July 2016 Moms

Weird vibration?

This has happened twice to me and I can't tell if it's me or her inside the womb. Anyway, earlier today I was sitting could feel her moving around and it felt as if she had taken a big stretch and kind of twitched or vibrated; only lasting a couple seconds. Has anyone else felt this? I googled it and evidently it's fairly common. I'll have to ask my dr at my apt next week. Hm!
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Re: Weird vibration?

  • Hahah I love it!! @kdm06c
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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  • I love that guy! 
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • I felt something like that last night, but to me it felt like when a rubber band is pulled tight and then flicked, how it makes that vibration.  It kind of scared me, as it happened when I was coughing and I could have sworn my husband did something to me (we were laying together) but it was from the inside??  I jumped because it kind of caught me off gaurd...I still have no idea what it was? 
  • May be baby's hiccups!
  • Do you ladies feel like it's the same feeling of flutters? That's kind of what I'd describe my first flutters like.
  • Yeah, one time I got a fluttering feeling that felt like butterfly kisses but from the inside. I'm not trying to be cute; it was freaking weird as hell.
  • Yeah, one time I got a fluttering feeling that felt like butterfly kisses but from the inside. I'm not trying to be cute; it was freaking weird as hell.
    I described mine to my husband as "worms swimming around in my belly".  
  • Yeah, one time I got a fluttering feeling that felt like butterfly kisses but from the inside. I'm not trying to be cute; it was freaking weird as hell.
    I described mine to my husband as "worms swimming around in my belly".  
    I described mine as eels swimming in my belly. It sounds gross.
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    July16 JULY siggy challenge

  • Marky Mark is an expert on vibrations. Mmmm.
    I watch this video on YouTube often.
  • Mine kind of feels like tumbles in my stomach? 
  • When my lo had the hiccups yesterday it was more like rhythmic pulsing. Or your baby has a boom box with the bass pumping and is jamming out?

    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • I've felt this again today and i can't tell if it's her twitching or if it's my uterus. It's like when your eye twitches really fast and then it just ends, only lasting a couple seconds. So bizarre. I still feel her move but it's definitely not hiccups. 
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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