May 2016 Moms

Is this "normal"? Picture attached.

Ladies please don't judge me for my ugly, fat feet but I wanted to add a picture to see if you all think it's the norm. I know swelling is normal this last trimester but just how much? Mine have been this size since about 2 days ago and seem to only get worse and they are very painful. It hurts to walk and be up on my feet. Thoughts please? Do your feet and ankles look this bad? :( 

Re: Is this "normal"? Picture attached.

  • I have no idea what your feet looked like before, so it's kind of hard to judge.  But have you tried wearing compression socks?  I just started swelling suddenly this week (like, I looked down the other day and was SHOCKED to see my ankles and feet look twice as thick as normal).  Luckily, a good friend of mine had sent me a preggo care package when I first got pregnant and it included a couple pairs of the socks, so I had some on hand.  I've been wearing them and it has really been working wonders.  They are HARD to get on, though, haha.
  • Your feet are not ugly. 
    If it's normal- I wouldn't be able to say because every body has its norm. I think if it's hurting that much and causing such worry then I would suggest you contact your doctor. 
    I had an acquaintance whose doctor told her to stop eating salt completely during the pregnancy. 
    Do you elevate your feet and rest enough?
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  • kp90kp90 member
    I should have included that my feet prior were petite and my ankles were defined as in you could tell my ankle from my leg and the little bone that sticks out, not so much now! Yes I have tried compression socks and stockings. Yes they suck to put on. I had them on yesterday and when I took them off they were still huge. :/@Sharra13
  • Honestly, it does look swollen to me. For me, I can still see my tibula and fibula bones on the sides of my ankles, thankfully. I'm sorry you're hurting! :(
  • My sisters feet looked just like that for weeks with her first.
  • kp90kp90 member
    I try to when I got home from work but it's hard working all day and coming home doing things around the house yet making time to relax and put them up. I guess I need to put some things on hold at home for now. @Dasha420
  • I haven't seen my ankle bones in weeks.
  • kp90kp90 member
    Have they been checking your BP and checking for protein in your urine? Mine got that bad when I had pre-e with my first pregnancy, but I think some women swell and it has nothing to do with pre-e! 
    @JessicaB0627 yeah I check it daily at work. My BP. Today the highest it got was like 122/77 but went back down later when I took it again. I had protein in my urine on two occasions but they said it was due to dehydration so who knows. I see my doctor again Monday and id really like him to look at them and not rush me out the door like usual. 
  • If it's causing pain, then I'd definitely recommend talking to your doctor, not necessarily because it's worrisome but just to find out whether there's anything you can do to relieve the discomfort.

    Those do look pretty swollen to me, although as previous posters have said, that doesn't necessarily mean it's abnormal.
  • My feet looked like that more the last few months with DD1 and are getting that way again with this LO. My feet and ankles are boney normally. I never had BP with DD1 and so far this time. I just try to keep my feet up whenever I can but it won't go down completely. Here are mine after a day at my desk job.   
  • My feet/ankles have been looking like this for the past week or so too. I feel like for me, the pain comes from the skin feeling so tight. Its certainly aggravating! I work at a desk all day and there is no way for me to prop my legs up without me being too far away from my desk to reach it, since the desk has a backing on it. Its been getting pretty out of hand lately! 

    In other news, my sectional is that same fabric and its the best couch ever.
  • That's what my feet/ankles looked like with my first pregnancy...the whole 3rd trimester, and I was otherwise fine.

    I've lucked out this time so swelling yet. *fingers crossed*
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Mine have looked like that on and off for the past 2 weeks or so. I just try to stay hydrated, alternate between walking/sitting with my feet up, and watching my sodium intake and it seems to help it go down a little bit.
  • My feet started to swell a little bit a few weeks ago. It wasn't this severe though. When it wouldn't go away I upped my water intake quite a lot and the swelling went down pretty fast. The only reason I wasn't concerned about BP was because this started a day after my OB and she said my BP is still perfect. 

    I almost didnt open open this for fear of a really nasty photo of something...  Anyone else?  :D
  • Kurrant said:
    My feet started to swell a little bit a few weeks ago. It wasn't this severe though. When it wouldn't go away I upped my water intake quite a lot and the swelling went down pretty fast. The only reason I wasn't concerned about BP was because this started a day after my OB and she said my BP is still perfect. 

    I almost didnt open open this for fear of a really nasty photo of something...  Anyone else?  :D
    haha yes! I really hate seeing gross pics, but I clicked anyway! Why?! I even thought to myself, "if this is a picture of a mucus plug, I have no one to blame but myself as I was given fair warning!"

