Baby Names

Delores alternatives?

We're thinking about honoring my late grandma and using the name Delores as a middle name... I really don't like the name however and I'm wondering if you have a suggested alternative? Thanks!
"Will you be my Valentine?" 2/14/2004 "Will you marry me?" 7/4/2008 "Wanna get a cat?" 7/4/2010 TTC #1 since 2/2011 Me: 28 DH: 29 2 Cycles Femera, 4 IUIs, IVF#1 (BNF), IVF#2 (BFN).


Re: Delores alternatives?

  • Cricket99Cricket99 member
    edited March 2016
    Delia or Dory would be close, but if you want to honor her just go with full on Delores. How often are you going to use her middle name in reality? Did your grandma have a nickname she went by?
  • Lo, Lola, Dolly
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  • does you grandmother have a middle name that you can use instead?
  • Delaney.

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  • I think it's beautiful as a middle name. And really, we stress so much about choosing a middle name and it sounding the best-- but really, how often do we use or say our middle name once the birth announcement is sent out? 
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  • Just to play devil's advocate, in Jewish tradition, you can honor someone by using the first letter or two of their name. So if you want to honor her with a D or De- name, there's solid precedent for doing so. (I realize you're probably not Jewish, just saying it's not an unheard of method.)
  • That was my grandmas name too! My middle name is Dee in honor of her!!
  • In fairness, I am honoring my godmother (Carole) by naming this baby Caroline, if it's a girl. I'm using it as a first name, though, and obviously the two names are more closely related than some alternatives might be. In the middle name slot it probably makes more sense to stick with the actual name, if you want the honorific to be clear.

    Some ideas for alternatives, however: since Delores means 'sorrow,' you could try Deirdre ('sorrowful' in Celtic) or one of the female variations on Tristan, for the same idea.
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  • I think Delores is a fine middle name. I also agree with other users that there is too much stress put on picking the perfect sounding first and middle name combo. In reality, we really don't use our middle names all that often. But if you truly dislike it, I think Dee is a cute alternative.
  • Just to play devil's advocate, in Jewish tradition, you can honor someone by using the first letter or two of their name. So if you want to honor her with a D or De- name, there's solid precedent for doing so. (I realize you're probably not Jewish, just saying it's not an unheard of method.)
    Yup.  My family has four generations of this type of naming (in part due to antisemitism), so I see nothing wrong with honoring via the same first initial. My first son is named after one of his great grandmothers using the same first 3 letters.  My second son will be named after another great grandmother using the same first initial.
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  • Flowr4246Flowr4246 member
    edited March 2016
    What was her middle name?  Her surname?  Is it possible you could gleen a name to honor your LO out of either of those?  If not, Lori would be the closest to Delores that I could come up with.
    Piper, 4/10/10
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