May 2016 Moms

WTF Wednesday 3/30/16

Re: WTF Wednesday 3/30/16

  • kp90kp90 member

    My WTF Wednesday... FIRST, I have a provider at work that I do extra work for on Wednesday mornings so she always brings me in a dessert like cookies, a brownie, etc. So today she came in all excited saying this was actually made by her neighbor.. it was a huge slice of strawberry shortcake.. I was so excited to try it. I open the Tupperware and peel off a piece at the bottom and try it.. it was super warm.. and I'm looking at it and I see the top where the fruit and stuff is... IT IS MOLDY!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!! Yeah, bring a pregnant woman an old piece of moldy ass cake. Thanks a lot, asshole. I don't think I want her treats anymore.

    Not to mention I now have this newly found heartburn/indigestion/can't breathe thing going on today.... did I mention I am leaving today at lunch time? Just because I feel like it and need some time to myself. Yep. Wtf. I'm over this day.  

  • @kp90 OMG! Eww! You'd think she would have noticed the mold and not given it to you. Gross.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
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  • Mine today goes out to a group of people I've been trying to schedule a meeting with. They were demanding this meeting to be done asap so I got it scheduled for tomorrow. Then get in to work today to find out it doesn't work for one person and we need to reschedule for next week. Nothing like getting pressured to have one instantly and then everyone being like oh it's okay, we'll wait
  • @AdorkablePixie  I am so sorry you and your family had to deal with that. 

    Today's WTF goes out to middle of the night anxiety. As though sleep isn't difficult enough already, DS had an horrible nightmare and woke up screaming, just as I was in the middle of a nightmare myself! I cuddled and reassured him, and he fell back to sleep. But I was up the next several hours gripped with fear over all the worst things imaginable. Ridiculous! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @mello13 Thank you. Sorry about your sleepless night. :(

    @Jparke2 Wow. Sounds like she is a bit of a drama queen. It reminds me of my sister in law. My niece was playing with my nerf gun that has those soft arrows with the little suction cup ends and shot her in the leg. You would have thought she shot her with a real gun. She screams and said, "OUCH, L******, that hurt. Go put that away." I could not believe it. There is NO WAY that hurt. Dh and I still laugh about it to this day and it happened four years ago.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • DanandVanDanandVan member
    edited March 2016
    My WTF goes out to my inlaws, who are actually lovely people, but they keep forgetting about my toddler's peanut allergy! While with us at Christmas, they fed her a granola bar with nuts and watched firsthand her horrible reaction. A few days later (Christmas morning) they put peanut m&m's in her stocking. I saw her pull them out and she was about to pop one in her mouth! (I stopped her, thank God).
    They shipped Easter baskets to the kids last week, and literally 75% of the candy had nuts. Come on!!! I thought I got all the nut candy out, but my son told me "Mom, these little chocolate bunnies are filled with peanut butter". (Still mad at myself for not checking everything closer). Crisis averted, but wow it really steams me up!
  • DanandVan said:
    My WTF goes out to my inlaws, who are actually lovely people, but they keep forgetting about my toddler's peanut allergy! While with us at Christmas, they fed her a granola bar with nuts and watched firsthand her horrible reaction. A few days later (Christmas morning) they put peanut m&m's in her stocking. I saw her pull them out and she was about to pop one in her mouth! (I stopped her, thank God).
    They shipped Easter baskets to the kids last week, and literally 75% of the candy had nuts. Come on!!! I thought I got all the nut candy out, but my son told me "Mom, these little chocolate bunnies are filled with peanut butter". (Still mad at myself for not checking everything closer). Crisis averted, but wow it really steams me up!
    Yikes! That's a scary one. 
  • @AdorkablePixie I'm so sorry for your loss. As frustrating as it is, sometimes those who have addictions only know how to cope with those situations by using their substance of choice. While I'm not condoning his behavior at all, I've seen far too many times. They know nothing else but to get high as a coping mechanism. I hope that he gets the help that he needs. Maybe you can find a local drug and alcohol treatment center or assessment agency that can point him in the right direction? 