    On the feet, I haven't had bad swelling. A couple times I've had some swelling and I drink a ton of water the next few days and then it seems to go down. I know this is not the case for everyone, but upping the water intake, sleeping on my left side (???) seems to help. Also, I walk a lot. 
    Me: 38; DH: 41
    DS: Born 5-17-16 

  • Call your OB if it is causing you pain!  Maybe the nurse has some tips you haven't heard before (drinking more water, walking, elevating feet, reducing sodium intake).  Hope you feel better!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
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  • @kp90 I would definitely rest more and even take a lukewarm bath. I'm waiting for my turn in the tub as we speak. 
    Sit for a little and have your feet up- the house work will always be there and you will only feel worse if you continue. At least that's what I think. Take care.  <3
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Yep, mine look like that too this week and did last pregnancy as well during the last month or so. It's hard to get swelling to go back down when you're on your feet a lot. My feet and ankles are normally bony. My doctor was mildly concerned this time. Last time, I had to monitor with ketone strips and bp cuff at home because I also had a rise in both protein spilling and bp, but it didn't get to dangerous levels. I'd ask your OB about it.
  • Yep. Up your water, compression socks, and elevate your feet when you're off them.
    Been married since 2009.
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  • Mine don't look exactly like that, but always a lot worse after work. I put them up as soon as I get home (often an icepack helps, too, as the feet feel like they're burning from carrying all that extra weight around), that really helps me. I have also noticed that I need less bathroom breaks if I put my feet up from when I get home until I go to bed! ( water flowing back , more bathroom breaks in the evening, less at night! Thought that might be useful to share... we need all the sleep we can get now, and it's becoming harder and harder). 
    I don't put them up at work, but I think I should, too... 
    It's too hot where I live for compression socks, but I do try to get up regularly from behind my desk and also I aim to drink at least 2 liters of water. And I have been trying to be sparse when using salt, as that's supposed to increase water retention in the body. 

    Hope you find something that helps you cope better and feel as comfy as you possibly can. 

  • I used to get this type of swelling with very long distance travel. The best remedy for me was to elevate really high and as much as possible. By this I mean lying on my back with my feet all the way up the wall. Feet need to be higher than your heart to have the most impact. If you can't lie on your back try the side with a few pillows or couch arm under your legs for as long as possible. 
  • kp90kp90 member
    vinerie said:
    Kurrant said:
    My feet started to swell a little bit a few weeks ago. It wasn't this severe though. When it wouldn't go away I upped my water intake quite a lot and the swelling went down pretty fast. The only reason I wasn't concerned about BP was because this started a day after my OB and she said my BP is still perfect. 

    I almost didnt open open this for fear of a really nasty photo of something...  Anyone else?  :D
    haha yes! I really hate seeing gross pics, but I clicked anyway! Why?! I even thought to myself, "if this is a picture of a mucus plug, I have no one to blame but myself as I was given fair warning!"
    @vinerie that made me LOL. I wouldn't be gross and post a picture of the dreaded 'MP' but you're right.. it was an enter at your own risk kind of post. ;)
  • kp90kp90 member
    Thanks ladies. I tried keeping my feet up last night and went straight to bed around 630, but its so hard to get comfortable when you can't be flat on your back and have to keep your feet high. I feel like I smoosh my LO. Swelling has not gone down but I put my compression socks on this morning so we will see what happens after work today. Just very uncomfortable.
  • I'm using my snoogle as a giant footrest in bed now, so I can sleep on my side with my feet still elevated. It's been helping a lot, though my swelling has never been as bad as yours is.

    My prenatal yoga instructor also suggested taking ten minutes a few times a day to lie on your back with your butt up against the wall and your legs in the air. It's called the waterfall position, apparently. I have tried this, and it seems to help, but we don't really have the wall space to do it at home, so I can only do it at the office!
  • My feet and hands are swollen almost every day, I am on my feet all day at work so I expected the swelling to start early. My doctor recommended drinking more water and to keep my feet raised when I can.

    Make sure to ask your doctor about the swelling at your next appointment just in case it is something more serious.
  • Ladies w/DESK JOBS, perhaps you have already thought of this but flip your trash can upside down and prop your feet up on it under your desk. 
    This. I alternate between this and walking around a little bit every hour. Doesn't get rid of everything completely, but it certainly helps.
  • @saraleigh2 yes! Haha. I sit there with my legs on the trash can or any box I can throw under the desk. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • NB817NB817 member
    I had bad swelling after walking around Boston last weekend and when I asked my OB how to help get rid of it he said elevate your feet ABOVE your heart. It's not easy to do with a giant belly but it helped a lot. 

