December 2015 Moms

The whole truth & nothing but the truth ;)

My truth is: I tell people I'm devastated I can't breastfeed and have my baby on formula... But the TRUTH is, I'm relieved she's on formula so I can wear a normal bra and have my body be my own. But I never say that to anyone because it sounds bad!

Any *little lies* you tell people about being a mom so far? 

Re: The whole truth & nothing but the truth ;)

  • Oh, I also told a pregnant friend that labor was just like "really heavy period cramps" so I don't scare her, but really it hurt like heck
  • "It's so nice to be able to bring my baby to work with me." No, it's twice as stressful.

    "Don't take it personally, he cries like that for everyone." No, he really doesn't.
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  • LaceyH13 said:

    "Don't take it personally, he cries like that for everyone." No, he really doesn't.
    Definitely have said this a lot this weekend. At my inlaws and he cries soooo much more than when at home. 

    I never lie about my love for formula feeling... My boobs are not constantly sitting in a pile of wetness. Nothing in life is better.
  • I would probably lie about labour. I had back labour though so I'm not sure what the other labour is like. Mine felt like my spine was cracking and breaking through my skin, and at the same time my bum was on fire? I'll spare them
  • I also lie about about bfing and ffing. I tell people I BF because I didn't have enough milk and we had sugar and weight issues. This is all true but the real truth and I admit this to only a few. I had no fricken clue what I was doing and listened to too many people. They said I could BF every 3 hrs when I got home, they said I wasn't making enough, they said my baby wasn't gaining right, they said my baby had jaundice but everything was fine and I should have been bfing every hour in the beginning and we would have been EBFing but now we supplement. I'll know for next time.
  • LaceyH13 said:

    "Don't take it personally, he cries like that for everyone." No, he really doesn't.
    This! When my husband works late & we are home alone all day together, sometimes she literally doesn't cry. AT ALL. My 3 month old goes ENTIRE days without so much as a single whimper. I don't dare tell anyone that because when people mess with our schedule (and this sadly includes daddy & his love of 7pm "play time") she loses her shit. I say "oh she's just tired, let me feed her, she's probably hungry.... Nope, she really just doesn't want you to do whatever you are doing to her right now.... Give her back! 
    I'm actually not look Big forward to moving back with my parents, due to the fact that her reptile and schedule be so messed up and my parents sleep 5 hours earlier than she does (she set her bedtime to 2in the morning!!!) which was fine when I was a SAHM, but now I'll be up in a quiet house trying to walk around as quiet as possible with a fussy baby.

    And God bless my parents. The last time I visited she was so grumpy and they would hold her and be like "oh she's fine" and let her fuss around and I'd get so annoyed because she's not fine. I would tell them how to put her to sleep and to change positions but they'd dismiss it. It's so annoyed by but I love them. 

    I explained to them why I was so anxious and how she's being so fussy and off and out of her element and they're like "this is nothing!! She's great!" I know but she's so great at home that I'm not used to her being fussy and upset. So. 

    Sorry for for the rant, it just reminded me that I'll have to go through this until she gets used to my parent's schedules...
  • I sometimes say I'm more tired than I am so someone else can take him so I can have a bath or a small nap 
  • This weekend the baby didn't sleep, we were out of town visiting my parents and didn't adjust to sleeping in a different place. He woke up at 4:30 on Sunday morning, right when I usually pump, so I started BFing. My mom comes in, says she was going to help but she clearly can't help with that. After about a minute, with my son pulling on and off boob, I pretended I was fed up and switched to a bottle just so she would take over instead of going back to bed. Since I hadn't gotten to sleep more than an hour at a time all weekend, when he usually sleeps through the night, I needed a break for some sleep. She totally doesn't care, she only sees him every once in a while since she lives 5 hours away. But I usually would have kept going on the breast until he stopped re-latching.
  • "Oh, her socks must have fell off in the car."

    Actually, I didn't bother putting socks on her because they aren't going to last five minutes before one or both inexplicable disappear.

    "I'm just really tired."

