May 2016 Moms

What is this odd rythmic "bumping"?

So, I've gotten pretty used to her moving around--kicking, punching, twisting, turning, shifting, jumping jacks, lol.

Lately, she's been doing what I can only describe as "bumping." Softer than kicks but still obvious and you can still feel them on the outside of my tummy.  They'll be fairly rythmic, anywhere from .5 to 2 seconds between, but usually about 1 second apart. Bump bump bump bump for about 10-20 minutes. She'll often move or kick WHILE the bumping is happening, too.

Anyone else feel this? What the heck is it? I know people have mentioned feeling their baby hiccup, but it seems a little fast for hiccups, right? Just curious!

Re: What is this odd rythmic "bumping"?

  • Hiccups! Baby hiccups are really fast. This LO hates them and simultaneously goes crazy every time she gets them. 
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  • hiccups for sure. my little guy gets them usually 1-3 times a day.
  • Sounds like hiccups. Very strange feeling. 
  • Hiccups!! Mine gets them all the time and they are def faster than what I would experience with the hiccups. So sweet
  • Cool, thanks ladies!! :)
  • Sometimes you can feel practice breathing but this sure sounds like hiccups! :)

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  • I'm so jealous right now! I don't think I've felt any hiccups at all...even though I'm known to get really bad hiccups (but haven't since I'm pregnant I think...). Oh well...
  • Hiccups!
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    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • babyfmama said:
    KidShrink said:
    I'm so jealous right now! I don't think I've felt any hiccups at all...even though I'm known to get really bad hiccups (but haven't since I'm pregnant I think...). Oh well...
    if it makes you feel any better, at first they were cute but now I find it incredibly irritating :#
    Me too! They drive me nuts. My little one gets them multiple times per day at the moment 
  • Lol. Definitely hiccups. The most awkward placement I had was a few weeks ago when it felt like LO was hiccuping into my butt (though it also meant that for a sliver of time he was in the correct position...he's not now). DS had them constantly during third tri when I was pregnant with him-- and I was so freaked out the first time he had them as a newborn until I remembered that I had just spent months feeling hiccups from him and they were no big deal.
  • Hiccups and what I tell DH: bustin a move.

    Been married since 2009.
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    DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)

  • kbrands7 said:
    Lol. Definitely hiccups. The most awkward placement I had was a few weeks ago when it felt like LO was hiccuping into my butt (though it also meant that for a sliver of time he was in the correct position...he's not now). DS had them constantly during third tri when I was pregnant with him-- and I was so freaked out the first time he had them as a newborn until I remembered that I had just spent months feeling hiccups from him and they were no big deal.
    Yep. Baby hiccups = headbanging on my cervix (which really feels like headbanging in my butt). Can get pretty annoying, but hiccups are still mostly hilarious to me.
  • I don't like the baby hiccups. Last night it started at 4am and didn't stop till nearly 5am when DH gets up. by that time I had to pee and sure enough once I got back into bed it started again. I gave up and got out of bed with only 4 hours sleep.  @KidShrink you aren't missing much. 
  • I get a weird, almost seizure like vibration feeling every once in awhile. Is this hiccups too?
  • Oh the hiccups, they need to stop (as she is hiccuping for the 4th time today). Do babies out of the womb hiccup this much?

    cat fail animated GIF

  • @rlworzalla I've gotten that before too. My OB said it's muscle spasms. I don't remember having it with DS.
  • yogahh said:
    Oh the hiccups, they need to stop (as she is hiccuping for the 4th time today). Do babies out of the womb hiccup this much?
    DS hiccuped a lot his first month. For some reason, usually nursing made it go away...maybe the sucking?
  • kbrands7 said:
    Lol. Definitely hiccups. The most awkward placement I had was a few weeks ago when it felt like LO was hiccuping into my butt (though it also meant that for a sliver of time he was in the correct position...he's not now). DS had them constantly during third tri when I was pregnant with him-- and I was so freaked out the first time he had them as a newborn until I remembered that I had just spent months feeling hiccups from him and they were no big deal.
    I've only ever felt them in the crotch or butt! I guess my LO has been head down for quite a while.
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  • I agree that the hiccups can get annoying (after the initial, "so cute!" reaction)'s just such an odd feeling and keeps me awake when she does it at night. 

    rlworzalla said:
    I get a weird, almost seizure like vibration feeling every once in awhile. Is this hiccups too?
    I've had those, too! 

  • Definitely hiccups! My little guy gets them 2-3 times a day, everyday and they last pretty long. Sometimes he gets so annoyed that he kicks me lol! I feel bad that I can't stop them for him. 
  • Definitely hiccups! My little guy gets them 2-3 times a day, everyday and they last pretty long. Sometimes he gets so annoyed that he kicks me lol! I feel bad that I can't stop them for him. 
    I heard that they're not distressing for the baby like they can be for adults. It bothers adults more because we're trying to breathe as well. Baby isn't breathing yet it's just a muscle spasm for them I suppose 
  • hellogoodbye2hellogoodbye2 member
    edited April 2016
    Haha before I even opened this thread I knew you were talking about hiccups! 
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  • My little man gets hiccups pretty much every day. My mom said I got them every day too! He doesn't seem to mind them at all, in fact he's very still when he has them.
  • @ayeshaohara I've read that too- but I guess I just feel bad for him anyway, I'm sure it annoys him to some level lol

  • My lil guy had his butt up in the air last night while the fella and I were trying to sleep and I commented to him about how deformed my belly looks when LO lays in that position. So my fella put his hand on the belly and said it was cute. Then wouldn't you know it LO gets the hiccups and my poor fella thought something awful was happening! "Why is he doing that!? Is it a contraction!?" ...not even close Hun. Haha 
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