My truth is: I tell people I'm devastated I can't breastfeed and have my baby on formula... But the TRUTH is, I'm relieved she's on formula so I can wear a normal bra and have my body be my own. But I never say that to anyone because it sounds bad!
Any *little lies* you tell people about being a mom so far?
Re: The whole truth & nothing but the truth ;)
"Don't take it personally, he cries like that for everyone." No, he really doesn't.
I never lie about my love for formula feeling... My boobs are not constantly sitting in a pile of wetness. Nothing in life is better.
And God bless my parents. The last time I visited she was so grumpy and they would hold her and be like "oh she's fine" and let her fuss around and I'd get so annoyed because she's not fine. I would tell them how to put her to sleep and to change positions but they'd dismiss it. It's so annoyed by but I love them.
I explained to them why I was so anxious and how she's being so fussy and off and out of her element and they're like "this is nothing!! She's great!" I know but she's so great at home that I'm not used to her being fussy and upset. So.
Sorry for for the rant, it just reminded me that I'll have to go through this until she gets used to my parent's schedules...
"Oh, her socks must have fell off in the car."
Actually, I didn't bother putting socks on her because they aren't going to last five minutes before one or both inexplicable disappear.
"I'm just really tired."
Well, yeah, I am really tired, but I'm also stressed about work, depressed about not having clothes that fit, or money to buy new clothes, never being able to go out and have a little bit of freedom, and disappointed that when someone does tell me they can watch the kids so I can go out and "adult" like a normal person, either my friends call it off or my babysitter backs out.
"Yes, the daycare is state licensed."
I honestly have no idea. I forgot to ask, as horrible as that sounds. She advertises, I've met some of the other parents, what I pay her is tax deductible, she takes fantastic care of my child, as far as I know, but really don't know if she's licensed....
"She's only had that diaper rash for a few days..."
Or two weeks...whatever. (It's all but gone now. I called the doctor and she suggested putting anti-fungal cream AND butt paste on it, and it really did the trick).
Then I remind myself that formula is hard too and regardless how we feed our babies it's all time consuming and messy, and I should shut up and be thankful I CAN provide milk when so many cannot. But man, it would be great not to have to deal with these huge, leaky boobs anymore.
So I guess mine is that I still don't like breastfeeding all that much. I'm counting the weeks to his first birthday so I can stop.
I tell people I am happy and cool and together and all cute and metro.
The truth? Princess Monster Truck is the only reason I get out of bed.
I tried not pumping at night and even tried not pumping after feeds during the day. Just hand expressing where the clog was in order to not have an oversupply. It was a bad time. So I feed on one side now and pump when he's done, I freeze 20+ oz a day and my deep freeze a jammed full of milk but it's the only way I could continue breastfeeding since the ped doesn't want to clip his lip. My goal is 1 year, but I hate breastfeeding right now. Maybe it will get easier.
I have an oversupply so I'm trying to counteract that.
Not even ashamed
We didn't. As far as insurance we have metlife for dental so I would call yours and see what they would need and who is covered (w/o insurance it was $396 to have it lasered where we went). I called the pediatric dentist and told them what was going on and they let me come in for a consultation. She confirmed that he had one and we went ahead and had it lasered then.
Most times a referral is only necessary if the insurance requires it. I would call the member number and ask. The children's hospital here doesn't require a referral, it just makes it easier as all of her records were sent with it rather than them needing to request them.