Trying to Get Pregnant

Weekly weigh-in/ fitness check in - 4/4/16

edited April 2016 in Trying to Get Pregnant
Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?

Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?

Any challenges you're facing this week?

How did you do with your goals last week?

GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 

Re: Weekly weigh-in/ fitness check in - 4/4/16

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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week? SW: 195 CW: 193 GW: 150-ish

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? Exercise every day. Continue to not overeat, and eat smaller dinners/no snacks in the evening.

    Any challenges you're facing this week? I'm a few days into the TWW (3DPO) so I'm going to focus on staying calm and trying not to be BSC, causing me to eat all the things!

    How did you do with your goals last week? Did ok.  Only exercised 5 days of the week, and made a bunch of exceptions food-wise over the weekend.

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? I have a long commute, so I try to eat a protein/granola bar on the way to work, and some sort of fruit once I arrive at work.

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.  Hopefully FET after that.


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    @furbabymom2007 - Thanks again for doing this!

    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week? I went up this week. Ugh...
    CW: 195.9/ SW: 194.4/ GW: 150

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? My nutritionist wants me to cut my calories by 200 for this week. I'll be decreasing the percentage of cabs and fats, but my protein will stay at 200g a day. Holy buckets!

    Any challenges you're facing this week? With my trip to Baltimore, I won't be able to track everything. I just have to stick with making good choices and hope that it's enough to keep me from gaining this week. It's been an emotional roller coaster, so I will just have to keep myself from overeating/emotional eating.

    How did you do with your goals last week? I made it back to the gym last week, but haven't been feeling the best, so I took a break this weekend. I just know I will have a mental and emotional breakdown if my weight continues to climb.

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option?  I LOVE a slice of toast with an egg and avocado. I also really LOVE refrigerator oatmeal. YUMM!

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    @berkebaby no problem! 
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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?
     CW:162 GW:140

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?
    Drink more water. Fitness goal is walking/jogging 3 days this week.

    Any challenges you're facing this week?

    Myself I need to get/keep motivated.

    How did you do with your goals last week?
     No goals last week. First time posting in this thread.  :)

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 
    Oatmeal with apples 
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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?  
    CW:  257.2  Middle goal 212, overall goal 170

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?
    Rein in my eating habits. I've been making small changes but manage to derail myself every single day. Really, what I need is willpower. Hubster and I have been working on a couch to 10k program, so I'm doing three days of that this week, and filling in three of the four off days with weights and body weight exercise. 

    Any challenges you're facing this week?
    actually, this week is beautiful for me. No major hurdles food-wise and no real plans to interfere with my goals. 

    How did you do with your goals last week?
    first week on this thread, but I've lurked it for a long time. No official goals to speak of, but celebrating easter and my dad's birthday this past weekend has not helped me drop any weight since last week. 

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 
    I eat my breakfast at work through the week because eating too early in the morning unsettles my stomach. I switch it up between plain oatmeal with some cinnamon, a protein bar, or mini wheats and then some fruit - a few clementines or a small apple or some berries. 
    Me - 30  DH - 36
    Married 10/12/13
    TTC #1 since 10/15
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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?  CW: 180.6, GW: 144

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?  DH and I joined an amazing gym in our area (added bonus--there is an outdoor pool!!) yesterday!   So we are heading there today for the first time.  I have been practicing yoga at a studio regularly, but I'm excited to incorporate more cardio and weights.  My goal is to go to the gym 6 days this week.  I also plan to go to yoga two days (this is a lot less than normal, but I want to focus a bit more on cardio for the time being).

    Any challenges you're facing this week?  I am super motivated, so no major challenges.  DH and I talked about the different times of day we will go each week, so I think we should be all set.  

    How did you do with your goals last week?  This is my first time participating, so no goals from last week! 

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option?  I am eating the instant to-go oatmeals.  They are 180 calories and 2.5 grams of fat.  They fill me up and I am also drinking a lot of water, so I feel full throughout the morning/day.  
    About me:
    TTC#1: October 2015
    dx: PCOS & MFI
    IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
    July 2016: Blighted Ovum
    IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
    IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
    FET February 2017 ~BFN
    IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
    Team Blue X 2!
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    @furbabymom2007 I'd like to be a part. I missed this last week due to visitors. 
    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?
    sw. At my heaviest between 150-160. Cw. 133. Gw. 125
    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?Fasted cardio everyday and weights 5-6 days after work. 

