July 2016 Moms

Update: High Blood Pressure

edited March 2016 in July 2016 Moms
Hi mommas.. I am kind of freaking out a bit. I had my routine OB appointment this morning, everything has been going really well up until this point and I have been feeling much better. However, it seems I've developed high blood pressure, which is starting to concern my doc. I now have to have a bunch of tests done on top of the glucose testing; I'm supposed to keep an eye on other symptoms to check for pre-e, and have growth ultrasounds done every 4 weeks to make sure my daughter is growing well, since high BP can cause the baby to be a lot smaller than she should be. I am supposed to start medication later today when my pharmacy gives me a call, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had this experience, and if you have any advice? I'm currently using Dr. Google to see if there's any more lifestyle changes I can make. I'm just trying to remember that things could be much worse, but I am kind of a mess right now. 

UPDATE: I did my pre-e screening labs on Friday morning and the results came back in a message from a nurse. It looks like everything it normal. I am so relieved! I don't have my follow-up with my doc until Thursday morning where she will explain everything to me and talk about where to go from here, if I need to stay on the Labetalol or if I need to have any more screenings done later in my pregnancy. Just wanted to update you all, and thank you too-your comments and support all mean a lot to me!

Re: Update: High Blood Pressure

  • No advice but you and I are in the same boat it sounds like. I have been freaking over it too especially because of my job I am doing. Fingers crossed for both of us! We got this. :smile:  
  • @ninji15 do you have to do any extra testing or anything? The more I read, the more freaked out I get about pre-e.. I just feel like I've been taking good care of myself since getting pregnant, and it's just kind of crushing that my bp is as high as it is. Already trying to plan meals with heart healthy foods! But seriously.. thanks for the encouragement-we can do it :)
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  • @schaze My ob is having me test my bp about twice a day and we will be discussing it next visit. But as far as I can tell with my numbers and google, bp medication will be the next step. Pre-e is SCARY to read about for real. I am trying to be good and not worry myself to death, because honestly I am sure it makes my bp higher anyways. I have been trying to walk more too and cut out sodium. Its hard! But we can do it. :wink: 
  • I had high blood pressure from about 6 months on with DS (though not given medication) and was induced at 37w1d due to Pre-E after being on modified bed-rest for 3 weeks.  About all you can do is just try to relax, not stress about it, reduce your sodium intake, increase your water intake, exercise, and take your meds as prescribed. 

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

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  • So at my OB appts my BP can be higher (130s/80s) but at home when I test it's much lower (100-115/65-72).  So test at home and if your home #s are ok you are most likely fine.  For me it is nerves at the office.  I had blood work for pre-e but my labs were stellar, no swelling, no protein, so it's likely white coat syndrome.  Can this be the case for you?  Same thing happened last pregnancy too but my home readings were amazing.  It's frustrating though!
  • sami1784sami1784 member
    edited March 2016
    decbaby14 said:
    So at my OB appts my BP can be higher (130s/80s) but at home when I test it's much lower (100-115/65-72).  So test at home and if your home #s are ok you are most likely fine.  For me it is nerves at the office.  I had blood work for pre-e but my labs were stellar, no swelling, no protein, so it's likely white coat syndrome.  Can this be the case for you?  Same thing happened last pregnancy too but my home readings were amazing.  It's frustrating though!

    I second the possibility of white coat syndrome if there's no other symptoms.  When I was pregnant with DS, I had HBP (150/100 while sitting still and calm as could be the day they sent me to L&D, though it had been running that high for weeks), but I had also started swelling around 5 months pregnant and was really badly swollen in the weeks before they induced me.  I also had increasing amounts of protein in my urine as well.  As long as there's no swelling/protein and it's just the HBP, I'd try to relax and not stress.

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards

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  • The last few times I was in to the OB, my blood pressure was elevated, which is abnormal for me, as my numbers are usually right on target. Doc said she's not overly concerned yet but noted it may mean I'm potentially high risk. One thing she suggested was having the nurse take my BP at the end of my appointment, as opposed to the beginning, as maybe nerves are a factor. Could be something to try. 

