so after weeks of being told how small my bump is. i deciede to book an extra visit to the midwife to get measured. only to find i havent grown much since 27 weeks. i now have to have a growth scan nxt wk and im super worried. anyone else?
Could it be at all how you carry? I am only starting to look pregnant rather than fat at 33 weeks and it's because I don't carry very far forward. However, for me, it's more of a trick of the eye sort of thing because I measure a few weeks ahead.
Are you literally measuring exactly the same for 4 weeks now? Measuring behind doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong (and these measurements are also very inaccurate), but no growth whatsoever would be concerning. I've measured small since week 24 or so. The growth scan will answer a lot of questions. Sending positive thoughts.
This is exactly what happened to me! My bump is so small they freaked me out measuring my fundal height. Had an urgent scan done the next day to find he is 4.5 lbs and ahead of schedule for delivery date! Fundal height can be way off ! Stay off google it will tell you scary things about what's happening!
sorry to hear you are feeling anxious - we don't need any more of that than we already have during pregnancy!!
I agree that fundal heights are unreliable - and so is ultrasound, to a degree - so try to trust your instincts that your LO is perfectly healthy. I hope that the growth scan gives you peace of mind. Also, babies come in so many sizes! In the hospital I used to work at, we considered babies between 2500g and 4000g (roughly 5lb 7oz to 8lb 13oz) to be "at gestational age" size (for 36-42weekers). Let us know how it goes!
Mama to Three Girls: Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!
I wouldn't be worrying about it yet. My doctor doesn't even measure fundal height because it's so unreliable. He feels to kind of sense whether I feel on track but only relies on ultrasounds for actual measurement. (Granted u/s can also be a ways off too.) Fingers crossed that your scan doesn't show any issues!
The same thing happened to me, at my 28 week appointment I was told I was measuring only 26 weeks even though I had been measuring on track the rest of the pregnancy. But when I went in for my 30 week appointment I was caught back up and measuring 30 weeks again! She said with first time moms it's somewhat common.
I hope everything turns out to be okay. I don't know if it will make you feel any better, but I'm 31 weeks and can still fit into most of my regular clothes. I have a few maternity things like two pairs of shorts and two pair of pants just in case I need them. My baby is measuring three weeks ahead. So like other pp's said, it could just be how you carry.
had this happen to me my belly measured 27 weeks during my 29 -30 week visit . Thankfully my Dr has an US machine in house so he was able to measure the baby and she was measuring at 29 weeks where she should be . I was worried for weeks because coworkers and strangers would say I was so small for being x amount of months. I'm sure everything will be fine. Good luck
I agree that fundal height is an inaccurate way to judge the size of a fetus but if it is "off" by a large margin it can be an indicator of a problem. My best friend recently had issues with this same thing. Her fundal height was measuring way behind for multiple visits. They weren't concerned until the growth scan showed the baby in the 5th percentile. They induced at 38 weeks because the OB had a hunch something was wrong even though ultrasounds didn't really point to anything definate. It turns out that the baby had a true knot in his cord and it was wrapped around his neck three times. He was barely 5 lb. at birth but healthy. I just want to reassure you that if there is a problem, it is better to know about so they can take action. I hope everything turns out okay for you too. Thank God for modern medicine!
Try not to worry! I see a high risk MFM doc and he's never done a FH measurement on me as they are unreliable. Ultrasound will tell you if something is up!
My bump was really small at 31 weeks. Now at 35 it still is kinda small. If it eases your anxieties I'd suggest getting an ultrasound to check out babies size. But my midwife told me not to worry too much because every pregnancy is different and every woman is different. She also mentioned that most people don't see pregnant women on a regular basis and just assume we should all be the same size. Totally false! Your baby is probably completely healthy so try not to worry too much
I've been measuring normal until today ! I am 32w3d and now only measuring 31 weeks and haven't gained any weight in two weeks but my ultrasound two weeks ago showed him right on track and I will have another one in two weeks I think everyone is different and if your doctor seems concerned they will def do something about it!
thank you all for sharing your experiences. i really appreciate it. the scan went well baby was fine. and weighing in at 4lb. but i have to go bk in two weeks to check shes growing. and yes the midwife explained how measuring the bump isnt accurate. so just a waiting game. but im less anxious now
thank you all for sharing your experiences. i really appreciate it. the scan went well baby was fine. and weighing in at 4lb. but i have to go bk in two weeks to check shes growing. and yes the midwife explained how measuring the bump isnt accurate. so just a waiting game. but im less anxious now
That's great news. I'm sure everything is fine but it's nice to get confirmation I'm sure. Try to relax now!
Re: small bump at 31 weeks
Hope your growth scan goes well! Let us know!
Measuring behind doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong (and these measurements are also very inaccurate), but no growth whatsoever would be concerning. I've measured small since week 24 or so.
The growth scan will answer a lot of questions.
Sending positive thoughts.
Married: Oct 20, 2013
BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
EDD 1: May 12, 2016
DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)
BFP 2: October 07, 2019
EDD 2: June 20, 2020
I agree that fundal heights are unreliable - and so is ultrasound, to a degree - so try to trust your instincts that your LO is perfectly healthy. I hope that the growth scan gives you peace of mind. Also, babies come in so many sizes! In the hospital I used to work at, we considered babies between 2500g and 4000g (roughly 5lb 7oz to 8lb 13oz) to be "at gestational age" size (for 36-42weekers). Let us know how it goes!
Mama to Three Girls:
Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!
I don't know if it will make you feel any better, but I'm 31 weeks and can still fit into most of my regular clothes. I have a few maternity things like two pairs of shorts and two pair of pants just in case I need them. My baby is measuring three weeks ahead. So like other pp's said, it could just be how you carry.
First Pregnancy
Second Pregnancy
- BFP: 09/11/2015
- EDD: 05/25/2016
Baby Born04/15/2016
I was worried for weeks because coworkers and strangers would say I was so small for being x amount of months. I'm sure everything will be fine. Good luck
and yes the midwife explained how measuring the bump isnt accurate. so just a waiting game. but im less anxious now