Hi Ladies!
Just wanted to come introduce myself here.
DH and I have been married for almost 5 years, and have been TTC for a year.
We have started basic testing at my OB.
SA came back normal. CD3 test was normal. CD 21 test showed no ovulation, but I always ovulate "late" by normal standards, so a week later I repeated the blood test, which confirmed ovulation.
I have an ultrasound tomorrow and then we will be talking about where to go from here.
Unfortunately the nearest RE is about 2 hours from me, but I expect to have a referral there and I'll just make it work.
DH is super supportive and i couldnt ask for a better person to go through this with. He lets me vent and talk about everything as long as I need to, and always seems to know the right things to say to lift my spirits.
We have been 100% private about our journey. No one else knows, so it's nice to have you ladies to talk to as well. I'm active on the TTGP board as well. Looking forward to getting to know you ladies!!
Has anyone else kept your struggle to conceive private?? At what point did you tell your family/close friends?? We struggle with this often. We are both close to our families, but I have a lot of anxiety about bringing this up to them.
I know they would provide a lot of love and support but I can't seem to pull the trigger and just tell them.
Married 2011
TTC #1 since April 2015
Fur child: One awesome Golden Retriever
IUI August 2016 : Cancelled due to polyp
September 2016: Polyp removal/hysteroscopy
October 2016: IUI #1- BFN
November 2016: IUI #2- BFN
December 2016: IUI #3 - BFN
January/February 2017 - IVF + ICSI + PGD
March 2017 - FET

Re: A quick hello!
Its so hard to decide when to tell people what. A handful of my closest girl friends know we are having trouble TTC, and my sister-in-laws. We still haven't told either of our parents. I really don't trust my mom not to tell the whole extended family, and I really don't want their pity (or advice!). I feel like we will probably tell our parents if we start treatment with IUI, so they can be praying and so they stop asking when we'll start a family
MFI (High DNA Fragmentation) & Mild endometriosis
Aug 2016 - May 2017 6 IUI's with letrozole - BFN
April 2017 - laparoscopy to remove mild endo
June 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU - Cancelled early ovulation, no eggs retrieved.
Aug/Sept 2017 - Mini IVF letrozole 12.5mg, Gonal-F 75IU, cetrotide - 13 eggs retrieved, 11 mature
5 eggs ICSI'd 6 eggs frozen - 1 day 5 blast transfered, 2 expanded blast frozen - BFP!
May 2018 - Baby girl born - Our Joy
TTC #2 since July 2019
July 2019 - FET - BFN
Jan 2020 - FET - canceled due to family health issues
Mar 2020 - FET - low beta - chemical pregnancy
July 2020 - ICSI'd remaining 6 eggs - 3 fertilized - 2 survived to early blast stage, transfered both - Chemical Pregnancy
Pros and cons both ways, but I'm just not feeling ready to open up yet.
IUI August 2016 : Cancelled due to polyp
September 2016: Polyp removal/hysteroscopy
October 2016: IUI #1- BFN
November 2016: IUI #2- BFN
December 2016: IUI #3 - BFN
January/February 2017 - IVF + ICSI + PGD
March 2017 - FET
We're pretty private and have only told a very select few individuals that we're doing fertility treatment. My mom included. I don't know what I would do if she didn't know what we were doing. We made her promise to keep it 100% secret, even from my dad. I personally wouldn't mind if my dad knew, but my DH doesn't want him to so I have to respect that. Only my mom, my DH's dad, and my best friend know what we're doing. It helps me a lot to have a couple people I trust in the loop. But that decision is entirely up to you!
Best of luck with your RE referral!
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
Welcome to the board. There are a lot of great people on this board full of help and inspiration.
We haven't told anyone anything. My parents and my DH's mother never ask us about having kids. I assume my mom assumes we are struggling with it. She has always had good intuition.
My step-mother-in-law consistently asks us.
My answer always is 'We are enjoying being dinks right now. Double Income No Kids!'
I think we will be the same. Myself anyways, and talk to my mom if we started IUI.
It's hard. @wifeinraleigh28 I think my DH would feel the same way about my Dad knowing...especially since it appears to be a MFI.
Me: 30 DH: 33
Married: February 15, 2013
TCC: October 2013
MFI- low count/morphology
May / June 2016- Monitored cycle and TI- BFN
June / July 2016- Gonal-F + IUI #1- BFN
August 2016- Gonal-F + IUI #2-
I also assume my mom has an idea that we are trying. She was all about emailing me articles about the Zika virus since we were considering a trip to the Carribbean. So obviously she has some idea.
I kind of like your approach of the IUI being time to open up to them.
My ultrasound today went great. I wasn't expecting the transvaginal ultrasound, but that wasn't a big deal.
I might get flamed for this (and I know it's all out of love and true concern), but he gave me a prescription for clomid today. He's an OB, not an RE. I have been totally against taking clomid with an OB for a long time.
He did answer a lot of questions I had, said we could do all the monitoring I wanted, and made me feel better about it.