    Any challenges you're facing this week?No. Back in my routine. My visitors are gone but h'family arrives next week!

    How did you do with your goals last week?I wanted to get in more workouts but got in 3 while playing tour guide. And 3 days after they're gone, I'm exactly the same weight as the day they arrived. So I'm happy with that! When I weighed myself the day before they left I had gained 8 pounds of water weight and it's already gone!

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 
    Baked pumpkin oatmeal bars or banana protein pancakes! Both are so good for you and delicious!
    or if I'm out, a salmon and egg omelette!

    @berkebaby I hope you get back on track and avoid a breakdown. It's so hard. Hugs. 

    TTC1: May 2015
    Primary IF May 2016; Failed HSG; Scheduled Lap Sept. 2016
    BFP: August 22, 2016/EDD: April 29, 2017
    DD: May 1, 2017
    TTC2: June 2019
    CP September 2019
    Lap and repeat HSG scheduled December 2019
    BFP: November 24, 2019/EDD: August 2, 2020
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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?  
    SW: 247 CW: 244 GW: 220 / 199 / 175

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?
    Hopefully no fast food this week. I had a cheat day yesterday and while it was so good, I felt so bloated afterwards. I'm getting in a delivery from Green Chef this Friday so I'm really excited to try it out! It's supposed to be all sorts of healthy, balanced, and organic.

    Any challenges you're facing this week? 
    Not really. I just need to exercise more.

    How did you do with your goals last week?
    I didn't really meet them fully because I decided to do a cheat day.

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option?
    For breakfast on most days I eat an apple, a Nature Valley fruit and nut granola bar, and drink a bottle of Lipton green tea citrus.
    Previously PaukMeKiande
    Surprise BFP/MC February 2011 
    BFP May 16th 2016
    EDD January 25 2017
    DD born January 30 2017
    Surprise BFP/MC April 2017
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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week? 170/135

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? 
    Fitness: Lift 1-2x, Crossfit 1-2x, run 1x -- overall hoping for 4-5 workout days
    Nutrition: Stick to meal plan which includes a cheat meal on Saturday with the besties

    Any challenges you're facing this week?  It's cold and supposed to be rainy most the week.  Running outside in the cold doesn't work well for my whimpy asthmatic lungs.  Hopefully, I can get outside for a run just once, or else I'll have to resort to the dreadmill. 

    How did you do with your goals last week? I got in 4 runs last week and 1 WOD.  I'm happy with that.  Gotta keep it up!

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option?  2 hard-boiled eggs with sriracha is my usual, easy go-to!  When I have more time, oatmeal with a scoop of cookies & cream protein powder and a splash of coffee.  Yummmm.
    Together 2007 | Married 2011 | Me: 36 | DH: 38
    Adopted Furbaby: 2014
    TTC#1 : 1/2016 | IUI #2 - BFP 12/24/16 -- born 9/8/17
    TTC#2: 11/2019 | Dx DOR (AMH 0.3), AMA
    IUI #2 - BFP 7/1/20 -- EDD 3/14/21
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    Can I join?!  If so: 

    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?  183.2/165

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? Run 30 minutes nonstop and commit to eating Paleo.  I did Whole30--then had 3 weeks of see food eat food--thankfully because of my workouts I only gained 2 pounds. 

    Any challenges you're facing this week?  Lunch plans with various people at work as well as a client.  Gotta stick to salads and whole foods. 

    How did you do with your goals last week?  Just joining :) 

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option?  I like to make breakfast casseroles on Sunday nights for the week.  On Thursday and Friday I typically juice. 


    Me: 32  DH: 35  Married 10/4/14

    TTC  #1 May 2015 BFP: July 21, 2015  Stillborn January 8, 2016

    TTC #2 April 2016 BFP: June 17, 2016

    Pregnancy Ticker
    Baby Girl Shih-Tzu and Baby Boy Boston are my furbabies


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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?
    SW: 167  CW: 161  GW: 155 (for now)

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?
    Get a couple of good workouts in! I've been slacking.

    Any challenges you're facing this week?
    Not really! Just finishing out Whole 30!

    How did you do with your goals last week?
    Okay-ish. AF arrived and I was down for a few days, but still managed to exercise more than I had been.

