at the airport and then have to rely on a cab to take me to the hospital? I know this is a ploy to either force her way into the delivery room (when I made it clear my husband is the only person allowed to be there) or to be the first grandparent to see the baby, again no idea why this matters.
Married May 16th, 2015
EDD July 1st
July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
July16 JULY siggy challenge
@Kellyj103 Ugh. I wish you could tell her to STFU and leave you alone.
Im a nanny (as one of my jobs). I have been with the same family for 4 years, started when the big sister was 18 months. Now the little sister is 2.5. I have her potty trained, fully. But the parents REFUSE to take away her pacifier. And I quote "but it's so cute!" "But she's our last baby." She's mature enough to be potty trained, she's mature enough to not need a pacifier. WTF.
She doesn't have it at all when I'm here and doesn't even ask. She only asks them for it because she knows they give it to her. I've seen it first hand, the second they walk in the door she asks. So WTF to this kiddo too! She's a smarty.
I know I'm not her parent, but I just don't understand.
Married May 16th, 2015
EDD July 1st
July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
Also, one of my cats will sit between the plastic shower curtain and cloth one with me while I'm in the shower. She just chills til I'm done then jumps in to drink the water from the tub lol. Cats are weird creatures.
July BMB May Signature Challenge
Married May 16th, 2015
EDD July 1st
July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
July BMB May Signature Challenge
Married May 16th, 2015
EDD July 1st
July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"
My wtf goes to the VA. DH has been through enough, take care of your disabled veterans already! I drove him 2 hours to an appointment that never should have needed to happen if they had their shit together.