Trouble TTC

new to TTTC

Hello fellow TTTCers, I just wanted to introduce myself!

DH and I are 28 years old and have been TTC since October 2014.  We've now been married for almost 5 years and would really love to start our family.  I went off birth control in October 2014 and it unfortunately took me 6 months to get my first period.  I was about to seek medical attention when my period came, so I put it off.  We've been trying to get pregnant ever since with no luck.  I tried all the usual things (temping & CM tracking, timed intercourse, vitamins, even Robitussin!) and eventually saw my GP who did bloodwork and confirmed that I have PCOS (still waiting on an ultrasound).  She has referred us to an RE but the wait times at our local fertility clinic are 3-6 months so I feel like we're stuck right now.

I've just started on Metformin and am hopeful this will help to get my ovulation going.  DH has done his SA (fingers crossed those results come back okay).  I am not willing to do a clomid cycle without the RE (so thankful for what I've read on here for that!) so I'm waiting on that and feel like that will be our likely first step in fertility treatment (assuming other things look okay).

I'm looking forward to participating in the weekly check-in.  Anyone else with PCOS with advice on surviving on Metformin? I've read a lot about the bad side effects and am working slowly up on my dose to try to minimize them.  Can't wait to get to know you all better!

Married since 2011

TTC since Oct 2014
3 failed IUIs; IVF August 2017
FET January 2018 - BFP

Re: new to TTTC

  • I'm sorry you find yourself on the board but, welcome!   I have PCOS and have been taking Metformin for about 2 years and have had pretty good results with it.   My best advice for you is to stop reading Dr.Google for your symptoms, I know it's hard but, I did the same thing and ended up putting off taking it for about a year and I regret that now.   

    I am on 500mg once a day and have had minimal issues.  I was bumped up to 1000mg after about a year and that made me super sick but, when I switched back to 500mg I was fine again.   Sometimes, when I eat lots of sugar or carbs, I have some stomach issues but otherwise, 90% of the time, I'm perfectly fine.   Good luck starting your journey and don't worry about the Metformin too much, you'll do great! 

    Me 36 DH 34 - Married May 2010
    DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
    TTC since December 2014
    Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy :(  
    FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks :( 
    FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks :(
    FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks :(
    FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days :(
    FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days 
    Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good 
    2 snow babies 

  • I don't have any advice about PCOS/metformin but I did just want to welcome you to our community.  I hope you have success soon!  This is a great place to find help/support :)
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
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  • Hello & welcome! I have pcos but went to acupuncture before going to the RE and she put me on an inositol powder instead that I take twice per day
    TTC since May 2013
    Mild PCOS, Compound Heterozygous MTHFR
    No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
  • Hello, I am new to tttc as well!  I look forward to following your story!
    TTC since May 2015 with domestic partner of 13 years. Me 33 OH 33.  No ovulation or natural menstruation. Normal SA.
    Diagnosed PCOS February 2016
    First cycle 50mg Clomid 5/3/16, O'd CD 19 BFN
    Second cycle 50mg Clomid 6/1/16 O'd CD 18 BFN
    Third cycle Clomid 6/29/16 O'd CD 16 BFP @11dpo!
    EDD April 3 and praying things work out!
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