    Best of luck to you!
  • I did pick up a home bp monitor when I picked up my prescription. This afternoon my bp was lower than it was at the doc, but still pretty high. I have a follow up appointment next week after my labs, and I'll continue checking my bp at home and report my numbers to my doc next week. I do have family history of high bp, which is why my doc went straight to prescribing medication, just in case. Thank you ladies for your support too.. I do really appreciate it! This BMB is my favorite <3
  • elldel said:
    The last few times I was in to the OB, my blood pressure was elevated, which is abnormal for me, as my numbers are usually right on target. Doc said she's not overly concerned yet but noted it may mean I'm potentially high risk. One thing she suggested was having the nurse take my BP at the end of my appointment, as opposed to the beginning, as maybe nerves are a factor. Could be something to try. 

    Best of luck to you!
    All of this!! An accurate blood pressure is taken after sitting quietly without talking for at least 5 minutes. When I go to the OB, I walk back to the office (carrying a handful of stuff), get weighed, talk to the nurse, then she takes my BP. So far it's been fine but it can definitely be a factor in some cases.

    I have not yet experienced this, but I think you have a good mindset. Lifestyle changes #1, meds #2 if they are needed. This doesn't mean you've done anything "wrong". Just like with GD, sometimes these things just happen with the hormones and the extra blood volume. Do what you can to get the BP down because the complications come later after it being too high for too long. If the high blood pressure is treated, you shouldn't have too many problems.
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  •  I don't have any experience with high blood pressure but I am on beta blocker medication due to tachycardia. I hope that you don't need much  and that you are able to get this under control. Sending lots of thoughts and prayers. 
  • What has your blood pressure been at doctors and at home??
  • I've had borderline high blood pressure. My doc is monitoring it and said she'll put me on meds if it gets any higher.  Through my insurance, they have a healthy pregnancy program in which a nurse checks in regularly.  I spoke with the nurse today and she advised me to get my own blood pressure cuff so I can check it at home.  Maybe your insurance has a program like this?  I'd also recommend staying away from Google and listen to your docs for advice.  Easier said than done, I know, but for me it keeps my anxiety at bay.  Good luck!
  • @decbaby14 at the doc it has been anywhere from 140/60's-155/60's. At home it was in the high 120's/80's. I have family history of high bp which is why it's more of a concern. @austinjl, my insurance does online chats with nurses anytime you need them, but no check-ins or anything. I'll keep checking it with the cuff I just got and bring my results at my appt next week. 
  • Sending positive thoughts your way!
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
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  • I second the white coat syndrome and DASH diet.  My blood pressure had a super high reading once as a child (5th grade!!) during a health fair and the nurse scared me so much that it is elevated every time they take it at the doctors now.  I've read some good articles on the DASH diet to help with blood pressure, but none particularly related to it's correlation with pregnancy. 
  • Sending internet hugs and positive thoughts your way.  It's always a little scary hearing any kind of complication issue with pregnancy.  I had high bp with my last pregnancy but only at the very end so I was induced.  But this pregnancy I am having to get extra ultra sounds because of growth concerns also(umbilical cord issue) and it is scary thinking that anything could be wrong.but try and relax and think positively.  The extra precautions are probably more for peace of mind then anything else.  
    Anniversary: 10/10/09
    DS: 11/21/14
    DD: 7/5/16

  • 120s /80s is higher but not that bad but home readings are generally lower if there isn't a huge concern.  I'd watch diet, exercise (and rest!), and see if your home readings decrease.  Anything > 120/80 is pre-hypertensive.  Sending thoughts your way!
  • decbaby14 said:
    120s /80s is higher but not that bad but home readings are generally lower if there isn't a huge concern.  I'd watch diet, exercise (and rest!), and see if your home readings decrease.  Anything > 120/80 is pre-hypertensive.  Sending thoughts your way!
    Clincally,  yes those are textbook answer for the general population.  However, in pregnancy,  they also take into account the change in B/P. So if a woman stating is 130/85 PP, and it changes to 140/85, no a big deal. But with some one like me, my normal B/P is 100/50's, so 140/75 is a significant increase. 
    A decent provider will make note of the change. 

