May 2016 Moms

tdap while i'm pregnant????

I'm scared to death to get any vaccines.. let alone when im pregnant...they originally told me i would get it after the baby was born in the hosp.. and now they want me to get it before im 36 weeks. have any of you ladies opted out of getting it while pregnant and are waiting til afterwards??
i talked to the babies pediatrician and did some research, and i dont think im ok with it...
wondering what you ladies thought??

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Re: tdap while i'm pregnant????

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  • I am the first to admit that I'm pro-vaccine.  I see no need to risk our babies' health and livelihood for diseases we can fully prevent.  I have two very healthy girls who were vaccinated on schedule and DH and I just received our TDAPs yesterday at 35 weeks.

    I think the recommendation is to ensure that you have full protection against pertussis which can be deadly to unvaccinated infants.  The chances of them getting it go up greatly if someone they are around regularly gets it which is why they recommend that everyone in the household be vaccinated.  Your doctors have been extensively trained to identify risks to you and your baby, training that you simply cannot get from Google.  Whatever you decide, be sure you are using trusted sources for the information you rely on not someone's blog.

    Here is what the CDC has to say about it.
    thank you!!! Will do....
    I have never really been pro-vaccine unless it is a necessity.. it just scares me... being a 1st time mom I am so precautious of everything! I appreciate everyones input and will definitely think about it further!!

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  • Get it while you are pregnant, for sure.
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  • edited March 2016
    sapphirerose915 I just wanted to give you some support on the other end of things since everyone who commented seemed to be pro-vaccine. I was vaccinated as a child but since I've become pregnant I have done a lot of research and spoke to many family and friends who choose to not vaccinate or selective vaccines. 

    The family doctor my baby and I will be seeing told me I should get the tdap shot while pregnant because it will give some immunity to the baby. I discussed with my midwife and she assured me that I do not need to receive the vaccine during pregnancy.

     Tdap shot is classified by the FDA as a Class C drug. These drugs are not safe to the baby during pregnancy.

    Here's some more info:

    I am also reading this book and I recommend it:
    What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations by Stephanie Cave & Deborah Mitchell 

    Good luck to you and your baby!
  • I personally am getting it just after having my baby. This is definitely not a popular opinion on this site. I've looked at the CDC page for case trends, and incidents of whooping cough in my state. I do plan on researching it a little more before I hit 36 weeks but I have talked to my OB about it already. 

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  • I don't want to get into the vax debate either but this mom was seeking advice and the only advice given before my post was one sided so I provided my advice. If you believe to trust the CDC then that is up to you. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion in making important decisions for their babies. 

    As for posting reliable information on this site only I have seen some fairly out there information presented. It is up to people to decide for themselves what they choose to follow. I'm not trying to put anyone down for getting the shot. I was just offering a different opinion and obviously less popular.

    That's all. Good luck to all you mommies.
  • What can be harmful are biased opinions to a new mom clearly on the fence about getting a vaccine while pregnant. I could easily say that only citing the CDC as a reliable source could be harmful as well.
  • When faced with the decision to get a vaccine and possibly save your babies life and not get it and have the possibility that your child will get sick.. I don't know why you wouldn't get the vaccine. Especially if your doctor recommended it. There are TOO MANY people these days not vaccinating their children for me to feel comfortable not doing what I can for mine. There have been recent cases of pertussis where I live though, so I have to be careful!

    @sapphirerose915 Back to your question, my thought is that prevention is a good idea. When you get the shot after baby is born, it does nothing to protect baby. If you get it when pregnant, the immunities transfer to baby as well. When baby is born they don't get the pertussis shot until they are two months old, is that something you want to risk? In the end it's your decision.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • I was on the fence about it, but ultimately decided to just get it. I know there are risks with vaccines- we know someone whose sister went blind from one- but ultimately the benefits far outweigh the risks. Risks are very rare, and I would rather have a blind/autistic/whatever child than a dead child. 