    My only WTF is sleep. Seriously body, can you please let me get more than 1 hour of sleep in a row at night? Please? Pretty please?
  • ok, I can usually convince myself to be a positive-minded person, but I could use a vent today.  DH works for a small company. He won't even ask if they will give him a paternity leave.  wtf? It just makes me mad, and it comes across that he doesn't want to spend time at home with us....a recovering c-s, 2yr old twins, and a newborn. What's not to love?  (we need Help!).  He said he will take one week of vacation, so I guess I shouldn't complain, but why not ask for another week?  The worst they can say is no. But he says his boss just doesn't even want to hear it.  grrr

    and #2 is all the weight I've been putting on.  I'm not even really swollen. and I can't stop eating.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

  • Jparke2Jparke2 member
    edited March 2016
    Just another update on my annoying coworker today: I've been cold and not feeling well all day. About 45 minutes ago, my coworker expressed to me that she was also chilly all day. Five minutes ago she started complaining of being hot, and hooked up a small fan to cool herself down. No big deal, go for it. Except she put it on the rotating setting, so it's literally rotating between blowing air at her and then blowing air at me. Why not just keep the darn thing stationary?! Why are you including me in this?! Maybe I'm just too sensitive today but damn this work day can't end soon enough!

    Update: omg I know I'm being so annoying with these updates but she isn't even at her desk anymore. She's been up and around and doing other things since right when I posted this. I can't deal!!!!
  • Wtf to my new friend, PUPPS. Three showers a day with colloidal oatmeal, constant reapplication of aloe vera gel and Benedryl, that is my week so far. These little bumps from hell all over my stomach and now spreading down my legs bite the big one. What bites more, the #1 product women seem to swear fixes it has pine in it. I'm super allergic to pine, like I run away from Christmas tree lots allergic to pine. Agh, I feel like a kid with chicken pox and I'm honestly considering duct taping gloves to my hands. 
  • kbrands7kbrands7 member
    edited March 2016
    lbachran said:
    Wtf to my new friend, PUPPS. Three showers a day with colloidal oatmeal, constant reapplication of aloe vera gel and Benedryl, that is my week so far. These little bumps from hell all over my stomach and now spreading down my legs bite the big one. What bites more, the #1 product women seem to swear fixes it has pine in it. I'm super allergic to pine, like I run away from Christmas tree lots allergic to pine. Agh, I feel like a kid with chicken pox and I'm honestly considering duct taping gloves to my hands. 
    Hugs! I had this nearly head to toe last pregnancy. If pine isn't an option for you, the other things that gave me the most relief that may be worth a try are icing it/cool compresses, rubbing the inside of a banana peel on it, Sarna, and Cera Ve cream. Also, if you don't have them, give yourself permission to buy a really nice set of sheets. It makes sleeping somewhat bearable.

    Mine started going away with back to back bouts of false labor and was much better by a few days after delivery. I'm still more sensitive to texture than I used to be even 2yrs later though :/ 

    Eta, until it popped up on my hands, I wore socks over my hands to bed so that I didn't scratch myself raw in my sleep. 
  • WTF to swelling that decided to appear. At first I was worried but a quick check with my Dr. showed everything was ok thankfully. So guess ill spend the rest of my pregnancy looking like a bloated chipmunk. 

