Hi all. I mostly lurk on this page but since I'm beyond frustrated and upset and sad and all other emotions you can think of I decided to post this. Maybe I can find someone who went through something similiar or maybe I can help someone who is going through/will go through this and know they are not alone.
Anyway...after a year of really trying for a baby (and 2+ years of not really trying but not being careful either) my husband and I decided to go to a fertility doctor. After months of tests we finally go through our iui and miraculously become pregnant on our first try. That didn't last too long as I devolped a subchorionic hematoma and the clot overtook the baby and we lost it (I hate using the term "it" but being I was 8 or 9 weeks along we didn't know the sex). This was the worst thing I ever had to go through.
After the DNC the fetus was tested and was found to have no genetic abnormatilities. Because of this we decided the have a large fibroid I had removed because it had grown in the short time I was pregnant. After the surgery we found out there were 4 or 5 fibroids in there and the doctor removed them all. He said I can go on to have a normal pregnancy and birth. We waited 3 months for me to heal and started all over again. After 3 months of iui and nothing happened we spoke about IVF, which I am covered for 2 in a lifetime but he chargs other "lab fees" and would end up costing me $11,200 out of pocket ($2,700 for the first egg retrieval, $3,500 for the second and $5,000 for genetic testing). We decided to keep going with iui because we don't have $11,200. The last 2 iuis were just crazy. I now understood how the process worked and I felt like I knew more than the doctors. As an example, at an appointment at 8 am the doctor said she was not sure if I should take the HCG shot and needed to look at the results of the blood test. She had a nurse call at 2 in the afternoon and was like "you have to take it right now and come in tomorrow at 7 for the iui". When I saw another doctor in the morning (they rotated doctors in this place) he was shocked that I took it so late.
In this time I got a letter from my insurance saying my doctor is no longer covered so I made an appointment for a different doctor who is closer and takes my insurance. It turns out that the insurance company made a mistake but we decided that because of the screw ups and because of the distance we will switch doctors. When we had our first appointment with the new doctor he was telling me things that the last doctor did not. One being that I have high blood pressure we should not be trying to have multiple eggs dropping because multiples can be distarous for me because pregnancy usually causes blood pressure problems. He also saw that I had my fibroids removed and asked if my original doctor said that I needed a c-section because that is usually what is needed after that surgery. I said he never said anything and the doctor asked for the surgery report, which I had sent over.
And here's where the rant starts - my new doctor just called me and said I would need a c-section because the fibroids were in my muscle and if I try to have a vaginal birth I could rupture and die along with the child I am trying to deliver. Second, I have endometrosis (which I was never told) and according to the surgery report the doctor cleared out my fallpoian tubes which had scarring but I was never told about this either. And my new doctor wants to have an x-ray done to see if I am really clear (which, in my mind, should have also been done after the surgery). Why didn't my old doctor tell me any of this? I know mistakes were made at times when I was there but knowing that he could have KILLED me by not telling me what was going on is crazy! I feel like with all that is going on and my age (I am 38, will be 39 in July) I will probably not be able to have a child. Was this other doctor just going to keep me going getting more and more depressed and frustrated by the month? The only sliver of hope I have right now is the new doctor is willing to keep going until I get the x-rays done and we can see what is going on in my fallopian tubes (he said it can take 2-4 weeks to get approval and we should go through a cycle while waiting for it).
And, just to add insult to injury, my due date was yesterday so this whole week has been a big mess of me just crying for no reason and now I hear that I have more issues than I thought and I might have to resign myself to the fact that I will not be able to have a child. UGH.
Re: My doctor lied to me (huge rant, long, loss mentioned)
Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!!
Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!)
Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer.
3/22/16 - Sono Saline ultrasound cyst to be aspirated on 4/1/16 if not cleared up by 3/29 US - It cleared on its own
Retrieval 3/4/16 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilized, 14 embryos currently frozen
Starting IVF Stims on +/- Feb 22, 2016
HSG scheduled for 1-26-16 - All clear "beautiful uterus" (though inverted)
Switched clinics and now prepping for IVF in February / March
Trying to conceive since November 2012
About the endometriosis- I started fertility treatments this month and I was told that I have an endometrioma at my first ultrasound appointment. Now every time the dr. is all up in there for my ultrasounds I have this big scary endometroima staring in my face and taking up my whole left ovary. I don't know what it means and my Dr. is like Mr. Optimist with us and says that he "suspects scarring to hinder the follies" but nothing else. I never knew I had endometriosis! It is truly frightening thing to think about and I feel totally uninformed and in the dark.
I am sorry your Dr. was not honest with you! I wish these Dr's would just tell us what is going on!
