September 2015 Moms

Daycare daily reports

Those of you whose LO's go to daycare... do they give you a daily report? Telling you when your LO ate, napped, had a diaper change & their activities for the day? Ours does and I feel like I should be saving them haha. They're literally just piled up on our counter & I have never gone back to look through them. What should I do with them? Keep them somewhere or throw them out? We don't have too much storage space in our house so I need to figure out an easy way to store them. I was thinking about buying a binder & putting them in there, I just don't know if I'd actually ever look through them. Thoughts/Ideas: Should I toss them or save? Thanks :)

Re: Daycare daily reports

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    So my oldest is 7 and I think I saved every report from the infant room til she graduated.  I literally have a thousand reports in a bin in storage.  I just revelry started sorting through her homework and projects and tossing some.  I've decided to take a picture of things that are cute and save only a few meaningful items.  Luckily the daycare switched to an online system so I get emails now instead.  Take pics of one or two per month and toss the rest!!
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    I only saved stuff from daycare with DD1 (reports or crafts) if it was significant. If there's a new milestone, etc, keep it, but otherwise just recycle them! 
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    We get daily emails with what the class did for activities.  Each one has a sentence or two about each individual child and a picture.  I've been saving these but not the ones which state diapers, naps, etc.  A thought could be to save the portion with the activities 
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    I kept the one from his first day and then any other significant ones. DH hates clutter so I have to be selective about what I keep.
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    The daily reports I get go right in trash. They write such useless things on the bottom like lo had fun while we sang etc. Even though I asked they don't put on when he starts doing anything new, it's irritating. I keep all the "art" projects.
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    I initially started saving them as well.. but then realized that it wasn't that important... I kept a couple like when he had an awesome day and she put an A+ and a sticker on them (I took a picture of his "first A+) :) but otherwise I throw them out. I keep all the art projects (on top of taking a picture of them ha)
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    I keep her art projects but the daily sheets go in the recycling bin after I take a look at them. I'm not sure why, even the next day, I'd need to know the number or wet diapers she had or the last bottle she drank unless she was sick - in which case, she probably isn't going to daycare anyway or I can call and ask them.
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    I don't keep them but mine just list feeds, naps, poo diapers, and tummy time. 
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    Thanks, all! You've convinced me to recycle them :) and I will just take pictures of him with his art projects. Maybe I'll display them for whatever holiday/season we're in, then recycle those too. 
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    I kept the first day for his baby book. Otherwise I keep them for the week so I can compare if I need to (naps/eating) and then throw away on Sunday! 
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    Our daycare now has an app which I love but check 10 times a day. With DD1 they had laminated sheets I just always took a pic of it each day.
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    My son doesn't go to daycare,  but I worked in several early childhood centers on military bases before he was born.  We did home  notes daily (we were required to) detailing diaper changes,  any incidents with injury like a head bump or getting bitten (had to call on those, too), what food was eaten and when,  length of nap(s), and the,  "fingerprinted and did lacing cards,  gross motor play outside...had fun,  seemed tired and sniffle today,  though!  Down to five diapers and almost out of sunscreen,  please send more! " notes that parents either get annoyed with or toss without reading (or replenishing diapers and sunscreen). What went on the notes was all CYA stuff and also proof that we were following NAEYC  learning standards as appropriate to the age group per our funding.

    It was a hassle to try and get them all done during nap and snack time, esp.  In a classroom where kids resisted napping. For my part,  I didn't care if parents tossed them, as long as they didn't fail to read them,  then come back and claim they hadn't been informed of something.  So I kept all my own copies,  too. 
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