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 
    I eat on the go for breakfast, usually it's a Greek yogurt. Now that I'm on whole 30, it's been a Larabar or fruit with cashew/almond butter.
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    sarah0985 said:
    @furbabymom2007 I'd like to be a part. I missed this last week due to visitors. 
    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?
    sw. At my heaviest between 150-160. Cw. 133. Gw. 125

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?
    Fasted cardio everyday and weights 5-6 days after work. 

    Any challenges you're facing this week?
    No. Back in my routine. My visitors are gone but h'family arrives next week!

    How did you do with your goals last week?
    I wanted to get in more workouts but got in 3 while playing tour guide. And 3 days after they're gone, I'm exactly the same weight as the day they arrived. So I'm happy with that! When I weighed myself the day before they left I had gained 8 pounds of water weight and it's already gone!

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 
    Baked pumpkin oatmeal bars or banana protein pancakes! Both are so good for you and delicious!
    or if I'm out, a salmon and egg omelette!

    @berkebaby I hope you get back on track and avoid a breakdown. It's so hard. Hugs. 

    Sure!  Just inbox me your starting weight and then your goal weight (I know it is here, but it's easier to keep track of when it's in my inbox ) :) 

    then just send me your weekly update whenever you weigh in at home :) 
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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week? 
    I am exhausted! Also beginning to feel a little queasy... I hope I am not coming down with what DH had. Though, now that I think about it, it would help me lose a few.... JK. That's not healthy. 

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? 
    Stay away from the sweets! With AF approaching, sweets are my weakness. Hoping to make better choices. I also need to get in better activity between gym days. I hope to walk the dogs now that the weather is better. They'll love that. 

    Any challenges you're facing this week?
    Between my DH, my old dog, and my new puppy, I can't sleep. It's either whining, snoring, breathing in my face, or pushing me off the bed. I am exhausted!!

    How did you do with your goals last week?
    I ate pretty okay, but I didn't exercise much... ugh. 

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 
    I don't eat breakfast... I know, it's bad. I do have a mid-morning snack at about 10. Normally just a yogurt. 
    TTC #1 since September 2014
    Diagnoses: RPL, Endometriosis, MFI (count, morph, DNI, DNAS, multiple bilateral subclinical varicoceles), low progesterone
    Check out my Infertility blog 
    Check out my Infertility Instagram

    Loss History (TW):
    BFP: 3 May 2015, loss confirmed 4 June 2015
    BFP: 15 August 2015, loss confirmed 23 August 2015
    BFP: 16 November 2015, loss confirmed 22 November 2015
    BFP: 18 July 2016, loss confirmed same day
    BFP: 04 March 2018, loss confirmed 23 March 2018
    BFP: 12 June 2018, TWINS; D&C 06 July 2018
    TTC History (TW):
    3 losses in 2015
    Met with OBGYN in January 2016
    Me: all clear, H: OAT
    November 2016: HSG = All Clear!
    January 2017: H tested again,  High DNA fragmentation and stainability
    February 2017: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
    March 2017: Clomid + HCG + IUI + Progesterone = SA/wash: zero count on attempt #1, <1,000 on attempt #2= BFN
    Varicocele Embolization- 5 May 17
    December 2017 SA: Zero improvement after embolization
    January IVF- 25 retrieved, 11 mature, 8 fertilized, 3 frozen day fives (3AA, 3AA, 3AA), 1 frozen day 6 (5BB), 1 frozen day 7 (3CC)
    Three PGS normal (3AA, 3AA, 5BB), one inconclusive (3AA)
    FET #1: 27 February 2018, 3AA & 5BB, one stuck! BFP 04 March 2018.... Loss confirmed 23 March 2018
    May 2018: SHG/SIS = all clear "beautiful uterus"
    FET #2: 04 June 2018, 3AA PGS normal embryo, 3AA PGS hatching inconclusive embryo. 
    BFP: 12 June 2018, EDD 20 February 2019
    Ultrasound, 25 June 2018: There are two
    Lost Baby A 02 July 2018
    Baby B not growing, D&C 06 July 2018
    Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, chromotubation: 23 July 2018: blocked right tube, heavily inflamed, covered in endo. Removed right tube. Removed more endo from uterus, tubes, ovaries. Endo remains on bladder and bowel. 
    Next Up:
    TTC Naturally, possibly IUIs for remainder of 2018. 
    ER#2 ~Jan 2019

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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week? -8 pounds 

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? Get in 3 runs this week and stay on track with eating.  