@maggiemitchell0607 this is a "no diet" week. Going in I knew it would be a hard one so I decided I'm not going to worry too much about what I eat. And I've been reading about endometriosis and its not always an issue, so good thoughts your way! And I hear you about being in the dark. As much as the truth might hurt its always better to know what is going on.
If you fight with the company that bills for that test you might get it covered. I actually got a bill in the mail, I think it was $3,500 for genetic testing, my DH called and was like, ummm what is this? Why are we getting a bill? And they said oh, your actually supposed to pay just $90 but it said that nowhere on the bill. So if you don't know not to pay it, then they'll take the larger sum happily. It's soooo shady. I just boil up over these #^%#$@$!:(!/@;$ers. I know its hard & hope this is just a small bump on the road and you wind up pregnant soon after.
I understand your feelings completely!
Started TTC April 2011
Me: 32, DH: 32
Diagnosis: Endometriosis
- - -
I'm a YouTube vlogger who talks about Infertility, IVF and Endometriosis. Check it out here!
Follow along at http://liv4today.blog
Instagram @liv4todayvlog
Me: 37 DH: 32 TTGP Since 2014 INFERTILITY INFO (Medicated, IUI's, IVF/FET) IN SPOILER
Medicated April-December 2015: Clomid (didn't work) and so we tried Femera/Letrozole. Progesterone Met 1000 Not diagnosed PCOS but treating the same. Anovulatory. TI No US No O BFN
- TW -
January 2016-October 2016: Letrozole 2.5mg-7.5 mg, Pregyl or Ovideral Trigger Shot.
9 cycles of IUI (7 Cancelled due to no mature follicles) (2 attempted IUI's with mature follicles)
IUI # 2 June 2016 and July 2016: Met 1000, Estrogen (21 days), Progesterone (5 days) Femera 5m 6/28/16 Ultrasound CD14 = 25 follie. Pregnyl Trigger CD14 IUI 7/13 1stBeta (DPO 15): 7.6 (Surprise BFP...but Low #'s) 2ndBeta (DPO 17): 18 3rdBeta (DPO 19) 52.8 Progesterone Prescribed (spotting) 4thBeta (DPO 26) 6.9 Chemical Pregnancy BFN
IVF and FET (diagnosed with PCOS) 204 pounds at start of IVF
IVF # 1 October and November 2016: CCRM - Minneapolis 10/14 Consult and CD 3 testing, 10/14 started (OCP Antagonist - BCP) BCP, 10/21 1 day work up, Doxycycline 100mg 10 days, 10/24 stop bcp, Bloodwork US 10/29, 10/30-11/8 Stims 2 vials of Menopur, Dexamethasone, 225 of Gonal-F daily (dropped to 120). CCRM Vitamin Cocktail (like 20 of them), Monitoring (11/2, 11/4, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7, 11/8), Retrieval 11/10 (38 eggs, 30 mature, 16 fertilized ICSI), 11/16 8 Blasts 11/30 CCS testing results 3 Normal 5aa's (2 boys and 1 girl) 1 Unknown 4 Abnormal (All girls)
Fet #1 January 2017: CCRM - Minneapolis bcp/lupron/suppository/p4 in oil QOD AF 12/7, 12/8 start meds. 1/3 lining and blood work check 14/15 mm, BW check 1/6. 1/9 transfer with acupuncture 1 CCS/PGS Normal 5aa hatching Progesterone around 26ish? Lower estrogen level 207 (wanted above 300 but over 200 was acceptable), started 1 estrace, progesterone in oil every other day, vivelle dot patches 4 every other day, 3x estrodiol daily, vitamin cocktail. POAS: - 4dp5dt and 5dp5dt, 6dp5dt frer very very very faint line. 7dp5dt and 8dp5dt + on Accuclear. 8dp5dt pregnant on a clear blue easy digital. 214 pounds at FET
1/18 #1 Beta 91.1
1/20 #2 Beta 215.9
2/3 6 week US 2 sacs? Twins? but only 1 heartbeat/pole good heartbeat Stopped taking baby asprin Added in DHEA Veg Vitamin (also got the report that they transferred a girl 5aa eggo)
2/10 7 week US 2 sacs (likely vanishing twin) only 1 heartbeat/pole etc good heartbeat 137
2/24 9 week US 1 eggo sac good heart beat 182 1 very small fluid sac (shrinking)
2/24 9 week 2 days start weening. Graduated from RE (CCRM is now starting weening as soon as 8.5 weeks)
3/7 10 Weeks 5 days weened completely of FET meds A1C 5.3% (Normal)
3/9 11 Weeks 1 day my progesterone level was 15 and my estrogen level was 881 (I freaked out!)
