May 2016 Moms

Carrying Baby in Back

I was wondering if anyone else has or is experiencing this.

My doctor first told me I was at 30 weeks when I finally asked her why I wasn't bumping out like most of you ladies.  At the 32 week appointment, she said she believes LO to be breech, but that it's difficult to tell for sure simply because he is back so far.

I've tried doing general google searches, but haven't found much information about it online.

Re: Carrying Baby in Back

  • Could it be that you have an anterior placenta? Do you feel LO kick hard or is it more muffled? 

    I have an anterior placenta and while I can feel my girl kick and move around, it's not near as pronounced as some other women on this board. Her's are more muffled (the only word I can think of right now).
  • My doctor has not described it as anterior placenta, but it might be.

    Early on, I carried really low and was told that was why I wasn't feeling strong movement. At the 20 week sonogram, the tech had some difficulty getting certain pics because he was hanging out so low in my pelvis.

    At this last appointment, I was told lack of strong movement was due to baby being in breech.

    I definitely do feel rolls and stretches though- some of which practically take my breath away. As far as a lot of the frequent kicks and punches though, not as much.
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  • Some babies are less active than others. My first I could feel and she moved around throughout the day. But this one is almost constant, nonstop movement that is much stronger than my first. I almost wish this one was as tame as his sister was.
    Met: 11/2/2004
    Dating: 3/24/2005
    Married: 11/5/2011
    Eleanor Leeann: 5/14/2015
    Baby # 2 Due: 5/17/2016
  • It's so hard when doctors use vague terms!  My sister's OB told her that her uterus tilts toward her spine a bit, so her bump is pretty tiny (at 23weeks).  She has gained 10 or 15lbs, but she's also 5ft 10in, so maybe that's why she doesn't have a giant bump. 
    Either way, at 5ft 7in, 30wks, and 2nd pregnancy, I look way more pregnant than she does!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

  • It sounds like she's saying buns is in a posterior position (their spine is along your spine). This results in a much smaller bump and difficulty assessing position because you can't feel babies back, just limbs in front. 

    Most at of the time, regardless of whether head is up or down, they'll be pointing their back to the left or right, and slightly to the front, so you can feel their back as a solid(ish) area to one side, and (toward the end of 3rd Tri) often feel the back of the head as well, to assess the position. If they have their spine along your spine, you just feel a lot of fluid and occasionally a limb.
  • @zanaerob1 Thanks! This sounds like what my doctor meant.
  • I have carried both of my son's so far in my back people are just noticing I am pregnant at 34 weeks. They both cause some serious lower back swelling but I don't bump until 32 weeks and even DH would tell you at 30 weeks I don't even look pregnant. I still wear my  normal jeans but also carrying low and having them spine on spine hasn't been an issue because he is head down. I tend to have less movement but we all carry differently. 
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