Hello all,
A dear friend of mine just delivered her precious girl at 28 weeks after 2 weeks of severe complications. She and baby and doing well (baby girl weighs in at 2 lbs at the moment). Just hoping to hear some stories from other moms who have been through this so that I can hopefully give her the support she needs (anything I should/should not say?). Thanks in advance!
Re: Any moms with experience delivering prematurely?
Here is my general advice that I pass along when people ask "what they can do for their friend who had a preemie". Are you local? My best advice is drop off dinners that can be reheated (lasagna, chili,etc), and plenty of on-the-go foods like apples, oranges, yogurt, granola bars, muffins, chocolate, etc so she can eat going to/from the nicu, or whenever she chooses. One-handed snacks are great for pumping too!
It is wonderful when people call, text, email, but also keep in mind that it is overwhelming to respond to "how is baby doing?" because not all days are good days, and bad news is hard to talk about with someone who has never seen a micro-preemie. This is why some families keep in touch with group emails or have someone else: aunt/grandma field calls and questions. It is generally better to say "we are thinking of you", "we are praying for you".
If you are nearby, ask if you can come over to keep them company. Ask when would be a good time to come see the baby. Show up with food. Help with housekeeping, cooking, setting up the nursery.
If you are long-distance, tell her to call you while she is pumping! Maybe a nicu Mama care package would be appreciated. Ideas: chapstick, hairbands, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, breast pads, lanolin nipple cream or organic coconut oil (some people swear by it for pumping comfort), granola bars (especially whole grain and oats!), trail mix, really any portable foods, a re-usable water bottle, a cute journal or pad of paper to keep track of nicu details/questions for doctors, cooler/lunch box for transporting breastmilk to nicu.
Mama to Three Girls:
Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!