    Second WTF goes to my husbands company who decided it would be best to lay off an additional 6,000 people AFTER 2 previous cuts. All of course after passing a new budget that didn't decrease the leaders salary. Ridiculous.
  • WTF to my body lately. I know my stomach will get heavier as baby/uterus/placenta/et al continue to grow and that it'll be exhausting, but it's getting ridiculously painful to walk. Like, I'm barely able to hobble around today at all because my pelvic region hurts so badly. And even sitting is painful now. Like I wanna cry painful. I know this is something we all say everyday, but I reeeeeeeally can't wait for May to get here already. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • @kbrands7,  you're my favorite, you always seem to have experience with exactly what I'm going through. Going to try the ice packs now and tell DH to start eating some bananas. (Bananas started giving me horrible heartburn a few weeks ago.) Did you drink V8 juice? I keep seeing that and I'm not sure if it's placebo effect or actually helpful, but I'd like to avoid my esophagus exploding for nothing. Will look into the creams you mentioned, I kept seeing Sarna on different boards, but so far Goldbond, Aveeno, and Cortizone have given no relief.

    Why am I so itchy? Why am I so itchy? 3 months of bronchitis and several bruised ribs should have been enough. (My current song to myself).
  • kbrands7kbrands7 member
    edited March 2016
    @ibachron Happy to help!  There are a few STMs on here who had it last time; they may  have suggestions too. I tried drinking v8 and hot lemon water, but I didn't really notice a difference. Although, if it doesn't give you heartburn, it couldn't hurt to try. It will get better! 
    Eta Sarna has a cooling tingle to it because of the low dose of menthol and camphor which makes it different from the other calming lotions. 
  • I was going to make Rice Krispies treatsBut then I realized I forgot to buy the cereal, so I substituted golden Graham's and added mini chocolate chips. 1. They won't make it 48 hours in our house 2. My husband keeps taking bites and singing songs with the word dangerous. 
    Baby # 1: BFP 10/26/12: Baby girl born 7/1/13
    Baby #2: BFP 9/2/15: EDD 5/15/16
  • My above story would of been better in the random thread, but I'll make it work - WTF to my constant sugar addiction???  

    It is like Easter messed up my body chemistry and I'm constantly needing to keep my insulin at breaking point!
    Baby # 1: BFP 10/26/12: Baby girl born 7/1/13
    Baby #2: BFP 9/2/15: EDD 5/15/16
  • My WTF is also my body! Not only am I having awful lower back pain, but my feet have decided now (35 weeks) is the time to get super swollen! It started slowly since the weekend, and my feet now remind me of my grandma's. It'd be so great if it was warm enough to wear flip flops...but no, I live in Canada...
  • WTF to my Skecher Go Flex sneakers that were a life saver but now stink like they belong in a pubescent boy's gym locker. None of my other shoes smell at all, but none are as comfy for my swollen feet by the end of the day. I've never had issues with foot odor in my life but these shoes are disgusting and my feet straight up stink after wearing them. I was embarrassed to take them off when I got weighed at my OB appt today. I finally broke down today and ordered a pair of Keds, I'm really hoping they will be comfy enough to get me through this final month because I'm done with the stink shoes. 
  • KidShrink said:
    My WTF is also my body! Not only am I having awful lower back pain, but my feet have decided now (35 weeks) is the time to get super swollen! It started slowly since the weekend, and my feet now remind me of my grandma's. It'd be so great if it was warm enough to wear flip flops...but no, I live in Canada...
    @KidShrink the same thing is happening to me at 35 weeks! Nothing is helping and the weather is kinda nice for Toronto but not flip flops nice...
  • My WTF goes to a few things today, and I'm gunna copy @Aquinna82 and do it Fallon style:
    WTF poops, why are you so big I have to plunge the toilet every time I go? 
    WTF sleep, why do you insist on coming only between 12:30am and 5:30am?
    WTF toenails, why do you continue to grow when I can hardly reach you?
    WTF sunshine/heat, as if I'm already not swollen enough you make me look like the Pillsbury Dough Boy.
    and finally, WTF people in my financial class who always take the couch. You KNOW I'm coming, why do you make me sit in a folding chair?!
  • Put ur shoes in an old pillow case and stick em in the washing machine.x. My WTF is yesterday I decided to try and back a lady up in one of these forums(won't name it). However got totally shot down. 
    I thought that we were supposed to be encouraging each other.
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