Babies: 0 - 3 Months

2 week old baby has gead cold how do i help

My baby is 2 weeks old she has a head cold its killing me sometimes i fill that she has a gard time breathing but i know she can im just crying i dont know what to do  

Re: 2 week old baby has gead cold how do i help

  • Oh my. That must be hard since she is so young! Since she is only two weeks old I would probably call the doctor to ask them when she should come in. Does she have a temp at all? Do you have a rock n play? Try to keep her somewhat elevated to help with her breathing. A humidifier would probably help too! Def keep an eye on her temp. Good luck.
  • No questions asked call your doc! 
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  • Any baby with signs of illness less than 4 weeks old needs to see a doctor.  Their immune system is so low at that point they could get very sick. 
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  • In the meantime, you can get saline spray for congestion. Sneezing also helps to clear their little noses. 


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  • call your doctor
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