May 2016 Moms

GTKY: St. Patrick's Day!

Guess what my 100% Italian 1st generation American husband's favorite meal is?

Corned beef and cabbage of course! Every year I go all out to make the best corned beef dinner. Last night I was making Guiness beer bread, I got up early to start the brisket (which I corned myself this year!) and I just rushed home to make sure I could get the potatoes and carrots in. I don't think MH is expecting it because we are going to a St. Patrick's Day party this weekend where I know there will be soda bread and yes, corned beef. But this man could literally eat this meal every single day of his life! I love it because I am not the best cook and this was the one meal I could make that was (God forgive me) better than his mother's. So even though I have not a drop of Irish blood in me, I love St. Patrick's Day!

Anyone else have any fun traditions?

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BabyFruit Ticker

Re: GTKY: St. Patrick's Day!

  • I usually do the 'New England boiled dinner' thing but I was under the impression we can't eat corned beef so I didn't bother this year. 
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  • yogahh said:
    I normally make corn beef, but this year, I am getting Blizzards with @ladysamlady (can this be our new tradition)???

    I do have to say that St Paddys Day is NOT the same without a beer. 
    This. I'm Irish as Irish can be... so it will be hard not celebrating in full force this year.

    We usually go out to this really authentic Irish bar/restaurant in our area that we really like for the party they usually have, but this year we're skipping for obvious reasons. I don't know what we're doing instead, but I hope it's more interesting than just sitting at home while DH gets to drink. :unamused: 
  • yogahh said:
    I normally make corn beef, but this year, I am getting Blizzards with @ladysamlady (can this be our new tradition)???

    I do have to say that St Paddys Day is NOT the same without a beer. 
    Yes, please!!
  • Aquinna82 said:
    I could eat corned beef and cabbage every night of the year as well!!!  I crock pot it - prepared it last night and put it on this morning before work.  YUMMMM.  It was TOUGH last night to put it all together without having an Guinness (used in the recipe).  I just smelled it...and smelled it...omg.  I cannot wait to go home and eat it.

    Funny story.  I invited a friend over, she accepted.  So I go out and get more food so we have enough.  Text said friend this morning and ask when she is coming over.  She has no idea what I'm talking about...because in reality I invited her to EASTER and not St Patrick's Day.  Yep...confused the celebratory day that Christ rose from the dead with the celebratory day of Irish Shenanigans.  Have I already posted this story on TB today??  Oh well, too bad, it belongs here too.  This baby is making me so stupid.... 
    You can still cook with alcohol... it all burns off!

    cat fail animated GIF

  • DH birthday is St. Patty's day so I always take him out to a nice dinner. Tonight will be surf and turf on the menu on a new restaurant we're trying, hopefully it's good!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Usually I make corned beef, cabbage and potatoes, but since it's just DS and me tonight, we'll celebrate Italian style with goat cheese and spinach pizza. St. Patrick was Roman, right? ;)
  • I got a half price shake from sonic. Pretty pleased at my new tradition-- similar to @yogahh and @LadySamLady
  • yogahh said:
    Aquinna82 said:
    I could eat corned beef and cabbage every night of the year as well!!!  I crock pot it - prepared it last night and put it on this morning before work.  YUMMMM.  It was TOUGH last night to put it all together without having an Guinness (used in the recipe).  I just smelled it...and smelled it...omg.  I cannot wait to go home and eat it.

    Funny story.  I invited a friend over, she accepted.  So I go out and get more food so we have enough.  Text said friend this morning and ask when she is coming over.  She has no idea what I'm talking about...because in reality I invited her to EASTER and not St Patrick's Day.  Yep...confused the celebratory day that Christ rose from the dead with the celebratory day of Irish Shenanigans.  Have I already posted this story on TB today??  Oh well, too bad, it belongs here too.  This baby is making me so stupid.... 
    You can still cook with alcohol... it all burns off!
    Oh trust me, there's lots of Guinness in the crock pot!! I just couldn't have my traditional Guinness side beer while I was preparing it.
  • Aquinna82 said:
    yogahh said:
    Aquinna82 said:
    I could eat corned beef and cabbage every night of the year as well!!!  I crock pot it - prepared it last night and put it on this morning before work.  YUMMMM.  It was TOUGH last night to put it all together without having an Guinness (used in the recipe).  I just smelled it...and smelled it...omg.  I cannot wait to go home and eat it.

    Funny story.  I invited a friend over, she accepted.  So I go out and get more food so we have enough.  Text said friend this morning and ask when she is coming over.  She has no idea what I'm talking about...because in reality I invited her to EASTER and not St Patrick's Day.  Yep...confused the celebratory day that Christ rose from the dead with the celebratory day of Irish Shenanigans.  Have I already posted this story on TB today??  Oh well, too bad, it belongs here too.  This baby is making me so stupid.... 
    You can still cook with alcohol... it all burns off!
    Oh trust me, there's lots of Guinness in the crock pot!! I just couldn't have my traditional Guinness side beer while I was preparing it.
    Oh I thought you meant cook with it! 

    cat fail animated GIF

  • I'm going to fully admit that except for like 3 years in college, I don't participate.
  • I'm a marshmallow fanatic so I always make "Rice Krispie" treats but with Lucky Charms. That's the extent of our celebration. We used to make Guiness floats but not for me this year. 
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  • The most celebrating in our house this year is the green daisies my husband bought me the other day. My husband works tonight so didn't want to bother making a boiled dinner for just me
  • Kurrant said:
    I usually do the 'New England boiled dinner' thing but I was under the impression we can't eat corned beef so I didn't bother this year. 
    I asked my OB about this last week and he said it is perfectly fine to have corned beef. I had a nice big helping for dinner tonight. 
  • I spend every St. Patty's Day dodging piles of vomit and blind drunk college kids on the streets. Sometimes they're one and the same.

    Good times, good times.
  • I'm not Irish, neither is DH. That being said, I usually try to make cultural foods for holidays (I'm not Chinese either, but I celebrate Chinese New Year!). DH loves the food and I think it's nice for DS to learn about it. Bonus: I got yet another shamrock shake to celebrate whilst running errands today!

    I will say, friends on social media are all posting about their shenanigans today (which I've only ever really participated in with work colleagues) and I'm over here like, "That's cool. I fell asleep sitting totally upright while my toddler ran in circles making loud train noises for 30 minutes." Tis the life!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My unliked tradition for the past several years has been working and dealing with "saturations" or several officers out doing an enormous amount of traffic stops. However, I do love treating myself to take out bc I have to deal with all the festivities silliness.
    Been married since 2009.
    Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
    Several MCs
    DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)

  • My unliked tradition for the past several years has been working and dealing with "saturations" or several officers out doing an enormous amount of traffic stops. However, I do love treating myself to take out bc I have to deal with all the festivities silliness.
    ETA: It's a shame bc I have a lot of Irish in my heritage.
    Been married since 2009.
    Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
    Several MCs
    DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)

  • I make a giant breakfast of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, soda bread, tea, and Irish coffee every year. Which is usually followed by a nap! No Irish coffee for me this year. Womp womp.

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