Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What activities to do with an awake newborn?

So my 3 week old is starting to be awake during the day for longer stretches. She's super alert for her age and can hold her head up fairly well. I read to her a lot, but I can only read so long before my voice gets hoarse. What are some fun things you do to pass the time? I do tummy time and hold mirrors up and rattle toys, but she's still not that interested in them yet. I'm looking for suggestions and helpful hints! 

Re: What activities to do with an awake newborn?

  • talking to her, how big baby (you say "how big is baby?" then will gently raising her arms up over her head " sooooo big"). walk her around showing pictures of family members.
  • kde4kde4 member
    I like to show photos from albums, too. I also sometimes take them on a walk and explain everything we see. If we're in the supermarket, I walk down the aisles and tell them about different things on the shelves.

    My favorite activities and tips for surviving different phases with our twins!

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  • We walk around the house and i talk to her about all sorts of things (what we're gonna cook for dinner, where we're going this weekend, whatever comes to mind). I sing to her, she loves the alphabet song, and read her stories. Mostly she responds to us talking to her, cooing at her, making faces and silly noises she isn't too hard to entertain st this age :)
  • DD is 16 weeks but since she was born I've carried her around in a wrap and just narrated everything I do all day. 
  • My DD is almost 5mo but in addition to everything above, we also used to do simple baby yoga/stretching. 
  • If she's starting to coo a lot, try imitating her noises back to her and smiling. She'll think you understand what she's "saying" and do it more often
  • Definitely walking around in my arms, talking about everything we see and such...that is my favorite. My LO really enjoys being carried around looking over my shoulder so we do that a lot. Tummy time is good as well. I also like to let LO touch appropriate things so I brush her hand over different surfaces as we are doing things during the day.
  • sing songs, narrate what I'm doing
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