January 2016 Moms

TW Tuesday

who/what is being a twatwaffle today
Married 2006
DS1 2010
DS2 2013
DD1 2016

Re: TW Tuesday

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    Allergies are the twatwaffle today! DD2 is miserable because of them. We have the humidifiers going, an air purifier, and I suction her too. She is still miserable! Poor kiddo!
    I went to the Endo today. He is testing me for Cushing's to make sure my cortisol levels have gone back down after pregnancy. I'm scared but it will all be okay since I feel better than when I had Cushings.
    Is it nap time yet? I would like for it to be nap time.
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    My work is a twatwaffle- sorry for my rant. Before and during my pregnancy, I was in charge of leading a major project for my college's accreditation with a cross campus committee...this was tasked to me as an additional job duty on top of my normal very busy position (that's a whole other rant). Obviously when I became pregnant, I made my boss aware super early for this reason so they could begin getting some other faculty to oversee the project development while I was out. I was expecting that this committee to have completed pretty much most of the development steps during my leave with the project timeline that I and the new/replacement  committee chairs worked on because of this thing's strict deadline. Nope! I get back to work yesterday and my meeting with my boss was full of to do's because little progress was made and it was communicated that I'd be pretty much resuming the role of project development, writing of the 100 page plan document, and finalizing all organization of the various parts of the project. Seriously, this thing has an ABSOLUTE deadline of September 1 (or college is in trouble with accreditation). And it's like they decided let's just wait till she gets back and slam the new mom with an infant with the bulk of the responsibility and headache. I used to be able to pull 50-55 hour weeks for this crap, like that can happen breastfeeding an infant these next few months. Not cool work, not cool.
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    Hubby is a TW. He freaked when he woke up at 3am and realized I had LO in bed with us. She was perfectly fine, all the covers where off my side of the bed and she was sound asleep on her back right next to me. He jumped up and tried to grab her to put her back in the crib in our room, because I might squash her. He's a TW because he wouldn't listen to me about her nightmares. What I can only equate to as night terrors. She screams bloody murder in her sleep, never wakes up from it, until you pick her up then she gets quiet and settles down but then she's awake. This happens multiple times a night. It doesn't happen if she sleeps with me at night. So either she sleeps with me or screams in her sleep until i pick her up then i have to get her back to sleep and wait for the screaming to start again in an hour.
    And of course he never wakes up when she does this even though her crib is 5 feet from our bed.
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    My inlaws are twat waffles. They are fake, judgmental and hypocritical. I did not grow up with a happy loving home but I also know my parents did the best they could. Mine divorced when I was 7 and my mom dated men that did terrible things to me and my dad ended up in prison when I was in highschool. I only say this because my parents have always been open with me so I understand life and know it's a bitch sometimes. Anyway, the inlaws are the exact opposite of open and honest.  My husband has a history with drugs. Ok shit happens. He's an amazing man, husband and father. He recently relapsed. Mind you this was right before I had my son. I ended up kicking him out when our son was 4 weeks old. I made it very clear that I will not tolerate that behavior and he is not going to see me or the kids. Well that was a huge slap in the face for him because he got his shit together and after a few weeks I let him come back. I know the signs when a person is using thanks to my family history and he definitely is not. My FIL has taken it upon himself to tell everyone he sees that he still is and says terrible things about his own son! He is also texting my husband saying these things.  I could never imagine telling my kids they are disowned! I know this is long but it makes me sick to think that people are so quick to give up on their own flesh and blood. Oh and the best part...his dad not to long ago had an affair and was using drugs. But he thinks he is some great guy?! Wtf. Come on people. I know my husband is a good man and he is human. He screwed up. He is doing the best he can to be a good father and husband and that's what matters to me. 
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    The 6 week growth spurt/"peak fussiness" is real, and it's a TW.
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    AchaeAchae member
    Went back to work today and while trying to dump the pumped milk into the bag the bag toppled over and spilled a bunch of milk all over the table and me.
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    My MIL is a twatwaffle. She came over the other night after I had just gotten DD to sleep (she had been fighting it all day long) and proceeds to wake my baby up by talking right in her face and touching her/pulling on her arms. Before I could stop her DD woke up screaming and wouldn't settle again. MIL feels like since she only gets to see DD once a week we should make sure the baby is awake so she can hold her and enjoy her visits! Like wtf, my baby is not around for your constant amusement she is a person with needs and you disrupting and upsetting her is so not okay! She won't be allowed to see DD until my husband sits down with her and sets major ground rules. Sad thing is "don't wake the sleeping baby" should be common sense!!
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    Hubby is a TW. He freaked when he woke up at 3am and realized I had LO in bed with us. She was perfectly fine, all the covers where off my side of the bed and she was sound asleep on her back right next to me. He jumped up and tried to grab her to put her back in the crib in our room, because I might squash her. He's a TW because he wouldn't listen to me about her nightmares. What I can only equate to as night terrors. She screams bloody murder in her sleep, never wakes up from it, until you pick her up then she gets quiet and settles down but then she's awake. This happens multiple times a night. It doesn't happen if she sleeps with me at night. So either she sleeps with me or screams in her sleep until i pick her up then i have to get her back to sleep and wait for the screaming to start again in an hour.
    And of course he never wakes up when she does this even though her crib is 5 feet from our bed.
    This is so hard. Have you tried attaching the crib to your bed sidecar method? (You take off the front rail and hook it to your side of the bed. It would give her a bit of protection (I'm sure she's fine with you, but it will get your husband off your back,) and give you the ability to reach out to her when you're in bed.
    Here's a how-to. Best of luck.
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