
Newbie Here

Hello! New to this board and to the treatment process. DH has low motility/morphology/high count. My numbers are okay. Halfway through my TWW after our first IUI and cannot stop thinking about it. Are those cramps for AF? Or could it be implantation?? Used Clomid days 5-9. We've been TTC off and on for a little over 2 years, 1 miscarriage and 1 chemical pregnancy. Any advice on helping my mind to go elsewhere is greatly appreciated!
*** TW**

Me: 37, DH:39
Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
EDD 7/25/17
Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches

Re: Newbie Here

  • Welcome and good luck!!!

    There is no way to know what your symptoms are from, so best not to think about it.  I know easier said that done.  But a lot of times people who get BFPs had zero symptoms and those who get BFNs (myself included) had ALL the symptoms!!  Not at all fair.  Good luck during the rest of your TWW!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • @byrneme welcome welcome. I have not had an IUI yet, so no words of wisdom there. Like PP said, it is so easy for us to imagine symptoms or wonder if they are signs. I think you can pay attention to things you notice and record them (maybe like in an app, do you use one like Fertility Friend or Ovia?), but best not to read too much in to any of them. As far as not thinking about it during the TWW, I try to focus on work or catching up with friends during that time, but it is definitely so much easier said than done. Best of luck to you.
    December 2016 August Siggy Challenge: Embarrassing Back to School Pics

    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • Praying for you! Sorry, I don't know any way to distract you!
    Me:  29  DH:  32
    Together since January 23, 2013
    Married March 22, 2014
    TTC #1 since August 2015
    First RE meeting February 2, 2016; tests normal for both of us
    Clomid round #4 of 150 mg followed by
    First Ovidrel trigger shot February 10, 2016
    First IUI February 12, 2016 Negative
    Started Letrozole 5mg round #1 February 23
    Began additional Letrozole 5mg + Dexamethasone 1 mg March 8
    Ovidrel trigger shot March 16
    IUI #2 March 18 with progesterone suppositories beginning March 19
    Positive HPT April 2 Praise God!!! :)
    Estimated Due Date: December 8

    <a href="" title="Parenting Advice"><img 

    Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1
  • Hello and welcome!  The TWW is the worst.  I've been reading infertility humor and jokes during mine.  Think about joining the March IUI thread if you want to connect with other women who are right thee with you.
    Married Jan. 2014
    Me:36 DH: 39
    TTC since August 2014, Mild PCOS + uterine fibroids
    Myomectomy June 2015- 18 fibroids removed
    IVF #1, May 2016 = 32 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized, 7 frozen, 3 PGS normal
    FET#2, July 2016 = one embryo transferred 
    BFP! Beta = 617
    Due date = 4/9/17
    Delivery date = 3/20/17
  • Welcome and good luck with the wait. I know it's excruciating. I will agree with @wifeinraleigh28. I've had 3 IUIs and had all sorts of random symptoms each time, thinking what if it's implantation. Then I was disappointed each time with a bfn. My suggestion would be don't read too much into the symptoms and try to occupy yourself with something during the wait. And just keep thinking positive thoughts! FX for you! 
    ***History & TW in Spoiler***

    ***bfp & child warning***
    TTC - since 2014
    7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
    IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
    IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
    IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
    IVF #1 - March 2016
    Retrieval #1 - April 2016
    FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
    Trying for baby #2...
    FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN  
    No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
    IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
    IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
    FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
    Trying for baby #3...
    FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022

  • Thank you everyone! I appreciate your input. Time to distract myself with a little March Madness I guess!!!
    *** TW**

    Me: 37, DH:39
    Met: 2002 | Married: 2004 | TTC since January 2014
    July 2015: MMC @ 9 wks | August 2015: Chemical
    March, April, May & June 2016: Medicated IUIs | BFN 
    August 2016: Started Stims 8/22
    September 2016: Egg Retrieval 9/4 | 13 Mature Eggs | 10 Fertilized | 3 Blastocytes | 1 PGS Normal Embaby 
    November 7, 2016: FET - BFP!
    EDD 7/25/17
    Zoey Alexis born 7/25/17 @ 12:39 PM | 7lbs 14oz | 19 inches
  • Welcome! The TWW after my first IUI was the worst, they seemed to go faster after that first one. Just try to keep yourself distracted with a good book or catching up w/ friends. Hopefully this is the one for you.
  • CooCoo4UCooCoo4U member
    edited March 2016
    Heyyyy @byrneme!!!!! I'm new too and I'm also in the tww  post iui...... it was my first as well.... 3/8/16..... hoping and praying my last...... it's so hard to stay focused... here I am at work....but online here... it's a struggle. .. welcome and my Fx for both of us :)
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