May 2016 Moms


On Saturday I had some spotting.  Does this mean I'm getting close?  Never had spotting with my first so I called by OBGYN and he said it is totally normal and nothing to worry about - if it got worse than just spotting to call again.  I cramp almost everyday.  I just feel like I'm getting closer and am worried cause I'm only 33 weeks.  My next OB appointment is Monday. 

Re: Spotting

  • If the dr. Said you were fine you are fine....
  • I'd honestly be a little worried too because it does seem early. However, I agree w/PP - if your doctor says you're fine, then no worries!

    I had some spotting around 20 weeks and my doctor made me cut back significantly on exercise- no more jogging/running until LO is born!
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  • Were you doing more on Saturday than you typically do? Is so, that could be the culprit, but again I agree with others that if you're doctor said you're fine then I'd go with that. Maybe just take it a bit easier and slower the next few days if you're worried about it until you see your doc on Monday.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'd be concerned, like you, but feel comforted that my OB said he wasn't worried.  If you are still anxious, call and ask to be seen in the office tomorrow rather than Monday.  Trust your gut, Mama!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

  • edited March 2016
    I had some spotting last week and yesterday. My doctor had told me if it was light now not to worry too much about it, especially if there wasn't any cramping or pain associated with it. But to follow up if it got worse. Well yesterday it was a little heavier than the first time, no period like but still more than the previous week. I went ahead and went to my OB emergency care center to make sure everything was okay last night. They did a few tests but ended up just being a UTI  plus I've been super constipated which they said may also be a factor. The prescribed me a antibiotic and suggested I pick up some stool softener  either mirimax or colace.

    I think like the doctor said though, just monitor it and make sure it doesn't get worse. But if you are worried for any reason I would go ahead and seek medical attention. I don't think you can be too safe when it comes to the welfare of your baby. Plus it will put you mind at ease if your worried.
  • I had some spotting last week and yesterday. My doctor had told me if it was light now not to worry too much about it, especially if there wasn't any cramping or pain associated with it. But to follow up if it got worse. Well yesterday it was a little heavier than the first time, no period like but still more than the previous week. I went ahead and went to my OB emergency care center to make sure everything was okay last night. They did a few tests but ended up just being a UTI  plus I've been super constipated which they said may also be a factor. The prescribed me a antibiotic and suggested I pick up some stool softener  either mirimax or colace.

    I think like the doctor said though, just monitor it and make sure it doesn't get worse. But if you are worried for any reason I would go ahead and seek medical attention. I don't think you can be too safe when it comes to the welfare of your baby. Plus it will put you mind at ease if your worried.

    I was thinking about you and hoping yours was just a scare!  Also glad that your uti is being treated.  take care!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Mama to Three Girls: 
    Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
    and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!

  • If you're really worried you can always go and get checked out, it can be quite nerve-wrecking!! Fingers crossed for you!!xxx

  • I'm always having discharge daily. But it's usually white, milky or sometimes light yellow. Is this considered spotting?
  • No spotting is streaks of blood or pink 

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