
Letrozole THEN Clomid?

Hi all - anyone move from Letrozole to Clomid? I usually hear of the reverse. I have been happy with (no side effects) and responded fine to Letrozole so far, but my nurse suggested thinking about moving to Clomid. Frankly, I'd be a little nervous from what I hear about Clomid side effects! Thanks for any input.
Me: 33, PCOS with anovulation
DH: 36, No known issues
TTC since 11/2014
1000mg Metformin daily

Oct-Dec 2015: Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI = BFN x 2
Feb-May 2016: Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI, Prometrium = BFN x 3
August 2016: Clomid 100mg no response, Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI, Prometrium = BFN

Re: Letrozole THEN Clomid?

  • I've always heard of it done in the reverse as well. At least that's how it was for me. What has your dr said? Are you seeing an RE? 
    *TW* Pregnancy/Loss Mentioned
    Me: 37 /PCOS DH: 37/no issues TTC: 7/13
    Started with RE 12/14; 3 failed rounds of clomid, started letrozole
    IUI #1 & #2- BFN
    IVF #1 - 9/15 Cancelled Day 9
    IVF #2- started stims 10/24  ER- 11/15 6 eggs- 5 fertilized/ 1 frozen
    FET #1 -1 embryo-12/9/15- BFN
    IVF #3- started stims 1/22/16  ER- 2/8 33 eggs(!)- 21 mature, all 21 fertilized - 6 snowflakes!
    FET #2- 2 embryos- April 4th-BFN
    ERA-June 8- results show need 12 addt'l hours of PIO
    FET #3-  2 embryos transferred August 14,2016  BFP! on 8/24! Beta #1-22  Beta #2-83 Beta #3-368 
    Confirmed singleton-Heartbeat on 9/19-160bpm! EDD: May 1, 2017, It's a girl!!
    Pre-term labor/loss-stillborn at 18w. 
    FET #4- 1 embryo-Aug 12th-BFP on 8/23 Beta #1-112 Beta #2-298 Beta #3-1010
    Confirmed Identicals!- Heartbeats seen on 9/8  Miscarriage on 9/18
    FET #5- 1 embryo- 1/12/18-BFN
    Lots of testing and finally determined I have elevated natural killer cells. Will begin prednisone and IVL treatment before next round.
    IVF#4- April 2018 8 eggs, 7 fertilized/3 frozen
    FET #6- 1 embryo- 6/11/18- BFP on 6/21 Beta #1-446, Beta #2-1841 
    Confirmed singleton- 6/29/18 HB-157 EDD: February 22, 2019. It's a Boy!

    BabyFruit Ticker 
  • You should ask your RE for a reason why. I switched from clomid to letrozole because I had a thin lining and some odd side effects on clomid. I did have a better response on the clomid with more mature follicles though. 
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  • @LizzieJ13 I'm wondering her reasoning behind that?? I did several rounds of clomid before switching to Femara. Everyone's different hopefully you'll have a great response to it, I didnt
  • My RE is switching me from letrozole to clomid this next cycle as well...I've taken letrozole the last 5 cycles with okay my RE wants to see how my body responses to clomid....I'm excited...letrozole isn't doing it for me
  • Thanks everyone. Yes, I am seeing an RE. The nurse asked me if I was interested in switching, since this will be my 4th round of Letrozole. I asked if my response hadn't been good enough and she said no it's been fine. I think they're just trying to switch it up since I'm not doing IUI or IVF so they want to exhaust all options for meds. 

    @LMart85 , what do you mean by an OK response? I've only had 1 follicle each time, maybe they'd like more? My thought is, if an u/s confirms a good-sized follicle and then ovulation is confirmed with a blood test, how would Clomid be different? I am so afraid of mood swings that I think I'm going to stick with Letrozole but I am definitely to interested to hear other experiences.
    Me: 33, PCOS with anovulation
    DH: 36, No known issues
    TTC since 11/2014
    1000mg Metformin daily

    Oct-Dec 2015: Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI = BFN x 2
    Feb-May 2016: Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI, Prometrium = BFN x 3
    August 2016: Clomid 100mg no response, Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI, Prometrium = BFN

  • When I took letrozole, I only had 1 mature follicle except for 1 month I had 2. My RE would like to see 2 maybe 3 mature follices for a better chance. So if it helps get me pregnant, I'm all for the clomid!
  • Ah I see. Please update on how the Clomid works for you! I would definitely like to have 2 follicles so maybe it is worth considering.
    Me: 33, PCOS with anovulation
    DH: 36, No known issues
    TTC since 11/2014
    1000mg Metformin daily

    Oct-Dec 2015: Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI = BFN x 2
    Feb-May 2016: Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI, Prometrium = BFN x 3
    August 2016: Clomid 100mg no response, Letrozole 5mg, Ovidrel, TI, Prometrium = BFN

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