Also, the nearest RE is a 2 hour drive, one way.
Im still processing this, but considering it.
IUI August 2016 : Cancelled due to polyp
September 2016: Polyp removal/hysteroscopy
October 2016: IUI #1- BFN
November 2016: IUI #2- BFN
December 2016: IUI #3 - BFN
January/February 2017 - IVF + ICSI + PGD
March 2017 - FET
No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion
Sorry you had a bad experience with your OB. Hopefully your RE has you on the right track. I agree that's a lot of time at the RE. I'm sure that's exhausting!!
I'm totally on board with doing whatever appointments I need with my OB who is a 10 minute drive from work. It would be almost impossible to do the RE visits for me without taking the entire day off to do 4 hours of driving plus the appointment weekly or more often.
I'm thinking that my OB is used to people not wanting to make that drive. He didn't seem surprised or upset that I wanted either monitoring or a referral.
I think I'm going to give it a try. I feel like I have done my research and know what monitoring I want, and he seemed very educated as well.
IUI August 2016 : Cancelled due to polyp
September 2016: Polyp removal/hysteroscopy
October 2016: IUI #1- BFN
November 2016: IUI #2- BFN
December 2016: IUI #3 - BFN
January/February 2017 - IVF + ICSI + PGD
March 2017 - FET
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
IUI August 2016 : Cancelled due to polyp
September 2016: Polyp removal/hysteroscopy
October 2016: IUI #1- BFN
November 2016: IUI #2- BFN
December 2016: IUI #3 - BFN
January/February 2017 - IVF + ICSI + PGD
March 2017 - FET
I hope you find the community you are searching for here
DX: PCOS/Unexplained Infertility/MTHFR Mutation
TTC since December 2014
Fresh Transfer: Gonal, Menopur, Cetrotide. ~ Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1: 1st Beta- 3,792~ 2nd Beta- 4,227~ BFP ~ Miscarriage at 8 weeks
FET #2: 1st Beta 207~2nd Beta 235~ BFP~ Miscarriage at 6 weeks
FET #3: 1st Beta 18~ 2nd Beta 44~BFP~ Miscarriage 5 weeks
FET #4: 1st Beta 50~ 2nd Beta 97.7~ Miscarriage 6 weeks 5 days
FET#5: 1st Beta 29~ 2nd Beta 109~ 3rd Beta 227~ 4th Beta 661~ Miscarriage 5 weeks 3 days
Miracle Natural BFP Estimated Due Date June 2019~ God is good
2 snow babies
I would suggest that you have an HSG to see if your tubes are open before you take Clomid. Clomid does have a max lifetime use and it would be a shame to waste some of those uses when a blocked tube is preventing you from getting pregnant because it's unlikely Clomid would work.
I know some RE clinics have arrangements with "local" clinics so that out of town patients don't have to travel for every appointment, so if you do end up with a referral to the RE it's definitely something to look into.
I've told some friends that we are struggling and they've been very supportive. However, some members of my family have not been supportive, which is difficult.
SA - Normal CD3 Bloodwork - Normal HSG- All clear!
July 2012 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+TI = BFN
August 2012 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+IUI = BFN
September 2012 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+IUI = BFN
October 4th LAP - Mild Endo - All Removed
Treatment Break 3 cycles = BFN
1st Treatment Cycle Post Lap --
February 2013 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+IUI = BFN
March 2013 50mg Clomid CD3-7 Trigger+IUI = BFN
April 2013 Break Cycle ~~~ May 2013 Meet with RE discuss next steps
July 2013 IVF ~ Stims start 6/28
ER 7/10 20R/14M/14F
Day 3 - 10 Embryos
ET 7/15 Transferred 1 Blast on day 5 - Froze 6
7/24 Beta 1 150 7/26 Beta 2 313 7/30 Beta 3 1,084 Beta 4 3,000 Beta 5 8,120 1st U/S 8/8
My closest fertility clinic and/or RE is about 1.5 hours away from my house. I was researching clinics and there are only a few options in my state. There are two REs associated with hospitals but they don't do IUI or IVF they just refer to a clinic. The other providers are associated with private fertility clinics. Seriously there are like only four clinics in my entire state! I guess I will just have to make something work...
Anyway, good luck and I look forward to following your story!
Third cycle Clomid 6/29/16 O'd CD 16 BFP @11dpo!
EDD April 3 and praying things work out!
Third cycle Clomid 6/29/16 O'd CD 16 BFP @11dpo!
EDD April 3 and praying things work out!
I think the issue with zombie threads in other places is that the OP has moved on or won't see the response. I'm very much still here, and appreciate your reply! So thank you!!
IUI August 2016 : Cancelled due to polyp
September 2016: Polyp removal/hysteroscopy
October 2016: IUI #1- BFN
November 2016: IUI #2- BFN
December 2016: IUI #3 - BFN
January/February 2017 - IVF + ICSI + PGD
March 2017 - FET