    Any challenges you're facing this week?
    Getting back on the wagon.  
    How did you do with your goals last week? Terrible.  

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? Hard boiled egg and fruit or oatmeal cups.  
    Married 5/21/2011
    DD 1 10/2012
    CP 9/2013
    DD 2 6/2014
    CP 3/2016        
     BFP 12/8/2016        
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    babymishbabymish member
    edited April 2016
    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?

    SW: 147 CW: __ GW:125

    I forgot to weigh myself at the gym today so I will edit this tomorrow. I'm feeling good about things!

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?

    I am eating healthy and doing good (apart from a small blip with a bar of galaxy chocolate yesterday) I hit the gym twice as planned last week and aiming for 3 x this week. I would go for more but I have acupuncture Thursday and its SO's birthday Friday.

    Any challenges you're facing this week?


    How did you do with your goals last week?

    I did well, ramping the gym up a bit more this week.

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 

    2 plain hard boiled's pretty boring but I like it and it has enough protein to keep my full till lunch.

    Me: 32 Him: 29 Live : London, UK
    TTC #1 since October 2015
    IVF Fresh Nov 16 = BFN
    IVF FET Jan 17 = BFP
    EDD: Oct 4th 2017
    TEAM: PINK!!
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    AliciaGooseAliciaGoose member
    edited April 2016
    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?
    SW: 255 CW: 218 GW: 150

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?
    I do WW. So the goal would be to actually count alllll of my points this week even for my one cheat meal.

    Any challenges you're facing this week?
    My DH already tested my willpower today when he went to eat with a friend and offered to bring me food back. I declined and am eating an omelette instead. He just brought the leftovers home. I might kill him. 

    How did you do with your goals last week?
    Finally got back on track last week after 3 weeks that resulted in a 12 pound gain (I'm assuming mostly of water weight, but still). I eased into it but this week I am fully recommitted and it feels so good! Every time I mess up I remember how much I actually hate the way I feel when I eat bad. 

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 
    Yogurt and granola. It's pretty much my daily. I usually do plain Greek yogurt if I can to avoid the sugar. 

    Edit: confusing auto correct fixed
    **Formerly @aliciabhen**
    Me: 26 DH: 24
    Married: November 2015  <3
    TTC#1: January 2016
    BFP: 5/02/16 - MC: 5/27/16
    Computer Hope
  • Options
    I didn't check in last week because I was a lazy bum. 
    I'm excited for this biggest loser deal! @furbabymom2007 I'll PM you my info!

    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week? 
    SW: 157.2
    CW: 156.2
    GW: 140

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? Trying to be realistic so... Go to the gym 3 x this week. Two cardio and one strength. Also already made lunches for the week.

    Any challenges you're facing this week? Being a lazy bum last week really mentally set me back. I ate a lot of sweets. CD1 hit me hard so lots of chocolate was necessary.

    How did you do with your goals last week? No goals, none of the goals, was super lazy.

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? Ugh, I usually just drink a macchiato but this week I set myself up this week to instead grab a protein bar... trying to cut down on caffeine so replacing it with a Quest bar seems like a good idea. I really, really, really like my caffeine though so... this is probably not going to go well.

    Me: 28  DH: 28
    TTC #1 since Nov. 2015
    Dx: Both tubes blocked, PCOS, DOR, RPL
    IVF Cycle #1 Dec. 2016 - 11R·11M·5F - Transferred 2 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
    IVF Cycle #2 March 2017 - 5R·4M·3F - Transferred 1 -  BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
    Instagram: KateDoesIVF

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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week? Ugh, guys, I don't know what is wrong with me and WHY I can't get back on track. In theory, I'm like okay I can do this, it's not THAT hard to eat less. I've done it before successfully. But then in reality, I'm just eating all the food all the time. We are supposed to move on to IUI next cycle if this cycle doesn't work out, and I'm considering just benching myself, or more likely NTNP, for a couple months until I can lose this weight. I really do not want to do that, but maybe then I will be motivated. 

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? I don't even know at this point. I guess eat less and walk more.

    Any challenges you're facing this week? Yeah, myself.

    How did you do with your goals last week? See above.

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? When I'm trying to be healthy I usually have a granola bar and milk or cereal like Cheerios and a banana. 