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  • With my last pregnancy my legs from the knees down looked like elephant stumps. If my cat stepped on me just in passing her paw was imprinted there for about 3 hours.
  • Am I the only only one that held their breath when they clicked on this praying it wasn't a mucous plug photo??  Haha!!!!!   :smile: 
  • Girl my feet and ankles have been swollen since the beginning. They look worse than yours, I just try to drink as much water as I can
  • Everyone's level of swelling is different. But if you say that you normally can see your ankle bones, then I would be concerned as you are. Surprisingly, drinking more water, not less, will help. But if the swelling's severe, and you have headaches, call your midwife or doctor straight away, because these are sometimes symptoms of pre-eclampsia.

    JCrew Blog

    Big brother was born August 24, 2011.
    Little brother was born October 1, 2012.
    Brother #3 due 5/4/16; born 5/2/16.

  • Chug, chug, chug water. Until you feel like a fish that is drowning. And maybe run to walgreens or CVS and check your BP? Hope it goes down, but yes the last month or more with my first, I was down to one pair of stretched out leather flip flops that I could wear. It was pretty pitiful!

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

    BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
    BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016

  • My ankles & feet have been swollen like yours & pitting for a few weeks now but they are the biggest they've ever been today. I'm not worried about pre-e because my BP is normal and my OB isn't concerned about that. I'm elevating my feet at my desk and drinking tons of water, but I don't see much improvement unless I have a chance to really rest and relax over the weekend. I know consuming a lot of salty foods can make the swelling worse and I could probably stand to reduce my salt intake. I don't find it painful just feel a bit self conscious and miss being able to wear shoes that aren't skechers or flip flops.
  • My ankles & feet have been swollen like yours & pitting for a few weeks now but they are the biggest they've ever been today. I'm not worried about pre-e because my BP is normal and my OB isn't concerned about that. I'm elevating my feet at my desk and drinking tons of water, but I don't see much improvement unless I have a chance to really rest and relax over the weekend. I know consuming a lot of salty foods can make the swelling worse and I could probably stand to reduce my salt intake. I don't find it painful just feel a bit self conscious and miss being able to wear shoes that aren't skechers or flip flops.
    Well said. I agree that I only can find improvement when I am able to get the R&R I need over the weekend. During the rigorous work week its just too hard and I have gotten used to the swelling. No pain here either just dealing with rude co workers pointing out my swelling feet.
  • I would check with your doc to be safe. Even though it sounds like a lot of us have constant swelling, from what I've read you should at least be experiencing ups and downs... where the swelling goes somewhat down and then back up throughout the day. You shouldn't be the same level of swollen all the time I don't think. I'm in no way an expert, but better safe than sorry - it doesn't hurt to ask!! 
  • kp90 said:
    vinerie said:
    Kurrant said:
    My feet started to swell a little bit a few weeks ago. It wasn't this severe though. When it wouldn't go away I upped my water intake quite a lot and the swelling went down pretty fast. The only reason I wasn't concerned about BP was because this started a day after my OB and she said my BP is still perfect. 

    I almost didnt open open this for fear of a really nasty photo of something...  Anyone else?  :D
    haha yes! I really hate seeing gross pics, but I clicked anyway! Why?! I even thought to myself, "if this is a picture of a mucus plug, I have no one to blame but myself as I was given fair warning!"
    @vinerie that made me LOL. I wouldn't be gross and post a picture of the dreaded 'MP' but you're right.. it was an enter at your own risk kind of post. ;)
    I wouldn't have opened if I didn't trust the OP. Hopefully you can get some relief for your poor feet and ankles. 
    DS #1 2010
    DS #2 2011
    DS #3 2014
    DS #4 2016
  • kp90kp90 member
    kp90 said:
    vinerie said:
    Kurrant said:
    My feet started to swell a little bit a few weeks ago. It wasn't this severe though. When it wouldn't go away I upped my water intake quite a lot and the swelling went down pretty fast. The only reason I wasn't concerned about BP was because this started a day after my OB and she said my BP is still perfect. 

    I almost didnt open open this for fear of a really nasty photo of something...  Anyone else?  :D
    haha yes! I really hate seeing gross pics, but I clicked anyway! Why?! I even thought to myself, "if this is a picture of a mucus plug, I have no one to blame but myself as I was given fair warning!"
    @vinerie that made me LOL. I wouldn't be gross and post a picture of the dreaded 'MP' but you're right.. it was an enter at your own risk kind of post. ;)
    I wouldn't have opened if I didn't trust the OP. Hopefully you can get some relief for your poor feet and ankles. 

    Thank you! @thismakes4 Rocking my compression socks today again and they seem to help most days. And I am super glad to know I can be trusted not to post nasty, disturbing pictures! lol ;)
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