I'm 25 weeks and have recently decided that I would like to try an unmedicated birth, possibly using the Hypnobabies technique. I am giving birth at a hospital and wondering if hiring a midwife/doula would be a good idea to hopefully negate some of the hospital interventions that seem to be so common.
I know alot of people that have already had a midwife for awhile now so I'm wondering at one point is too late to look into hiring one. What do you ladies think? When did you hire yours?
Re: Is it too late to hire a midwife/doula
I had sticker shock, but again, if I was just having birth in a hospital, it would be worth it, I think.
Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.
DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!
Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!
Engaged 10/2/1202
BFP (a lil quicker than expected) 12/7/2012
Married to my best friend 12/24/2012
Beautiful baby girl arrived 8/15/2013
BFP #2 3/13/2016
I'm expecting my second child and since we decided to start trying (September 2015) I knew I wanted a completely different birth experience if ever given the opportunity to birth again. I'm going ALL NATURAL in a hospital setting. Because of my decision I started looking for a doula around 10 weeks and finally hired our doula around 20/21 weeks. I personally don't think it's too late. Most doulas typically meet with you 2-3 times with the last meeting around 36 weeks then their on call around 37 weeks until baby is born. The first meeting you'll probably talk about your birth plans, your fears and how to overcome them (a separate birthing class might help such as Hypnobirthing, Bradley Method). She'll ask you what your birth preferences are membrane stripping, frequent cervical checks, lights dim, walking around, music, aromatherapy, fetal monitors, IV hookups vs. hep lock, if you want to snack during labor. A lot of these you might not have a firm answer on because you have no idea how you'll respond to birth but it's good to get the ball rolling. The second and/or third meeting you'll go over laboring positions, massage preferences, she'll discuss ways your partner can assist while in the room and just provide comfort for whatever decisions you make, even if you do end up getting an epidural. I think doulas are a Godsend and I'm very pleased with mine so far. Some doulas may offer additional services such as writing a birth story, placenta encapsulation, lactation assistance, food preparing services, etc. Also, be sure to ask if she has a back up (and if you can meet her) and if she has any other clients around your due date, just so you'll know what to expect. I met with about 3-4 in a month. It was a very tough choice but my husband and I found someone we both like.
@noelietrex , have you had your placenta encapsulated before? If so, did it help?
I didn't suffer any postpartum depression or anything like that the first time around, but know that along with being beneficial for helping with that, it's also good for your body. Would love more info on it if you have done it!
I hired mine around 15 weeks but I was eager, she's been a great resource this whole time and helped DH and I get prepared. I highly recommend it to anyone who's going for a med free birth or FTM. The knowledge of someone who's attended 30+ births has made me really relieved during the process.
I found my doula on https://www.doulamatch.net Previously I also looked on the DONA website: https://www.dona.org/.
I actually hired my doula at week 36! I was interviewing a bunch of doulas around week 34 after a false alarm that really made me determined to have a doula. The 2.5 week gap caused the doulas I was interested in to be booked already so I had to find a new doula, but I found her and I had my prenatal appt today. Since I'm almost 38 weeks now I only scheduled 1 prenatal visit, but DH and I had attended childbirth classes and child safety classes at the hospital we were at before so it was nice to just bond and practice massage techniques.
We hired our doula not long after we found out we were expecting, and our first meeting isn't even until 25 weeks. If you had someone particular in mind, it may be harder to hire them later... since they usually only handle a specific amount of clients per delivery month.