24 + 3, FTM with baby boy. For all of my fellow belly button denters- rouched maternity shirts! They make everything look evenly round and not like you laid on your belly all night!
@elenabrent thanks for the tip! Mine hasn't popped yet and it looks super weird. @LDSJM123 you look freakin adorable!! Guys, we've all changed so much the last few months..I might cry.
@elenabrent thanks for the tip! Mine hasn't popped yet and it looks super weird. @LDSJM123 you look freakin adorable!! Guys, we've all changed so much the last few months..I might cry.
24+2 FTM with baby girl
Thank you so much! My husband took me shopping and I am fully embracing maternity clothes this pregnancy. I was "too cool" for them last time. I'm finding I feel better both my mood and about my changing body when I take the time to get dressed in something that makes feel good. @schaze
23+2 FTM. I have an anterior placenta and over the past week or so have only felt tiny tiny "maybe" movements, and last night I felt good hard unmistakable kicks! Could even see them!
24+4 with baby #1! In which I try to wear a nonmaternity shirt with questionable success and have completely given up on wearing real shoes or doing my hair.
@soberkfell Motherhood maternity. I finally caved this week when the temps got into the high 80s and bought a few pairs of maternity shorts and a few tank tops. It's going to be a few long, sweaty months before this baby comes.
Go to bed every night and the bump magically gets bigger. I love it! Happy Wednesday ladies! 22+ 1. Team green.
Edited to add how far along.
@LDSJM123 You have great hair! I was scrolling through and the first thing that caught my eye was your hair....I just thought "Dang....she has a great head of hair!"
I sound like a totally creepy internet person I am sure. HAHA
Re: HDBD 3/16
FTM looking pretty tired today so I added the glasses as a 'disguise'! 24w4d with baby girl.
24 weeks tomorrow. I've been feeling ridiculously huge lately and I wish it didn't bum me out so much
Go to bed every night and the bump magically gets bigger. I love it! Happy Wednesday ladies! 22+ 1. Team green.
Edited to add how far along.
July16 JULY siggy challenge
@Taymiller - love little overalls!!!
24+2 FTM with baby girl
23+2 FTM. I have an anterior placenta and over the past week or so have only felt tiny tiny "maybe" movements, and last night I felt good hard unmistakable kicks! Could even see them!
ETA I'm team blue!
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
Team green
Yup. I might be pregnant. 20+4 with baby number 4. This little guy hangs out low and uses the womb like a hammock.
@LDSJM123 I love how you're rocking the natural hair.
My first HDBD photo! Normally I'm in my yucky work uniform. STM, 20 weeks 5 days. 5'8".
ETA FTM 20+3 #TeamPink (if you can't tell by all the pink lol it's my subtle way of telling my students)
Little diva.
I sound like a totally creepy internet person I am sure. HAHA
24w 1d, FTM, team pink. 5'4"
24+6, baby boy! Definitely feeling pregnant now!