    Well, yeah, I am really tired, but I'm also stressed about work, depressed about not having clothes that fit, or money to buy new clothes, never being able to go out and have a little bit of freedom, and disappointed that when someone does tell me they can watch the kids so I can go out and "adult" like a normal person, either my friends call it off or my babysitter backs out.

    "Yes, the daycare is state licensed."

    I honestly have no idea. I forgot to ask, as horrible as that sounds. She advertises, I've met some of the other parents, what I pay her is tax deductible, she takes fantastic care of my child, as far as I know, but really don't know if she's licensed....

    "She's only had that diaper rash for a few days..."

    Or two weeks...whatever. (It's all but gone now. I called the doctor and she suggested putting anti-fungal cream AND butt paste on it, and it really did the trick).  

  • My truth is: I tell people I'm devastated I can't breastfeed and have my baby on formula... But the TRUTH is, I'm relieved she's on formula so I can wear a normal bra and have my body be my own. But I never say that to anyone because it sounds bad!

    Any *little lies* you tell people about being a mom so far? 
    As a mom who EBF's I 100% understand. No judgement here.There are days I'm completely envious of FF moms and think to myself that it would be so nice to stop lactating magically overnight. 
    Then I remind myself that formula is hard too and regardless how we feed our babies it's all time consuming and messy, and I should shut up and be thankful I CAN provide milk when so many cannot. But man, it would be great not to have to deal with these huge, leaky boobs anymore. 

    So I guess mine is that I still don't like breastfeeding all that much. I'm counting the weeks to his first birthday so I can stop. 
  • My truth is: I tell people I'm devastated I can't breastfeed and have my baby on formula... But the TRUTH is, I'm relieved she's on formula so I can wear a normal bra and have my body be my own. But I never say that to anyone because it sounds bad!

    Any *little lies* you tell people about being a mom so far? 
    As a mom who EBF's I 100% understand. No judgement here.There are days I'm completely envious of FF moms and think to myself that it would be so nice to stop lactating magically overnight. 
    Then I remind myself that formula is hard too and regardless how we feed our babies it's all time consuming and messy, and I should shut up and be thankful I CAN provide milk when so many cannot. But man, it would be great not to have to deal with these huge, leaky boobs anymore. 

    So I guess mine is that I still don't like breastfeeding all that much. I'm counting the weeks to his first birthday so I can stop. 
    I say I'll keep breastfeeding as long as I can for the health benefits but really I don't want to do motn bottles again. There's no quick or easy way to do it and when there's a screaming baby wanting fed that's just what you need it to be. I like being able to bring her into the bed and lay there and doze while she eats without all the drama and my sleep deprived brain trying to figure out how to make a bottle.
  • groovylocksgroovylocks member
    edited March 2016
    I tell people Olive is perfect. 

    The truth? Her nickname is Princess Monster Truck. 

    I tell people I am happy and cool and together and all cute and metro.

    The truth? Princess Monster Truck is the only reason I get out of bed. 
  • Oh another one.. 

    I tell everybody about how hard pumping at work is. How it eats up my entire day and I'm worried about my productivity and my value as an employee. 

    The truth? Every 3 hours, I spend 40 minutes in an easy chair topless and watching reruns of The Office on Netflix. And they can't fire me for it. Because affirmative action. 

    I might breastfeed until I retire, guys.
    Pumping is the best part of my work day. I pretend-hate it but extra breaks are nice. And I can't get I trouble if I pump 4 times in my 12 hours if I'm "feeling extra full", aka lazy and tired. 
  • My truth is: I tell people I'm devastated I can't breastfeed and have my baby on formula... But the TRUTH is, I'm relieved she's on formula so I can wear a normal bra and have my body be my own. But I never say that to anyone because it sounds bad!

    Any *little lies* you tell people about being a mom so far? 
    As a mom who EBF's I 100% understand. No judgement here.There are days I'm completely envious of FF moms and think to myself that it would be so nice to stop lactating magically overnight. 
    Then I remind myself that formula is hard too and regardless how we feed our babies it's all time consuming and messy, and I should shut up and be thankful I CAN provide milk when so many cannot. But man, it would be great not to have to deal with these huge, leaky boobs anymore. 