    I've also talked with my very old grandmother who grew up watching babies and children die or become disabled from diseases we now vaccinate against. She is 100% for vaccinating because she saw first hand what these diseases do. 
  • Spent some summers on a family ranch ranch, very rural part of mexico. Got very attached to a puppy and watched him die a very slow painful death from Parvo. A disease very easily prevented  by vaccines. After that I've been 100% pro vaccine. It's is a blessing to have! And this comes from a person very committed to having a natural birth!
  • OP, I was on the fence about tDap as well. The "cons" of getting the vaccine for me were the mercury and formaldehyde in the vaccine. Although this isn't any MORE than any other vaccine I plan to give my son, it did give me a knee jerk reaction to think of him getting that stuff in utero. Also, pertussis is a part of your baby's two month shots, so part of me wanted to say "okay maybe family can get the vaccine and my LO can just get it in July when he's two months old".
    the big pro that swung me to getting the vaccine is that the town I live in has one of the highest unvaccinated rates in my state. This means I can't rely on the people around myself and my baby to be immune if we decide to go somewhere before two months. If I chose not to get the vaccine, I'd have to insist everyone I know get it and baby and I wouldn't be safe leaving the house for two months. My baby needs the vaccine to be safe until his immune system develops. If more people vaccinated or we lived in a town that didn't get pertussis every year, I might have made a different choice. 
    My husband also reminded me that our midwives are people we trust and people who we feel hold the same values as us. If you feel that way about your ob or midwife, it's okay to ask them questions and debate with them about the benefits and risks of the vaccine. 

    Instead of researching possible unreliable sources about vaccines in general, research your towns pertussis exposure every year and ask yourself- am I okay staying at home for months and not letting anyone hold my baby for months to keep them safe from this disease?
  • dshannahdshannah member
    edited March 2016
    It's also an odds game.

    Yes, vaccines can have negative side effects. But before the pertussis vaccine, 137 out of 100,000 kids died of whooping cough every year. When the vaccine first came out, 1 in 300,000 kids suffered side effects, including severe brain damage. Even with such serious side effects, you'd be risking so much more by not vaccinating! And the vaccine they use now has even fewer side effects: they made it weaker to lessen the chance of brain damage. 
  • I declined the flu vaccine (I got sick the last time I had it) and I was going to decline the Tdap. My doctor said it wasn't a live virus and complications are rare. I ended up getting the vaccine for piece of mind. That shot will leave you with a sore arm for days, though!
  • I was a freshman in college in 2004, at the very beginning of the time they were realizing pertussis was making a huge comeback and recommending more boosters. I got whooping cough. That was 12 years ago, I am and was a very healthy person. I STILL get a terrible chest cough every single time I get a plain old cold. Permanent and lasting damage from a preventable disease. I can't imagine knowingly allowing my tiny infant to that kind of thing, so I'll do everything in my power to prevent it.
  • Thank you all so much for your input! I will talk to my ob and pediatrician more next week!

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  • I actually didn't get the flu from the vaccine, I had a bad reaction to it. I had a lot of swelling at the injection site and headaches/muscle aches. I actually had to miss work due to this. That's why I'm afraid of the vaccine.
    However, I'm not ANTI-vaccine. I just didn't get the flu one because I was too afraid of the same adverse reaction. 
  • What can be harmful are biased opinions to a new mom clearly on the fence about getting a vaccine while pregnant. I could easily say that only citing the CDC as a reliable source could be harmful as well.
    Except that the OP did ask for our opinions, which are going to be biased (hence, an opinion) and for our input. 
  • This thread is basically dead, but I remembered it when I came across this in my newsfeed this morning, so I thought I would share:

    Oh, and just for good measure, this one too:

    Aaaaaand before anyone bemoans the use of Buzzfeed or Cosmo - they provide links, read those if you hate magazines that are pink or websites that subsist on listicles. 
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  • Just wanted to share this article about a mother who deeply regretted not getting the whooping cough vaccine and is speaking out to tell others not to make the same mistake.

  • This is an old post but putting this information out there for anyone interested.

    This is a start. Medical research on how metals (like aluminum in vaccines) are linked to miscarriage, stillbirth, neurological disorders, it crosses the placenta barrier and can have terrible effects on adults and especially the unborn. There's much more research than this but like I said, this is a place to start. Not looking to start a debate. Just passing along public information and research from our government and other sources.,effect%20%5B4%2C%205%5D.

    Individual heavy metal exposure and birth ...

    Exposure of Reproductive-Aged Women to Multiple Metals and Its Associations ...

    Heavy Metal Pollution and Stillbirth in Bangladesh | Stanford Luby Lab

    Prenatal blood levels of some toxic metals and the risk of spontaneous abortion
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