We started when we started solids per our Peds recommendation. She doesn't drink much (I don't keep track, but maybe an ounce or two a day) but it's more for getting used to drinking from the cup and getting used to water since they are still getting plenty with BM or formula. In the morning I will fill her cup and give it to her with her oatmeal, then she gets it with lunch too, but it's always around when she is playing. It's super cute to see her grab it and take a sip.
My son just turned 8 months and I give him water. We practice with a sippy cup - he probably only gets a couple ounces (if that) a day. I typically give him a sippy cup while he eats his baby food.
We started when she was around 8 months. She is 9 1/2 now. Our pediatrician and nurse practitioner recommended small amounts. She drinks maybe 1 oz couple times a week
I started with my son when he was 6-7 months. He has a small cup We got him that matches with mine and if he gets some food for lunch or breakfast, l have his cup ready with water, and if I drink water during the day he also gets some because he asks me for it. He is EBF and I know they get plenty of water with the BM but the pediatrician said a couple ounces a day is good for him. He is growing and I know he might get thirty or needs to drink something with his food and every time he sees me drinking out of a bottle, he asks me to give him some so I do . Also I think It's helped a lot with his bowel movements though, he use to go almost every day or two days when he was younger, then after 5 months it was once every week and when I started with water he goes every other day now and sometimes everyday. Ask your pediatrician, I'm sure as they grow they'll need more water! Keep us updated mama!
When I drink water, my girl will ask for it too. I try to give it to her whenever she asks, but not an hour before she BF. She has never liked the tipping of a sippy cup so we got her a CamelBak bite straw like mine. It is spill proof and she can easily suck from it. My doctor said that she shouldn't have more than 4 Oz per day.
We give water with a sippy cup every time DS has solids. He doesn't really understand that water is for drinking, though, so he mostly just slobbers it everywhere, haha.
It took a long time to get my son off of night time feeds, so we switched him from 4 oz. of formula, to 2 oz. of formula, to a bottle with only water (either 2 or 4 oz. of water in it). He's been sleeping through the night for about three weeks now, so we give him a water bubba if he wakes up from a nightmare (which he seems to be having a lot of now that we are in leap 6). Hoping to start him on a sippy cup of water soon. I read that they can have 4-6 oz. of water a day when they are 6-8 months old. Not sure what the 9 month amount is, though.
My son turned 8 months last week but we started giving him water about a month or two ago along with juice. He can drink some water, I'm telling you haha. He will take in about 2-6 oz a day(depending on day). He loves it. I was given a chart on his 3 day appointment (after he was born) and I follow that chart. It recommended to start between 6-8 months for both water and juice. And of course if he isn't drinking water from his sippy w/straw he is definitely wanting it from our water bottle.
I just had my 9 mos. appointment and the dr. recommended giving small amounts of water. She told me to get a sippy cup with a straw bc the other kind are "glorified bottles." So I marched down to BRU and bought a cup with a straw. How is supposed to figure out to suck? Does he just do it? I feel like using a straw is kind of a skill that requires some strong oral motor. He is pretty disinterested in drinking water bc he is not getting anything out. How many of you are using straws vs. regular sippy cups?
@audi681 to get him started, try putting the straw in a bit of water. Hold one end to keep water in. Let your baby try to suck it out. It might take a while to get him ready to suck normally, but it's the best technique I know. I hope that it's confusing...
My baby hasn't started a normal straw yet, so I'm not sure how long it should take. We use a bite straw instead. Good luck.
I just had my 9 mos. appointment and the dr. recommended giving small amounts of water. She told me to get a sippy cup with a straw bc the other kind are "glorified bottles." So I marched down to BRU and bought a cup with a straw. How is supposed to figure out to suck? Does he just do it? I feel like using a straw is kind of a skill that requires some strong oral motor. He is pretty disinterested in drinking water bc he is not getting anything out. How many of you are using straws vs. regular sippy cups?
I've been using a regular sippy cup since he was 3 months old because he never took bottles. What does your pediatrician mean by "glorified"!? I also agree with you, I think they're way too young to figure out how to suck, it's a skill they will learn as they grow. Try a regular sippy cup, I'm sure your little one will like it better. The only time we use a straw is when we are in a restaurant and I grab the water with the straw and give it to him with the tip. Let us know how everything goes mama!
@audi681 My LO actually seamed more inclined to suck on a straw - I was really surpised! He treated the straw like food or a bottle nipple and tried to suck the flavor out of it. When the water came through he was a little startled but then he kept trying and trying. You have to hold the straw in place though. The straw isn't our go to, but its something he's capable of if we forget the right cup for him.
Mr Dr told us to get our son a sippy cup with a straw said the others are like still using bottles and not good for his teeth. We have bought 5 different kinds before the comment from Dr so we bought the one with a straw and he loves it. It is the first sippy cup hefigured out how to use right away and he uses it all the time now and it's better for his teeth. We don't give him alot of water Dr said to change it up too so he gets water with a bit of lemon juice in it (he's like me and loves lemon haha) and the juice from his pears with some water, boob juice lol, a bit of formula (can't keep up fully with breast feeding need that one bottle to finish filling him up!) And that's it so far no actual juice or milk yet not gonna give him juice just add juices from the fruits he eats to give his water a bit of flavor
Re: Water
It took a long time to get my son off of night time feeds, so we switched him from 4 oz. of formula, to 2 oz. of formula, to a bottle with only water (either 2 or 4 oz. of water in it). He's been sleeping through the night for about three weeks now, so we give him a water bubba if he wakes up from a nightmare (which he seems to be having a lot of now that we are in leap 6). Hoping to start him on a sippy cup of water soon. I read that they can have 4-6 oz. of water a day when they are 6-8 months old. Not sure what the 9 month amount is, though.
My baby hasn't started a normal straw yet, so I'm not sure how long it should take. We use a bite straw instead. Good luck.