Hi mommas.. I am kind of freaking out a bit. I had my routine OB appointment this morning, everything has been going really well up until this point and I have been feeling much better. However, it seems I've developed high blood pressure, which is starting to concern my doc. I now have to have a bunch of tests done on top of the glucose testing; I'm supposed to keep an eye on other symptoms to check for pre-e, and have growth ultrasounds done every 4 weeks to make sure my daughter is growing well, since high BP can cause the baby to be a lot smaller than she should be. I am supposed to start medication later today when my pharmacy gives me a call, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had this experience, and if you have any advice? I'm currently using Dr. Google to see if there's any more lifestyle changes I can make. I'm just trying to remember that things could be much worse, but I am kind of a mess right now.
UPDATE: I did my pre-e screening labs on Friday morning and the results came back in a message from a nurse. It looks like everything it normal. I am so relieved! I don't have my follow-up with my doc until Thursday morning where she will explain everything to me and talk about where to go from here, if I need to stay on the Labetalol or if I need to have any more screenings done later in my pregnancy. Just wanted to update you all, and thank you too-your comments and support all mean a lot to me!
Re: Update: High Blood Pressure
So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"
Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards
I second the possibility of white coat syndrome if there's no other symptoms. When I was pregnant with DS, I had HBP (150/100 while sitting still and calm as could be the day they sent me to L&D, though it had been running that high for weeks), but I had also started swelling around 5 months pregnant and was really badly swollen in the weeks before they induced me. I also had increasing amounts of protein in my urine as well. As long as there's no swelling/protein and it's just the HBP, I'd try to relax and not stress.
So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"
Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards
I have not yet experienced this, but I think you have a good mindset. Lifestyle changes #1, meds #2 if they are needed. This doesn't mean you've done anything "wrong". Just like with GD, sometimes these things just happen with the hormones and the extra blood volume. Do what you can to get the BP down because the complications come later after it being too high for too long. If the high blood pressure is treated, you shouldn't have too many problems.
PIH, or pregnancy induced hypertension, is not Pre-E. Labs, swelling and other sings (like headache blured vision....) are not part of this. PIH is also some what caused by thr placenta, however lifestyle change can 'help'.
The best diet would to follow the DASH diet, which is Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension. Basically this diet entails fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean meats, low fat diary and reduced sodium.
Mild exercise can help, such as a 30 minutes walk a few times a week.
Drink lots and lots and lots of water. Pee, then drink more.
A decent provider will make note of the change.
i know it's hard, try not to worry because that won't help your BP. Keep an eye on your pressures, keep getting monitored for pre-e and relax. My daughter is still small (2 percentile for weight and 3 percentile for height), but I'm also small and developmentally she's well on track. She'll catch up eventually. Hope you get the answers and support from your Drs. We also have a high risk thread you could join where other moms with this and other issues are chatting.
I I would have been induced at 37 weeks if she'd not come early