    So I guess mine is that I still don't like breastfeeding all that much. I'm counting the weeks to his first birthday so I can stop. 
    I say I'll keep breastfeeding as long as I can for the health benefits but really I don't want to do motn bottles again. There's no quick or easy way to do it and when there's a screaming baby wanting fed that's just what you need it to be. I like being able to bring her into the bed and lay there and doze while she eats without all the drama and my sleep deprived brain trying to figure out how to make a bottle.
    After Henry eats I have to massage and pump for 5 minutes because of his tie or I wake up with clogged ducts. Sleeping while feeding was a main reason I really wanted to breastfeed and it can't happen  :|
  • @Gingermom15 I know I should do the same but I'm tired and don't. After her last feeding before bed, I pump and empty my breasts as thoroughly as possible. Then I do the same in the morning. I figure it isn't far off from if she slept through the night and I didn't wake up to pump and so far have only gotten clogs from a particular bra.
  • Oh another one.. 

    I tell everybody about how hard pumping at work is. How it eats up my entire day and I'm worried about my productivity and my value as an employee. 

    The truth? Every 3 hours, I spend 40 minutes in an easy chair topless and watching reruns of The Office on Netflix. And they can't fire me for it. Because affirmative action. 

    I might breastfeed until I retire, guys.
    Pumping is the best part of my work day. I pretend-hate it but extra breaks are nice. And I can't get I trouble if I pump 4 times in my 12 hours if I'm "feeling extra full", aka lazy and tired. 
    Do you ladies still get paid? I can take extra pump breaks after my reg paid breaks but they go unpaid so that's the downside...
  • Oh another one.. 

    I tell everybody about how hard pumping at work is. How it eats up my entire day and I'm worried about my productivity and my value as an employee. 

    The truth? Every 3 hours, I spend 40 minutes in an easy chair topless and watching reruns of The Office on Netflix. And they can't fire me for it. Because affirmative action. 

    I might breastfeed until I retire, guys.
    Pumping is the best part of my work day. I pretend-hate it but extra breaks are nice. And I can't get I trouble if I pump 4 times in my 12 hours if I'm "feeling extra full", aka lazy and tired. 
    Do you ladies still get paid? I can take extra pump breaks after my reg paid breaks but they go unpaid so that's the downside...
    I don't have to clock out. I work 12's and get one 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks. I usually pump 3 times and am gone for 30 minutes total for each one, I don't take lunch or my 15's which I am entitled to as well. So my manager doesn't have me clock out or dock my pay. I just eat while pumping. 

  • @Gingermom15 I know I should do the same but I'm tired and don't. After her last feeding before bed, I pump and empty my breasts as thoroughly as possible. Then I do the same in the morning. I figure it isn't far off from if she slept through the night and I didn't wake up to pump and so far have only gotten clogs from a particular bra.
    I tried not pumping at night and even tried not pumping after feeds during the day. Just hand expressing where the clog was in order to not have an oversupply. It was a bad time. So I feed on one side now and pump when he's done, I freeze 20+ oz a day and my deep freeze a jammed full of milk but it's the only way I could continue breastfeeding since the ped doesn't want to clip his lip. My goal is 1 year, but I hate breastfeeding right now. Maybe it will get easier.  
  • Mizuiro007Mizuiro007 member
    edited March 2016

    @Gingermom15 I know I should do the same but I'm tired and don't. After her last feeding before bed, I pump and empty my breasts as thoroughly as possible. Then I do the same in the morning. I figure it isn't far off from if she slept through the night and I didn't wake up to pump and so far have only gotten clogs from a particular bra.
    I tried not pumping at night and even tried not pumping after feeds during the day. Just hand expressing where the clog was in order to not have an oversupply. It was a bad time. So I feed on one side now and pump when he's done, I freeze 20+ oz a day and my deep freeze a jammed full of milk but it's the only way I could continue breastfeeding since the ped doesn't want to clip his lip. My goal is 1 year, but I hate breastfeeding right now. Maybe it will get easier.  
    Have you been able to try a specialist. Our ped said they won't do anything in office and referred us to the children's hospital. We've been waiting on availability but have an appointment to see an ENT. They also said we could see an oral surgeon.