    @furbabymom2007 I didn't realize we were supposed to send goals. You can put me down for 10%. Thank you for doing this!

    DS: June 2008
    Married: July 2015
    BFP: 5/20/16  |  EDD: 1/28/17  |  Twin boys born 1/16/17
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    izza2izza2 member
    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week? UGW: 150; feeling like poo

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? Gym x3, less DD, lose 2 lbs, replace more meals with IdealShakes

    Any challenges you're facing this week? Not really

    How did you do with your goals last week? Decent

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? Banana. Or a banana and an apple. Or an IdealShake if I don't have any fruit.

    Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
    PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023

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    @furbabymom2007 Would love to join in, I am sending you a PM now!  

    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week? SW 198.9 CW 197.5 GW 154  UGH!  I am up a million lbs due to CD1.   :/

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?  10K steps/day on average; CF 4x.  In a macro challenge at my gym, so I am trying to hit +/-5g for P F C and it has been interesting!  So far I am 2 for 2 (today is day 2).
    Any challenges you're facing this week? Continue to hit my macros which technically means I can eat whatever I want, as long as the numbers work out at the end of the day.  It's tricky!
    How did you do with your goals last week? Pretty good!  Hit all my workouts, averaged a decent # of steps/day.  Kinda upset that my weight has not budged much in March, but trying to focus on the positive gains I've made with eating and getting to the gym consistently.   Really love the FitBit challenge group!!
    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? Two hard boiled eggs and Greek yogurt with fruit or granola.  Simple, I can eat it at my desk, and never seems to get old. Plus, lots of protein!
    Me: 30 DH: 33 
    Married: July 2010
    TTC #1: October 2016
    BFP 11/12/2016 ~ EDD 7/26/2017
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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?
    CW: 227; I'm feeling ok. Expecting AF any second so super bloated but other than that feeling more energized. 

    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?
    To continue making better food choices and limit eating out 

    Any challenges you're facing this week? Impending  AF.  I want to eat all things bc I'm an emotional eater. I've tried to divert that to emotional cleaning instead.  So far so good 

    How did you do with your goals last week?  Not good. I vow to do better. 

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? 

    Egg white ore omelette with a slice of cheddar and veggies   Or a Protein shake with a banana 
    DH: 34 | Me: 35
    DS1 9/24/13
    DX Diminished Ovarian Reserve, Factor V Leiden Mutation, Secondary Infertility
    MFI (SA #1
    Count 11mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    MFI (SA #2Count 7 mill, Motility: 18%, Morphology: 1%)
    AMH .328 
    | FSH 13.2 
    Oct. 2016: Clomid + TI
    IVF: ER 3/1/17; 5 retrieved, 3 mature & fertilized
    Results: 2 PGS normal embryos
    Planned on August 2017 transfer
    Natural BFP 4/3/17,Expecting baby boy via RCS 12/7/17

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    Sorry I'm super late! I'd love to get in on the challenge!
    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?
    210 (ugh!). First goal 185, ultimate goal 160. 
    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week? I want to get at least 4 workouts in and I'm going to try really hard to cut out sweets and bread/carbs.

    Any challenges you're facing this week? I'm in grad school so as the semester winds down, life is super busy and it makes it hard to cook/workout/do anything but drink wine and sleep in my time off!

    How did you do with your goals last week? First week officially... but this last week was kind of rough!

    GTKY: what is your go-to healthy breakfast option? I have been on a smoothie kick lately - frozen fruit, spinach, greek yogurt, and almond milk. Otherwise usually it's just a greek yogurt at work.
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    Current Weight/Goal Weight OR how are you feeling this week?
    Lose 10 pounds/5.3 pounds to go
    Fitness and Nutrition Goals for the week?
    Get all 4 of my runs in for the week, be under my calorie goal 6 out of 7 days 
    Any challenges you're facing this week?
    My friend is coming down this weekend to help me put in a back splash.  Hopefully I can keep my eating in check the first day she is here.  
    How did you do with your goals last week?
    All right.  I was -1.5 pounds last week, but I did skip a run.
    GTKY: what do you listen to or watch while exercising?  I listen to Pandora while I am running.  Usually a country station, sometimes other stations.
    Married 5/21/2011
    DD 1 10/2012
    CP 9/2013
    DD 2 6/2014
    CP 3/2016        
     BFP 12/8/2016        
    BabyFruit Ticker
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