3/16 12 Weeks 1 day baby heard on doppler 164 HB
4/14 16 week 2 days Ultrasound baby is looking good with all good numbers sized 17 weeks. Also got to hear her on the doppler for a few mins too.
5/5 19 Weeks 2 days going in for "20" week anatomy ultrasound got measurements but need to come back as wasn't able to get all the measurements
MEASUREMENTS BPD 4.6 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (78%) HC 17.0 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (70%) AC 14.5 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (69%) Femur 3.1 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (63%) Humerus 3.1 cm 20 weeks 2 days (84%) Cerebellum 2.0 cm 19 weeks 5 days
CisternaMagna 6.2 mm Nuchal Fold 4.5 mm
HC/AC 1.17 FL/AC 0.22 FL/BPD 0.68 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 309 grams - 0 lbs 11 oz
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 19 weeks 5 days +/- 10 days.
6/9 24 Weeks 2 days Glucose Test 1 hour (Failed) 190
6/16 25 Weeks 2 days Ultrasound and 1st Baby Shower
6/20 25 Weeks 6 days Glucose Test 3 Hours (Failed) 95 (95), 183 (180), 213 (155), 198 (140) etc
6/21 26 Weeks Recommended to a perintologist
6/22 26 Weeks 1 day start monitoring blood sugar levels
6/30 27 Weeks 2 day A1 (blood sugar test ordered)
7/5 28 Weeks Echo and 3d Ultrasound
AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 2.6 Q2: 3.2 Q3: 4.8 Q4: 5.6 AFI Total = 16.3 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal
MEASUREMENTS BPD 7.2 cm 28 weeks 5 days* (60%) HC 26.4 cm 28 weeks 4 days* (48%) AC 23.3 cm 27 weeks 4 days* (36%) Femur 5.2 cm 28 weeks 0 days* (36%) Humerus 4.8 cm 28 weeks 0 days (49%)
HC/AC 1.13 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.73 Ceph Index 0.77 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1142 grams - 2 lbs 8 oz (37%)
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 28 weeks 1 day +/- 14 days.
7/10 28 Weeks 5 days Dietitian Appt and Lactatcian Consultant and A1 blood draw 5.4% (normal) 218.5 pounds
7/20 30 Weeks GD consult. 6 Lantus at 7pm daily. Novolog 1 unit for every 15 gm carbohydrate if consumed more than 30 gm at brkfst or 60 gm at lunch or supper 215.6 pounds
7/20 30 Weeks Transferred care to OB due to high risk. 216 pounds
8/2 32 Weeks Ultrasound (not cooperative and still breech) and then weekly NST's
MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.0 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (44%) HC 29.2 cm 31 weeks 6 days* (22%) AC 26.9 cm 31 weeks 0 days* (24%) Femur 6.3 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (57%) Humerus 5.7 cm 32 weeks 6 days (71%)
HC/AC 1.08 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.78 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1808 grams - 3 lbs 15 oz (29%)
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 31 weeks 6 days +/- 18 days.
AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.4 Q2: 2.9 Q3: 2.9 Q4: 4.4 AFI Total = 13.6 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal
8/8 32w6d upped to 1:10 for dinner
8/11 Baby Shower
8/13 Baby Shower
8/16 34 weeks NST good reading Upped to 8 at bed for fasting and 1:7 for dinner
8/18 Dr Appt
8/24 35 weeks 1 day (was suppose to be scheduled for 36 weeks) Weeks Ultrasound/GD Dr Appt/OB Appt
Frank Breech
MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.9 cm 35 weeks 6 days* (67%) HC 31.7 cm 35 weeks 1 day * (35%) AC 30.2 cm 34 weeks 2 days* (33%) Femur 6.9 cm 34 weeks 6 days* (57%) Humerus 6.0 cm 34 weeks 6 days (64%)
HC/AC 1.05 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.80 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 2494 grams - 5 lbs 8 oz (39%)
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 35 weeks 1 day +/- 21 days.
AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.3 Q2: 3.8 Q3: 2.4 Q4: 3.8 AFI Total = 13.4 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal
8/31 36 Weeks
9/7 37 Weeks
9/10 Water broke...I got it tested at the emergency room it it showed it was negative. More water breaking and didn't go to the dr.
9/11 37 weeks 4 days Called the Dr and got retested for water breaking...
10:30pmish Baby Girl Born via Emergency C Section (Frank Breech Baby) 6lbs 3oz -
9/13 Dropped to 5 pounds 10oz and had jaundice
9/13 38 weeks
9/22 39 Weeks 2 days C Section Scheduled for 10am (arrive at 8am) Equinox/Solstice
EDD 9/27