How many weeks are you:
Any updates from Dr's appointments?
Do you have any stretch marks?
Do you plan to dress your twins the same or different (on purpose)? (this probably mostly applies to same sex twins)
Have you purchased/received any wraps or baby carriers?
Are there any questions you want me to ask next week?
**I love hearing from my fellow twin mommies! The weeks are ticking by!
Re: *** Thursday TWINS Check-In 3/24 ***
How many weeks are you: 33 tomorrow
Any updates from Dr's appointments? I was up early this morning for a biophysical profile (I think that's what it was called) - basically a NST and sonogram to check fluid level, cord blood flow, movement, etc. Everything checked out AOK. I had 3 or so contractions during the NST which I have been noticing. They're not painful - slightly uncomfortable. My Dr. said that's normal for how stretched out the uterus is. I never noticed any contractions (or even Braxton hicks) when pg w/my first two.
I'll have NST's once a week until delivery.
Do you have any stretch marks? Yes
I didn't have any w/my first two but I have some on the very front of my stomach this time. I also had intestinal surgery a few years ago, with a scar vertical by my belly button, so I wonder if this is part of it. ??
Do you plan to dress your twins the same or different (on purpose)? (this probably mostly applies to same sex twins) Yes, I've already been buying matching outfits. It'll just be so cute! Of course they won't be dressed alike most days. When they get older (2 or 3) I may re-think the matching thing so they have their own identities. As 6 month olds though, it'll just be fun.
Have you purchased/received any wraps or baby carriers? I have some random things. I have a 'hotsling' which I don't think they make anymore (but I like it) and an inexpensive carrier (Infantino?). I think my sister lent me a moby wrap - need to learn how to use it. I registered for an Ergo baby carrier. Pricey, but they seem popular. I feel like I haven't done my research in this department and I really should with two babies coming and two other kids around.
How many weeks are you: 29w5d
Any updates from Dr's appointments? Still reeling from my dilation notice at last week's appt. Everything has been super tense ever since. I don't know if it could be classified as true depression, but I'm just really struggling with not being able to do all the things I want to do and being so dependent on everyone around me. Had my rescheduled GTT Monday - not results yet. I also found out my OB is leaving the practice as of April 30 - just in time for me to find another doctor to deliver
Sorry I'm being so negative and whiny; clearly I could use a pick-me-up... Seeing perinatologist and OB next week.
Do you have any stretch marks? Nope! Either the Vaseline with cocoa butter is doing the trick or it really is just luck of the draw.
Do you plan to dress your twins the same or different (on purpose)? (this probably mostly applies to same sex twins) We haven't really gone out of our way to buy a lot of matchy-matchy things but have gotten our fair share of them from others. Mostly I'm just buying secondhand things so they won't match a lot.
Have you purchased/received any wraps or baby carriers? 3 of them, actually
I got one single moby wrap from someone secondhand, received a twin moby wrap as a baby shower gift, and bought another single moby wrap secondhand.
Are there any questions you want me to ask next week? Can't think of anything!
**I love hearing from my fellow twin mommies! The weeks are ticking by!
I always love seeing pics! Yep, you have very different bellies! Do you love being tall @auntieembabes? I would love to be taller. I'm 5'4". I still always carry my babies low though - they're never up in my lungs or kicking my ribs. I would love to ditch under-wire bras though. Sounds like you have a plan in mind for your C-section. Esp if you want your tubes tied that totally makes sense. My DH is getting a vasectomy most likely. I still am going to try to go vaginal even though baby B is still breech.
@khochanadel - I totally understand why you'd be bummed being on bed rest.
Hang in there!! Try to think about how each day helps those girlies grow bigger and stronger! Easier said than done of course. I would be freaking out if I was on bed rest. I have so much left to do. I get worn out though and have to sit every so often or the underside of my belly literally starts to burn (plus my feet hurt). I was at Oak Park Mall yesterday for an hour and a half and was about to die. ....not really, but that was plenty of walking. I'm curious if I'm dilated at all yet. My OB is checking at my next appt. in 2 weeks.
My daughter and I had some pictures taken a couple weeks ago. I thought they turned out pretty cute! I can't spend a lot and Penny's is so cheap (I used them a lot when my other kids were babies). My son (8) declined being in the pics - he hates this kind of stuff. I have pics of him when he was 3 and I was pg.
Actually being this tall is a pain in the ass a lot of the time. its difficult to find pants long enough, Plus I have a love of high heels, so I really learned to own it. I actually have two pair of 4" stilettos, and I'm still shorter than my little brother when I wear them. Yes I am Big Bird (actually I'm exactly a foot shorter)
@sunshinebins - Congratulations to you too!
..........I saw she posted that her twins are here on the May birth announcement thread. She wrote:
Ava (4lbs8oz) and Harper (3lbs6oz) arrived Monday at 7:45 and 7:58. Both are still in the nicu but are on room air and doing well.