    I have an oversupply so I'm trying to counteract that.
  • Do you ladies still get paid? I can take extra pump breaks after my reg paid breaks but they go unpaid so that's the downside...
    I get paid only because I am still working while I pump. I go into a private office with my laptop and hope my bra holds the pump on while I type. I have one of those jobs where I have to charge all of my hours to specific projects or an admin charge number, so really, no paid breaks for me at all! 

  • @Gingermom15 I know I should do the same but I'm tired and don't. After her last feeding before bed, I pump and empty my breasts as thoroughly as possible. Then I do the same in the morning. I figure it isn't far off from if she slept through the night and I didn't wake up to pump and so far have only gotten clogs from a particular bra.
    I tried not pumping at night and even tried not pumping after feeds during the day. Just hand expressing where the clog was in order to not have an oversupply. It was a bad time. So I feed on one side now and pump when he's done, I freeze 20+ oz a day and my deep freeze a jammed full of milk but it's the only way I could continue breastfeeding since the ped doesn't want to clip his lip. My goal is 1 year, but I hate breastfeeding right now. Maybe it will get easier.  
    Have you been able to try a specialist. Our ped said they won't do anything in office and referred us to the children's hospital. We've been waiting on availability but have an appointment to see an ENT. They also said we could see an oral surgeon.

    I have an oversupply so I'm trying to counteract that.
    She won't give us a referral because he's gaining weight and eating. I want to get a second opinion. 
  • We had little man's lip tie lasered three weeks ago at a pediatric dentists. I wish I had taken him there sooner to get checked! 
  • chodge29 said:
    We had little man's lip tie lasered three weeks ago at a pediatric dentists. I wish I had taken him there sooner to get checked! 
    Did you need a referral?
  • I just spent my baby's "being born" money people gave him on a takeaway for me.
    Not even ashamed 
  • @dec15mum that's rad. Totally should not be ashamed. Another mommy confession is ive only washed my bed sheets twice since she was born. I know it's gross. But who has time.
  • @Gingermom
    We didn't. As far as insurance we have metlife for dental so I would call yours and see what they would need and who is covered (w/o insurance it was $396 to have it lasered where we went). I called the pediatric dentist and told them what was going on and they let me come in for a consultation. She confirmed that he had one and we went ahead and had it lasered then.
  • @Gingermom15 I know it could have gone very differently depending on who saw her in the practice but DD actually saw a nurse practioner and her argument was that even though she's eating and gaining she isn't nursing long enough (she won't nurse more than 10 mins unless she's half asleep) and that she's dropped from 68 percentile to 28.

    Most times a referral is only necessary if the insurance requires it. I would call the member number and ask. The children's hospital here doesn't require a referral,  it just makes it easier as all of her records were sent with it rather than them needing to request them.
  • Oh another one.. 

    I tell everybody about how hard pumping at work is. How it eats up my entire day and I'm worried about my productivity and my value as an employee. 

    The truth? Every 3 hours, I spend 40 minutes in an easy chair topless and watching reruns of The Office on Netflix. And they can't fire me for it. Because affirmative action. 

    I might breastfeed until I retire, guys.
    Pumping is the best part of my work day. I pretend-hate it but extra breaks are nice. And I can't get I trouble if I pump 4 times in my 12 hours if I'm "feeling extra full", aka lazy and tired. 
    Do you ladies still get paid? I can take extra pump breaks after my reg paid breaks but they go unpaid so that's the downside...
    I'm a salaried professional so they basically leave it up to me as to how i manage my time. Technically i can take vacation the entire year (new company policy) and as long as i'm getting work done, they don't give a damn. 

    I know me. I know i need to be at my desk engaged to get things done. But having the freedom to pump when i want to pump is really nice. 
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