    Thank God for Raid.

  • True, but if labs look good and baby is growing well something HBP is caused by nerves (esp once you get one high reading) or just increase in weight (since weighing more, which is normal in pregnancy will cause a slight increase in blood pressure).  So it depends on the person.  What stinks is when a women undergoes an induction for only HBP when everything else is 100% fine.  My doctor also said that HBP can affect smaller people (like myself) without any concerns, but there's certain veins that the baby pushes on as it grows that can affect BP readings for a time (like a few weeks or months until baby consistently changes position, etc).  I agree it's good to be cautious but not overly so unless there are other symptoms (swelling, tons of weight gain, etc etc).
  • I had this last time.  Post 28 weeks my BP was usually 140/90.  (Pre this it was 120/75 which is on the high side of normal).  I was told if it didn't stabilise or got to 150/100 they'd induce me at 37 weeks.  I also had extra monitoring for pre-e but nothing developed.  No drugs.  I ended up delivering at 36 and 5 because she came early (likely to be BP related) and was very small (4 lbs 13oz).  Absolutely nothing wrong with her, just tiny, no stay in NICU and all tests were fine.  That was in the USA. I'm now in the UK for this pregnancy and now I'm on a regimen of aspirin daily to try to reduce my potential for high BP.  I'm having extra growth scans at 28, 32 and 36 weeks.  My midwife reviewed my diet and basically said that PIH was not hugely related to diet and exercise (unless it was obvious), and that the aspirin will help.  Once I get to 28 weeks I'll ask the nurse at work to check up on me every couple of days.

    i know it's hard, try not to worry because that won't help your BP.  Keep an eye on your pressures, keep getting monitored for pre-e and relax.  My daughter is still small (2 percentile for weight and 3 percentile for height), but I'm also small and developmentally she's well on track.  She'll catch up eventually.  Hope you get the answers and support from your Drs.  We also have a high risk thread you could join where other moms with this and other issues are chatting.  

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  • I had PIH with my last baby. I took a very low dose of Labetalol until 8 weeks pp. We had weekly NSTs and a growth scan, and my DD came on her own at 37 weeks weighing 6lbs 13oz. By 8 weeks PP, my BP was down to like 100/60 and I stopped taking it. This time around my OB has me taking a baby aspirin every day, and I haven't had any issues. To add, I was in a very very stressful situation at work and I'm 99% sure that had a lot to do with it. Good luck! Try not to stress if you can. Babies are resilient though
  • @pankers and @babymakerplus, is that actually a thing that babies can be born early due to BP? I hadn't come across that in any of my research, everything I've read sounds like people are usually induced. Thanks so much for your stories, ladies! Anything I'm hearing from moms who have dealt with high bp and delivered healthy babies makes me feel so much better. I do have an update in my original post, but things are looking up, so I'm feeling very relieved.
  • With mine, I was induced after 40 weeks because he wasn't coming but I only had higher BP at the doctors, I was running low at home (100/60) so I don't think I even had PIH, just white coat syndrome.  Labs were great.  I have heard of of babies born early and smaller due to BP issues but I think it is normally issues that aren't managed well.
  • @schaze my ob told me that the reason DD was that early was highly likely due to BP (I was about 140/80), but they also said the reason she was probably ok and didn't need any NICU was also the high BP....double edged sword.  If you read up on small gestational age, you'll see it references PIH as one of the potential causes.  

    I I would have been induced at 37 weeks if she'd not come early :wink: 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @schaze glad to hear your testing was normal! Hopefully everything from here on out is smooth sailing!
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • @schaze No advice or experience but I'm glad the test went well and hope you continue to have positive results. FX all goes well from here on out!
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